The bible... you know the real one... the original... bible...

Ctrl said:
Link still doesn't work for me. if there are NOT nude pics of her on there it is just more misleading...

So you clicked on both links in the hopes of seeing my nekkie pics? Remember, the only thing lower than a whore is the man who is denied by one. ;)

Funny how you accused me of being a whore for posting nude pics on the internet when I don't own any nude pics nor would I ever post them online if I did. And I thought you had me pegged so well? Guess you don't know me as well as you thought you did. ;)

Ctrl said:


I also noticed this is the umpteenth time you have logged onto GF only to reply to this thread. Not interested in real debates? Not capable? False accusations and personal blows are all you can do? Only logging on to reply to a thread about a single person makes you a...

FIXATED ****. :D

Why do several members have the sneaking suspicion you and CMF are actually the same member logging in by proxy? Have something to hide? Why don't you just log on into your main account- whoever it is. Have to make a new account just to troll? What a...

Phantom said:
yak yak yak... I have someone's pics and therefore I am real... yak yak yak.

Someone called my photos fake a while back. My response... "Whatever floats your boat ... and nothing more.

Why? Because I am honest. So I don't feel the need to prove anything.


" Here's another photo... and here's another one... OH and here are some more... and here is one more... and here is a person I have been sending pics to for years.. she will tell you I am real!...
ClassyMissFancy said:
Someone called my photos fake a while back. My response... "Whatever floats your boat ... and nothing more.

I don't think I would try too hard to prove my case, either.

Why? Because I am honest. So I don't feel the need to prove anything.


" Here's another photo... and here's another one... OH and here are some more... and here is one more... and here is a person I have been sending pics to for years.. she will tell you I am real!...

What can I say? I love to annihilate idiots and debunk conspiracy theories regardless of the subject matter or the form they take. You and your fixated psycho twin/alter ego have been sufficently owned and refuted. Therefore, have fun! See you around in the actual debate threads.
Phantom said:
So you clicked on both links in the hopes of seeing my nekkie pics? Remember, the only thing lower than a whore is the man who is denied by one. ;)

Ohhhhhhhh... I see now... there are TWO links. The first link, I attempted to access to see what else was there to contradict you with. I attempted to access it the second time, because the other chick said that the contents somehow made me look laughable. I like laughing, I wanted to see what it was. She evidently thought the second link was the first link... which still isn't there.

If I wanted to look at porn, there is plenty available. See... here is the main difference between me and the screen lickers. They want to believe you are real. I know you are full of ****, and have shown it, several times. I don't care about your nudes. Ive seen **** all over the earth. You are the only one who thinks yours are special.

Phantom said:
Funny how you accused me of being a whore for posting nude pics on the internet when I don't own any nude pics nor would I ever post them online if I did.
Phantom said:
Alright, here is a link to my personal website with links to my business ventures, nude and semi nude modeling photos...

Like I said. You are a liar. Here ya go... logic 101... Why wouldn't you put nude pics of yourself on the internet? Cause it would make you feel like a whore maybe? Either you would because you don't think it's whorish, or you wouldn't because you think it is. Either way, I'm right. Either way, you are a liar.

Phantom said:
And I thought you had me pegged so well? Guess you don't know me as well as you thought you did. ;)

Thus far I'm 3 for 3.

Phantom said:
I also noticed this is the umpteenth time you have logged onto GF only to reply to this thread.

Speaking of fixation... why are you monitoring what threads I am currently engaged in?

Phantom said:
Not interested in real debates? Not capable? False accusations and personal blows are all you can do?

I have a real business, no it isn't worth millions, but it sure does occupy a lot of my time. To sate your curiosity... this is the only thread I find interesting just now... it is really more about me than you. It is MY thread you know. I am curious still what the Jebus freaks have to say, and exposing you for what you are is entertaining. I have yet to falsely accuse you of anything. I have YET to resort to personal blows. I am addressing facts, and your claims only. You will know if I make it personal.

Phantom said:
Only logging on to reply to a thread about a single person makes you a...

FIXATED ****. :D

Presuming I am addressing this thread because you are on it doesn't make me fixated, it makes you a bit self absorbed.

Phantom said:
Why do several members have the sneaking suspicion you and CMF are actually the same member logging in by proxy? Have something to hide? Why don't you just log on into your main account- whoever it is. Have to make a new account just to troll? What a...


