The Blame Game


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
Does it annoy anybody else that in the 8 days since katrina hit the gulf coast, the federal government and the state of louisiana government have tried to find a blame for the nonaction of the federal government. I want to know what they expected? Did they expect the federal government to teleport 52000 troops to new orleans at the exact second the storm hit? i have news for you, number one that isnt possible, number 2 they could not send people untill the storm died down. On another note i am really pissed about the mayor of New Orleans with the statement that "If this had been an affluent white community action would have been taken quicker" even in this time of great need, is it so that all our society can think about is racism, that is sad, that doesnt really piss me off it saddens me that these american people really think that we dont care about this natural disaster because they are black, this is not a true fact, the small towns and villages along the coast, the cities of biloxi, and gulfport mississippi were the last to receive help after the hurricane, those "affluent white communities" so im tired of this racism bullshit. So to blame racism for the lack of action is bullshit. The reason that this is such a tragedy is a combination of things, the Army
Corps of Engineers stupity at designing a levy that could only withstand a level 3 hurricane, knowing that is all too possible that a level 5 could occur in the area, the lack of preparation for the hurricane, Mayor Nagin issued a casual statement that people should leave New Orleans, not that they have to, the fact that the storm was not supposed to be as bad as it was, it was not a "big" storm untill it hit Florida, had authourities known a head of time that a Level 5 Hurricane was headed for New Orleans they could have planned alot better, what it comes down to is that nature is unpredictable, so the cause is really the fact that Mother Nature unleashed her fury on this area, it could not be helped. What most people are pissed about is that the government didnt react quickly enough as i said previously they could only act so quickly due to the storm still hitting the area, and time it takes to transport people and supplies across the coutry.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You... I couldn't have said it better myself! I am damn sick and tired of the racism comments and the blaming of the federal gov'ment!
me too i just cant beleive that in this time of need the best thing they can come up with "its the goverments fault because they dont like us because were black" if the goverment doesnt like you its because all you do is bitch about thier racism that they probably dont have in the first place...
lol i guess there is some people on this site with common sense.
Glad to see it
dshogan1 said:
Does it annoy anybody else that in the 8 days since katrina hit the gulf coast, the federal government and the state of louisiana government have tried to find a blame for the nonaction of the federal government. I want to know what they expected? Did they expect the federal government to teleport 52000 troops to new orleans at the exact second the storm hit? i have news for you, number one that isnt possible, number 2 they could not send people untill the storm died down. On another note i am really pissed about the mayor of New Orleans with the statement that "If this had been an affluent white community action would have been taken quicker" even in this time of great need, is it so that all our society can think about is racism, that is sad, that doesnt really piss me off it saddens me that these american people really think that we dont care about this natural disaster because they are black, this is not a true fact, the small towns and villages along the coast, the cities of biloxi, and gulfport mississippi were the last to receive help after the hurricane, those "affluent white communities" so im tired of this racism bullshit. So to blame racism for the lack of action is bullshit. The reason that this is such a tragedy is a combination of things, the Army
Corps of Engineers stupity at designing a levy that could only withstand a level 3 hurricane, knowing that is all too possible that a level 5 could occur in the area, the lack of preparation for the hurricane, Mayor Nagin issued a casual statement that people should leave New Orleans, not that they have to, the fact that the storm was not supposed to be as bad as it was, it was not a "big" storm untill it hit Florida, had authourities known a head of time that a Level 5 Hurricane was headed for New Orleans they could have planned alot better, what it comes down to is that nature is unpredictable, so the cause is really the fact that Mother Nature unleashed her fury on this area, it could not be helped. What most people are pissed about is that the government didnt react quickly enough as i said previously they could only act so quickly due to the storm still hitting the area, and time it takes to transport people and supplies across the coutry.

..the army corps of engineers stupidly designed a levy that could only withstand a level three hurricane...
This was because federal funding was severely limited. They wanted much better, but were told no.

Mayor Nagin issued a casual statement that people should leave....

Thats odd, I saw a press conference before the storm in which he warned the residents that they must evacuate and not to take this storm lightly. It did not sound "casual" at all.

Did they expect the federal government to teleport 52000 troops....

