The bombing of Iran.


Well-Known Member
Jul 1, 2005
US warplanes intercepted Israeli planes supposedly on a bombing run to Iran.

Aircraft carriers are positioned all around the Persian Gulf, awaiting orders.

I would propose that Iran is in for a frosting of high-density demolition, of the airborne bombing variety. Kind of like Shock and Awe, but without the press.

With my finger on the pulse, I detect an imminent incursion/ insurgency effort.

On the Iranian's part, that is.

The so-called "surge" is in anticipation of this insurgency.

But nothing will change. Guerilla warfare continues to take out targets, and maim and kill humans.

What a waste of life.

Iran will be worse still. The terrain itself is not friendly to US military vehicles.

I fear the worst, my friends.
i really hope some regular military survive (although i know they won't) is it so much to ask to fight a uniformed soldier anymore?
builder said:
US warplanes intercepted Israeli planes supposedly on a bombing run to Iran.

Aircraft carriers are positioned all around the Persian Gulf, awaiting orders.

I would propose that Iran is in for a frosting of high-density demolition, of the airborne bombing variety. Kind of like Shock and Awe, but without the press.

With my finger on the pulse, I detect an imminent incursion/ insurgency effort.

On the Iranian's part, that is.

The so-called "surge" is in anticipation of this insurgency.

But nothing will change. Guerilla warfare continues to take out targets, and maim and kill humans.

What a waste of life.

Iran will be worse still. The terrain itself is not friendly to US military vehicles.

I fear the worst, my friends.

Don't worry, my little dingo-whelp. We have Stealth Bombers and Christ.
Msixty said:
i really hope some regular military survive (although i know they won't) is it so much to ask to fight a uniformed soldier anymore?

I'm sure there will be (Iran won't be a pushover) and if not, I'm sure bush will start beating the war drum with North Korea sooner or later
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I'm sure there will be (Iran won't be a pushover) and if not, I'm sure bush will start beating the war drum with North Korea sooner or later

bush won't be in office long enough to go after korea, but we WILL get to them. eventually.... they're right after france on the list
RoyalOrleans said:
Don't worry, my little dingo-whelp. We have Stealth Bombers and Christ.

It won't affect me, my Hillbilly friend. I'm more concerned for your fragile arse.

Christ won't help you, and your "stealth" bombers have already been shot down.

Don't kid yourself. When China drops into the "argument", an EMP attack on your country is imminent. :cool:
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I'm sure there will be (Iran won't be a pushover) and if not, I'm sure bush will start beating the war drum with North Korea sooner or later

Don't hold your breath.

The alliance of the DPRK and China and Iran amounts to more troops and firepower than the US of A.

If your admin brings nukes into the equation, put your head between your legs and kiss your arse goodbye.
What a sad outlook you have, superior...You keep thinking that if it helps you get through the day...
These little lap dogs have been chewing on our ears for long enough, we have little choice but to bite their yapping heads off and go take a nap.:cool:
Mariama said:
What a sad outlook you have, superior...You keep thinking that if it helps you get through the day...

It does. You just keep on thinking Mohommed (piss on him) was a "prophet" and not a pedophile and we'll stand here KNOWING that we are superior to you and your kind.
builder said:
It won't affect me, my Hillbilly friend. I'm more concerned for your fragile arse.

Christ won't help you, and your "stealth" bombers have already been shot down.

Don't kid yourself. When China drops into the "argument", an EMP attack on your country is imminent. :cool:

Ahhh... Australia the Uninvolved and the chief officer of airheaded smugness and headlong plunges at unawares into the ****in' abyss.