Because we are both intelligent, new, and of the same opinion on most subjects. It stands to reason as I have known her for the better part of a decade. We could be the same person... if you were fixated on such things I am sure you could invent all sorts of personalities for us... seems to be working for you. Why do you spend so much time discussing me with other people? If you have questions, just ask me. I will answer honestly. I know, tough concept.
I think Ctrl really desires Phantom, just doesn't want to upset his little friend LittleMissSunshine or whatever the hell her alias is. She seems to have him on check wopish! , his little friend that is....
Chi said:
I think Ctrl really desires Phantom, just doesn't want to upset his little friend LittleMissSunshine or whatever the hell her alias is. She seems to have him on check wopish! , his little friend that is....

Well of course you do. It is salacious. It is the basist relationship between a guy and a girl. It is gossip worthy. Way to think it through. I keep explaining, which you folks just seem to have difficulty accepting, that if you care to know something, ask. Then you won't have to make assumptions.

For the record, if I wanted some online strange, she would do whatever she could to help me get it. I prefer to dwell in reality... which is easier when you know my girl. 1s and 0s are for the emotionally destitute. I wish you the best of luck though.
Ctrl said:
Well of course you do. It is salacious. It is the basist relationship between a guy and a girl. It is gossip worthy. Way to think it through. I keep explaining, which you folks just seem to have difficulty accepting, that if you care to know something, ask. Then you won't have to make assumptions.

For the record, if I wanted some online strange, she would do whatever she could to help me get it. I prefer to dwell in reality... which is easier when you know my girl. 1s and 0s are for the emotionally destitute. I wish you the best of luck though.

"Did that make sense to you when you wrote it?" -Tori Allen.
Phantom said:
Personally, I consider myself educated. A 1st grade eduation level is still an education. Being a social worker on the other hand, well, therein lies a debate! :D

Social Worker!?!

I had such wonderful fantasies about you... now this news!

fullauto said:
Social Worker!?!

I had such wonderful fantasies about you... now this news!


I'm not a social worker- CMF is a social worker. I don't have the time nor the patience for such low class peasants. Much rather socialize with my fellow pure bred elitists.
Phantom said:
I'm not a social worker- CMF is a social worker. I don't have the time nor the patience for such low class peasants. Much rather socialize with my fellow pure bred elitists.

LOL.... if your joking that was funny!

if you're not, welcome to the club!
Ctrl said:
Well of course you do. It is salacious. It is the basist relationship between a guy and a girl. It is gossip worthy. Way to think it through. I keep explaining, which you folks just seem to have difficulty accepting, that if you care to know something, ask. Then you won't have to make assumptions.

For the record, if I wanted some online strange, she would do whatever she could to help me get it. I prefer to dwell in reality... which is easier when you know my girl. 1s and 0s are for the emotionally destitute. I wish you the best of luck though.

Say what??
Ctrl said:
For the record, if I wanted some online strange, she would do whatever she could to help me get it.

Yes.. yes... I have been a co-conspirator. shame .... But I ALWAYS told you more about them from reading a few of their posts than you could tell me after painting their faces white and slimey...

And I am always right about them.

Now tell me... have you ever had any on-line ***** that wasn't strange?

Ctrl said:
For the record, if I wanted some online strange, she would do whatever she could to help me get it.

ClassyMissFancy said:
Yes.. yes... I have been a co-conspirator. shame .... But I ALWAYS told you more about them from reading a few of their posts than you could tell me after painting their faces white and slimey...

And I am always right about them.

Now tell me... have you ever had any on-line ***** that wasn't strange?


Ew. Not sure what is more pathetic: A guy who pursues women online or the guy who needs help from his hag in order to get one.

CMF is the type of gal who laces the drinks of other bar flies with GHB and then introduces them to an eagerly awaiting CTRL.
Phantom said:
I'm not a social worker- CMF is a social worker. I don't have the time nor the patience for such low class peasants. Much rather socialize with my fellow pure bred elitists.

LMMFAO@ your white-trash, fat, sexually-abused by your daddy, no life having ass.

Why don't you get the **** off of the computer and go live that full and rich life you claim to have? I mean... what with running a multi-million dollar business, spending time with a husband and taking care of a baby... and taking care of several ranches and what-not.. you should be a pretty busy gal. Hell.. I'm single and I have no kids and I have one job... and I don't have anywhere near the time to waste as you do.

I guess you pay people to do all of the parenting and business running and property management and husband ****ing so you can do the important things... like THIS... right?

You know... putting a chicken-wire fence around your trailer house so the mutts don't run away looking for food... does not make it a ranch.

What a ****ing loon.
ClassyMissFancy said:
You know... putting a chicken-wire fence around your trailer house so the mutts don't run away looking for food... does not make it a ranch.

Darn, thought I owned a ranch.