Heres how I see it. A few days after the storm, when I watched as people congregated in clusters in the city of New Orleans, a few things were obvious to me. Keep in mind that i'm just some dumb Indiana boy who barely made it out of high school and smokes dope all day. It was obvious to me that these people need a voice of leadership down there. It was obvious to me that these people needed food and water. It was obvious that they needed to get out of the city. If I felt the responsibilty to, I could have went to Wal-Mart and filled my pickup truck with food and water. I could have had a few friends come with me. Then we could have hit the road and drove 14 hours from Indianapolis to New Orleans to deliever what little supplies we had.
NOW, had I actually done this I would have accomplished FAR more then the Federal Emercency Management Agency had accomplised in 5 days. Approx 15-17 hours from start to finish. Its doesnt require magic my friend. Theres no need for teleportation. Your making excuses for them. And your firing back at the dumb ******s who thought this had something to do with racism. Which puts you at about there level.
Jhony5 said:
This was because federal funding was severely limited. They wanted much better, but were told no.
They dont have the funding to design a levy to withstand a category 5...however they have the billions of dollars to fix the levy, drain and rebuild the city AFTER the hurricane destroys it rather than putting those same billions into it before hand. This is a small piece of an article from the Washington Post.
"With much of New Orleans still under water, the White House announced that Bush is asking lawmakers to approve another $51.8 billion to cover the costs of federal recovery efforts. Congressional officials said they expected to approve the next installment as early as Thursday, to keep the money flowing without interruption." But they could not spend a couple million on a better levy, i dont beleive that ****...

Jhony5 said:
Thats odd, I saw a press conference before the storm in which he warned the residents that they must evacuate and not to take this storm lightly. It did not sound "casual" at all.

How ever he told people that they should evacuate, and not to take the storm lightly, he did not put forth a statement like the one issued today that you will leave the city, wether or not you want to.

Jhony5 said:
Heres how I see it. A few days after the storm, when I watched as people congregated in clusters in the city of New Orleans, a few things were obvious to me. Keep in mind that i'm just some dumb Indiana boy who barely made it out of high school and smokes dope all day. It was obvious to me that these people need a voice of leadership down there. It was obvious to me that these people needed food and water. It was obvious that they needed to get out of the city. If I felt the responsibilty to, I could have went to Wal-Mart and filled my pickup truck with food and water. I could have had a few friends come with me. Then we could have hit the road and drove 14 hours from Indianapolis to New Orleans to deliever what little supplies we had.
NOW, had I actually done this I would have accomplished FAR more then the Federal Emercency Management Agency had accomplised in 5 days. Approx 15-17 hours from start to finish. Its doesnt require magic my friend. Theres no need for teleportation. Your making excuses for them. And your firing back at the dumb ******s who thought this had something to do with racism. Which puts you at about there level.

I dont deny that FEMA director Michael Brown should be fired, he has no idea how to do his job so he should not be there, under his direction FEMA did not respond properly to this tragedy. Browns predecessor James Lee Witt forsaw the fact that that FEMA would not be ready for a Hurrican in New Orleans due to the Department of Homeland Security's consolidation of FEMAs regional and field offices, knowing that approximately half of the 4000 federal disaster releif workers in the nation would lose thier job, making us much less prepared for a disaster let alone one of this magnitude in this area of the country. Had somebody who knew what they were doing like James Lee Witt been in charge of FEMA, the nation would have been alot more prepared for this. The American Red Cross, Jerry Lewis and Oprah have done more for this releif than FEMA could ever hope to in thier current state. I was merely pointing out the fact that people expect help to come instantly and got hostile when it didnt, at the current state of affairs within DHS and FEMA the government responded as quickly as was possible. And you are right, you are an ignorant pothead, its ok though, those dumb ******s thinking it has something to do with racism is what pissed me off in the first place.The state of affairs at DHS and FEMA leaves much to be desired, and the way GW Bush put Michael Brown, a former lawyer for the International Arabian Horse Association, with no previous disaster, medical, or rescue experience, into office because his an old friend is an absolutely ludicrous practice for a president, being that his first job is to keep the american people safe, he compromised our saftey when he made such an ill thought out appointment. So therefore i do not deny that our goverments practices in the past 8 days, and four years for that matter are completely ****ed up and that Bush and Brown ****ed up when katrina hit.
..and you are right, you are an ignorant pothead....

First off I didn't say I was "an ignorant pothead". I was pointing out that jackasses like yourself would prejudge me as unintelligent because I didn't attend college or maybe because I smoke weed. Despite my lack of higher education and my penchant for pot smoking, I seem to skewer so called 'intellectuals' like yourself. You aren't the first, nor will you be the last.

