Does having passion or knowledge for a particular subject make one an expert? I think not. Religion- now that is my passion and I love to debate it. Again, you provided no evidence where I claimed to be an expert.
I quoted the shoutbox where I said my original problem with the bible is that I have never read it, as I DONT know aramaic, sanscrit, greek or hebrew... and you said almost none of it was in aramaic but most was in Greek and Hebrew, and that you had studied them both... and then went on to CORRECT THE BIBLE WITH YOUR OWN TRANSLATIONS. What the **** was that SUPPOSED to suggest? That you knew as little as I about the original texts? FFS. SAYING A THING ISN'T SOMETHING DOESN'T MAKE IT SOMETHING ELSE. I DID show where you were SUGGESTING you had authority on a subject, then LATER claimed to have NONE. I showed where I said that I DEFER TO YOUR EXPERTISE and you ACCEPTED SED DEFERRMENT. How would you like to re-define the word "misleading" to better suit your self-expression? I did not say you SAID you were ANYTHING. I said you IMPLY you are a lot more than you are. Which you DO. It is only subjective if you exist outside the rules of conversational English.
You don't even know me so how can you make character judgments?
I don't have AIDS, but I know it sucks. Nobody knows the person I am suggesting you are, because reality is shroud in deceit. Have you ever known a liar? Who were they really? I don't need to understand you to see how you operate, to observe a pattern... In fact... you should be ashamed that I have called it out this quickly. You are a sucky liar. Oh and your link doesn't work. Oh and what kind of ***** puts nude pics of herself on the internet when she is married? That was a character judgement. I don't need to know you to understand that you are a ***** either.
I never said I knew those languages and when you asked me if I did, I instantly told you I did not. Where is the lie?
YOU SAID YOU STUDIED THEM AND THEN USED THE PRESUMED BENEFIT OF SED STUDY TO CORRECT THE MOST COMMONLY ACCEPTED TRANSLATION ON THE PLANET. What dont you ******* understand about how you came across? What smaller words can I explain this in, that SHOWS IRREFUTABLY that you misrepresented yourself? The question is not whether or not you misrepresented yourself, but if you did it intentionally. Your refusal to accept that you misrepresented yourself to begin with shows the HEART OF DECEIT at which point the question is answered.
Also, since when do any of us need a Ph D. to come onto a forum website to discuss our ideas? We have to be an authority on the subject to have an opinion or to be on par with your lofty pseudo-intelligence? I think not.
Distraction. I never said anyone should be an authority to discuss their beliefs. I said that you would HAVE to be an expert to ARGUE the ******* translation of the original texts.
Again, I never said I was wealthy and when you asked, I said I was not. Again, where is the lie? Am I arguing with the mad hatter? lol
I had to ask. That is where the deceit lies. You talk about investing millions in the stock market and purchasing a 3rd or 4th ranch. That isn't middle or lower class. Go **** yourself.