The Bitch is Back in Town

tizz said:
Dumbass the name is right there and I didn't ask so poop on you! And hey, YOU are the one that said NO IDIOT BOX till the end of the contest :p I assumed nothing! Liek I said I only know what the screen tells me (and I have also held multiple accounts on other forums at the same time ;) ) the cutie pie that gave it to me the second time pretty much told me it was you so.... LOL besides, it still stands that you started this game! :p
I need to go back to bed. Your all driving me nutz.
I thought this was a thread about SD being back... Apparently not. But anyway, I don't know what SD considers intelligent convesation, but I think we are all in search of that, but we just can't always find it

I don't know how intelligent your conversation would be anyway considering your birth date!

How about just doing what you said and opening some threads with stuff you wanna talk about, so the rest of us can piss you off more!


And phreak don't let that dude get to you, it's not worth your time. Let him be ignorant
phreakwars said:
I need to go back to bed. Your all driving me nutz.

That's what I am here for


LOL ya now that HF said so I get it. I thought you were like me and like to keep a few extra accounts on proxy just for kix LOL Have a nice sleep. Don't worry I took I nice walk out in the woods and I am not SO bitchy anymore today. LOL

BTW talk to CES about my passion for splitting hairs, and YES it is just to drive you nutters!
Yeah that would be great, A ****ing bitch who hates 99% of us trying to be a MOD. Thats ok, I will still ****ing bash the bitch because one things for sure....If idiots like her can be a MOD and get away with bad mouthing dead ppl over and over..then so be it. No one really cares for her uneducated, mis informed comments anyways...I personally just like to harp on her because her opinions are so hated...LOL
tizz said:
That's what I am here for


LOL ya now that HF said so I get it. I thought you were like me and like to keep a few extra accounts on proxy just for kix LOL Have a nice sleep. Don't worry I took I nice walk out in the woods and I am not SO bitchy anymore today. LOL

BTW talk to CES about my passion for splitting hairs, and YES it is just to drive you nutters!

Just a question.
What's your first language? English or Idiot?
Oh God don't get her ****ing ranting again, she already accused ME of being Happy Feller and giving her negative rep, then she claimed I was on a proxy doing ****... just because SHE does **** like that, doesn't mean I do.. the bitch needs therapy... or to get laid..

phreakwars said:
Oh God don't get her ****ing ranting again, she already accused ME of being Happy Feller and giving her negative rep, then she claimed I was on a proxy doing ****... just because SHE does **** like that, doesn't mean I do.. the bitch needs therapy... or to get laid..


hahaha, Yeah, I didn't have the forethought to assume she'd start ranting again. oops. Let's hope she doesn't see it? :D
TheJenn88 said:
Just a question.
What's your first language? English or Idiot?

No come on... Doesn't anyone read the new members sign in here thread? If you HAD you would know that I copped to my lack of typing and spelling skills from teh start so it SHOULD be obvious to you all that trying to hit me with that is just... well..... STUPID!!!!!!

As for phreak... as long has he has gotten a little beauty sleep and come out of his cranky ass mood, I am sure he has finally gotten into focus the image of me standing with tounge planted firmly in cheek. So blow it out yer PI hole!!!
Okay, a few things here. One, in regards to your 'me me me' comments, Tizz, for one thing I don't see you doing much better. For another, you all know how little I care about people. And finally, I'm the only one in here taps head so who the hell else am I supposed to be thinking about when I'm alone? That, and these forums are asking for me to ramble on about my thoughts. What pisses YOU off, what's on YOUR mind? I'm answering those questions.

Oh and by the way, who the hell invited you to my thread? Piss of. :)

Phreak, the only song from Reanimation that I liked better than the version from Hybrid Theory was With You. But that was a while ago--perhaps I'll listen again and form a new opinion.

And also, while I DO appreciate you guys insulting Tizz--I really do--you're sort of defiling my thread with your name-calling catfight. I was making an attempt at dignity here...

PS: Tizz, giving someone bad rep based solely on your not liking them and wanting to pointlessly spite them at every opportunity is shameless and childish. When I'm pissed off, I let people know it. But at least I don't start acting like a child.

And don't say things like 'tit for tat' and 'poop on you;' it makes you look as stupid as you are, and that's just sad.
Another idiot who can't get what they give LOL Lighten up kid!!!!!

I give bad rep for reasons dumbarse, get over yourself and learn to see the humor that is YOU LOL
phreakwars said:
Would somebody OTHER then tizz please tell me what the **** she just said ??

I don't think even she knows... tizz, go back to bed you dizzy twit.

I get it. Tizz succinctly gave forth her opinion of the latest rant (read: pout) of the dragon by requesting that you - our Lord and Master - institute an IQ requirement. (not a bad idea after reading the latest "ME! ME! ME!" SD post) She then gave you a nice nod and a sweet little leg lick by letting you know she wasn't actually trying to tell you how to do your job.

Further, she astutely commented upon and summed up the Baby Pout by her reference to the "ID". Classically simple, yet laser precise. I silently applauded her encapsulation - for if we examine definitions of "ID/EGO":

"According to the psychoanalytic perspective on human development, the ego is the part of the personality that is rational and reasonable. Providing a reality check for the demands of the id, the ego acts as a buffer between the outside world and the primitive id. The ego operates on the "reality principle", in which instincts are restrained in order to maintain the safety of the individual and help integrate the individual into society."

.... we recognize the veracity of the Tizz's observation and summation of the problem of SD.

I seldom applaud any reference to the "pretend science" of psycobabble, but in this case I make an exception.

For myself, I wonder if SD ever reads what she writes. She spent quite a few paragraphs ranking and insulting the boards and the members then threw down a gauntlet challenging the same members to try to post without insulting others and having "rational" communication. Yawwwwwwwwwwwn.

She really doesn't represent us Canadians well, and I'm inclined to stuff a pacifier in her mouth and send her off with her blankie. (and this is not a reference to her much vaunted age, but rather to the self-absorbed posts and cloud of self love they are enveloped in)
God damn and people say they don't get me!!!?!?!?!?!?!

Ummmm Thanks... I think


UUMM and .. Ya what skate said ya that's it!
tizz said:
God damn and people say they don't get me!!!?!?!?!?!?!

Ummmm Thanks... I think


UUMM and .. Ya what skate said ya that's it!

I'm laughing out so freakin funny! I getcha alrighty!