Your backpeddling. First you defended FEMA as if they were somehow victimized by the storm and could do no better. Then you admit their incompetence. The fact is you just want to take shots at the blacks who got ****ed by the broke down system. Ya, their cries of racism are ignorant. But for you to fire back with equaly racist remarks is equaly ignorant.

And by the way, try coming up with your own ideas instead of qouting the same ****in' news reports we are all hearing. Your post sounded like a verbatim rerun of the CNN report I just watched 10 minutes ago. Think for yourself since your so godamn smart.
Jhony5 said:
First off I didn't say I was "an ignorant pothead". I was pointing out that jackasses like yourself would prejudge me as unintelligent because I didn't attend college or maybe because I smoke weed. Despite my lack of higher education and my penchant for pot smoking, I seem to skewer so called 'intellectuals' like yourself. You aren't the first, nor will you be the last.

Your backpeddling. First you defended FEMA as if they were somehow victimized by the storm and could do no better. Then you admit their incompetence. The fact is you just want to take shots at the blacks who got ****ed by the broke down system. Ya, their cries of racism are ignorant. But for you to fire back with equaly racist remarks is equaly ignorant.

And by the way, try coming up with your own ideas instead of qouting the same ****in' news reports we are all hearing. Your post sounded like a verbatim rerun of the CNN report I just watched 10 minutes ago. Think for yourself since your so godamn smart.

Just because i dont broadcast it does not mean i dont smoke pot, or never have rather, and the last thing i classify any pothead as is stupid, some of the most intelligent conversations i have ever heard come from people just like yourself. And get a dictionary, ignorance does not equal stupidity, nor do i think that. And im obviously not an "intellectual", i lack that higher education also, i am merely a senior in highschool which may i add is my sixth year, i lack discipline not common sense or brains, mostly i was just quoting the washington post and yahoo news, be that as it may, i was quoting them because they are absolutely right about almost everything, I have no problem with blacks, they got ****ed by the system, you are absolutely right, but it is not because they are black, and that statement is the statement that pisses me off. im not saying they deserve it, nor am i saying that they are anyless human, most of the nicest people i know are black, and i do have alot of black friends, and they are just as outraged at the statements about racism, they got ****ed by the goverment because the goverment ****ed itself first, it was not because they arent an "affluent white commmunity" as mayor nagin puts it. I do not beleive FEMA is victimized at all, except by their own stupidity, i never thought that and im sorry that you interperated it that way. And they could do no better with the resources they had on on hand, that was the very point i was making.
I am aware that ignorance does not translate as stupidity. I classify myself as niether.

Back to my original point concerning FEMA's immeadiate reaction. If me and a handful of friends could have provided more relief by just getting supplies and driving there, I will accept no excuses from a federal agency with millions of dollars and endless resources.

I do agree with you on many of your points, however. I touched on it in another thread, the crybaby spoiled society that we have created. True hardship and strife is foreign to most Americans under the age of 60 years. I was as appauled at FEMA's lack of effort as I was by the throngs of blacks sitting on their asses blamming the white man. Sometimes you just have to care for your own ass. Whether your stranded in the northwest territory, or your stranded in New Orleans. I heard a survival story of individual that had a tree fall on his leg in the wild. He takes out his 3 inch pocket knife and a severes his leg to free himself. Then he drags himself for miles til he gets help. Now thats what the **** i'm talkin about. Do you think that dude would be caught standing there at the super dome starving and complaining about the lack of help?? Probably not.
Jhony5 said:
This was because federal funding was severely limited. They wanted much better, but were told no.
Uh, hello! These levies are for ****ing NEW ORLEANS! It's New Orleans' job to pay for their own ****, not New Jersey, Alabama and California! Wake up people! you can't blame the big sleasy's incompetence on others!