Won't be too long before the fight will be on your doorstep, Aus-tard. Tell your God to ready for blood.
Hamza123 said:
It doesn't sound cliche it is....

yeah, i guess it really is a cleshe

Hamza123 said:
Why have 3,000 or so soldiers died than? Why are you loosing in Iraq? Have you not yet learned that bombs don't fix what goes down in Parliament? I guess not... and it doesn't look like you ever will.

we don't have parliament, 3,000 is nothing compaired to two countries and an entire military the latter going to hell in 45 minutes. i don't believe carpet bombing is the answer, i think a few good Marines and some A-10 thunderbolt close air support is the solution. if 'parliament' would shut the **** up for a moment and stop screwing us over for their individual gain we could have this war over in 3 months.
It depends on your definition of "over", if it means killing any Iraqi who stood up for what they thought was an illegal violation of their rights than far from.
Hamza123 said:
It depends on your definition of "over", if it means killing any Iraqi who stood up for what they thought was an illegal violation of their rights than far from.

..... And if we called everyone that stood up with a gun and killed people for violating rights they didn't have untill we showed up good and gave them such power for standing, thus taking said rights away and degraiding such people whom feel violated in the first place into a place of no longer being able to stand up but bow to the ones who have the power the rights should have had for all now non standing people who stood up and made this un-standing in the first place, where would we be?

Point is, if you want your country to be fixed and get America's military forces out, stop ****ing shooting at us so we feel safe with leaving it in your hands.
RoyalOrleans said:
Ahhh... Australia the Uninvolved

Yeah, like we've backed your sorry arse in every conflict since the first world war. The only thing we get out of this is some sorrowful tales of your woeful troop behaviour, and half of our wounded shot by your incompetent idiocy. Thanks for ****-all.

RoyalOrleans said:
and the chief officer of airheaded smugness

You won't find Aussies strafing the globe for profit. We prefer the old trade system. Our one shot at regime change in East Timor backfired. We live and learn. Try it sometime.

RoyalOrleans said:
and headlong plunges at unawares into the ****in' abyss.

Okay, I'm trying to get the meaning behind this, RO. Nup. It sounds like something your forces are into, but Aussie troops actually have sound leadership..

RoyalOrleans said:
Won't be too long before the fight will be on your doorstep, Aus-tard.

Bali bombing killed about a hundred of ours. But the perps admitted they were targetting yanks. Again we get caught in your crossfire. You ****ing retards.

RoyalOrleans said:
Tell your God to ready for blood.

You want blood, go get your own. You ****ing recidivist hippie.
Nuke Iran, who gives a ****?...The same ****ers that defend them won't go over and fight for them...too busy enjoying their steaks on the barbie while drinking aussie made beer....turn the ME into another the world a favour.
builder said:
Yeah, like we've backed your sorry arse in every conflict since the first world war. The only thing we get out of this is some sorrowful tales of your woeful troop behaviour, and half of our wounded shot by your incompetent idiocy. Thanks for ****-all.

Look, Aus-tard, I am not a supporter of Bush, his asshole regime, and I certainly do not like the war we are in. The media focuses on the trivial, however, and we never get to see the good things that might be going on over there. And I say "might be" because to truly see the good in anything, you have to look for it. Screw-ups, hacks, evil-doers, and the selfish are all around us... ain't nothing new there.

builder said:
You won't find Aussies strafing the globe for profit. We prefer the old trade system. Our one shot at regime change in East Timor backfired. We live and learn. Try it sometime.

We've been bitten several times and never been accused of being shy.

builder said:
Okay, I'm trying to get the meaning behind this, RO. Nup. It sounds like something your forces are into, but Aussie troops actually have sound leadership..

There is, perhaps, some truth to that. If we are to wage war with the Islamic Fascism, then we need a war-time president. I do not trust any man, woman, senator, representative, mayor, et. al. that has never served in the military or shrugged off duties if so enlisted.

I don't know that much about the Australian military to make a judgment call here. When the hearts of men are involved, who have succumb to avarice, lust, and gluttony, reason takes a backseat to emotion.

builder said:
Bali bombing killed about a hundred of ours. But the perps admitted they were targetting yanks. Again we get caught in your crossfire. You ****ing retards.

Tell your boys to learn to duck and cover. Basic training.

builder said:
You want blood, go get your own. You ****ing recidivist hippie.

I do not wish any more bloodshed, however it is coming. The world will be overrun with Islamic Fascism and it is up to the Free-minds of the World to wipe them clear off the map... like the Jews of Old. Eat ****, ya dingo-raping shitheel.

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