Thats odd, I saw a press conference before the storm in which he warned the residents that they must evacuate and not to take this storm lightly. It did not sound "casual" at all.
Amen to that!
You know what you are exactly right on those points, you and your buddies could definatley have done more, im not generally a talk show watcher, but Oprah caught my eye and her Angel Network is taking truckloads of food to these people, in actuality, all the food in those trucks, is bought and paid for by oprah herself, all this did not hit me untill i saw Lisa Marie Presley in Target buying soxs, underware, tshirts, toothbrushes, deoderant and such, and saw her in line and talking about how the register froze because they are not designed to handle over $1500, and she still had 6 or 7 carts full left to check out, and all that came out of her pocket, and that is just her, John Travolta and his wife flying in his personal plane bringing 10 tons of food that he bought those people are doing so much more than FEMA has done, one girl commented that the only FEMA people she saw were rescue people, no food from FEMA, its bullshit it really is, and now Bush can get 58.1 billion dollars, ok thats fine, but it wasnt there when it was most needed when children were getting raped and shot in the superdome, when people went back into the hurricane because the odds of survival looked better. Also i definately agree that the american public lacks the knowledge of what hardship is, we are a society that has had everything handed to us on a silver platter, we take things for granted, to most americans, they will always have thier house, thier money, their boats, cars, friends, family, churches, walmarts, and so on and so on, americans do not realize that at anytime all that can be taken away in 1 minute or less. It is not that big untill it is on your doorstep.
Posted by MRIH:
It's New Orleans job to pay for their own ****....

14 billion dollars is what New Orleans needed to properly restore their coastal wetlands and to build stronger levies. 14 billion dollars is an impossible figure for local government to allocate. You claim it was their "job" to pay for their own "****". My question to you MRIH is this. Who the **** is paying for it now?

Go to Houston and tell them that New Orleans' problem is'nt anyone else's.
I mentioned in another thread that the feds took a 'don't fix it if it ain't broke' attitude where the incompetent levies were concerned. That was their lack of forward thinking at work. It was broke, much like a tire about to burst. It still holds air but for how long.
yes MRIH, quit being a ****head, if you were without a home, well without anything at all, living on the 40 yard line, would you want to hear sorry not my problem, deal with it yourself, as a matter of fact its not hustons problem get out of our astrodome, no, so dont say some stupid **** like that
dshogan1 said:
yes MRIH, quit being a ****head, if you were without a home, well without anything at all, living on the 40 yard line, would you want to hear sorry not my problem, deal with it yourself, as a matter of fact its not hustons problem get out of our astrodome, no, so dont say some stupid **** like that
You, sir, are an obvious dip-**** to the nth-degree. All I said is that New Orleans has much to blame but no one is saying anything. Now Jhony5 is making valid points (which he normally does... we just don't see eye to eye on this issue) but you can't even ****ing read! I definately want everyone who can to pitch in and help these unfortunate people out of their predicament, But I'm tired of hearing how the federal government failed, while N.O. and Nigin are getting off scot-free! Please learn to read, you stupid illiterate retard, BEFORE you try to rip into someone... you sound like TH's little half-wit sister!

BTW, Jhony, good point! but N.O. still shares SOME responsibility...
Everybody shares a little bit of blame for the way our goverment is run ****stick, the only people that have a right to bitch about the way the goverment does things are the people that vote on the issues, if that is you, then im sorry and you have every right to bitch, however if you sit on your ass saying how things should be rather than actually doing something about it, then shut up. New Orleans should have done what exactly to fix those levies? that is my question
dshogan1... you are an ass!! Grow some brains kid! Quit being a tard, yeah the levee system was ****ed up, but the proposition for a better levy was shot down by clinton, and the Congress. I am responsable in part for the way that the gov't is run, I did vote, and I won. I was, however, unable to vote during the rein of clinton (I would have shot him down, I hate that ****er), so it was not my choice. The problem is not the national gov't, nor is it all FEMA's fault, the problem lies with the morons that decided to stay behind, and the past legislators!! And you may want todry behind your ears a little before you take on a seasoned veteran like MRIH in a battle of wits, you will probably need to arm yourself first, hell, take that advice before you attack anyone here!!
RegisteredAndEducated said:
dshogan1... you are an ass!! Grow some brains kid! Quit being a tard, yeah the levee system was ****ed up, but the proposition for a better levy was shot down by clinton, and the Congress. I am responsable in part for the way that the gov't is run, I did vote, and I won. I was, however, unable to vote during the rein of clinton (I would have shot him down, I hate that ****er), so it was not my choice. The problem is not the national gov't, nor is it all FEMA's fault, the problem lies with the morons that decided to stay behind, and the past legislators!! And you may want todry behind your ears a little before you take on a seasoned veteran like MRIH in a battle of wits, you will probably need to arm yourself first, hell, take that advice before you attack anyone here!!

Amen to that!