The bombing of Iran.

RoyalOrleans said:
Look, Aus-tard, I am not a supporter of Bush, his asshole regime, and I certainly do not like the war we are in.

I never said you supported the shrubbites. Victory was declared in Iraq years ago. If it was a true war, rather than an unsubtle act of regime change for profit, your troops would not be acting like police officers.

RoyalOrleans said:
The media focuses on the trivial, however, and we never get to see the good things that might be going on over there.

A recent documentary showed life in Iraq pre-invasion. Looked like any developed western nation to me. Now it is a nuked festering hole, with a sham government, and no free bus to the airport. Bonus.

RoyalOrleans said:
And I say "might be" because to truly see the good in anything, you have to look for it.

If you had anything good to say about that shithole, you would have said it. I've been looking for almost three years for some silver lining in the dark clouds over Iraq, but I all I see is more bloodshed, and other countries being dragged into the mellee. Which is the plan of your admin, if you would bother to pay attention to what those evil ****ers have planned.

RoyalOrleans said:
Screw-ups, hacks, evil-doers, and the selfish are all around us... ain't nothing new there.

So just sit back and watch them? Or do something positive about the situation?

RoyalOrleans said:
We've been bitten several times and never been accused of being shy.

Jingoism and ghung-ho attitudes went out the window in the seventies. Try and catch up sometime.

RoyalOrleans said:
There is, perhaps, some truth to that. If we are to wage war with the Islamic Fascism, then we need a war-time president.

Islamic fascism is a creation of flawed US foriegn policy dating back to the fifties. Possibly predating the fifties. If your education system wasn't so feebly flawed and incomplete, your people might not fall for such shallow propaganda.

Iran and Iraq (among many others) have been puppet nations of the US. When the puppets cut their strings, they became despots without direction.

RoyalOrleans said:
I do not trust any man, woman, senator, representative, mayor, et. al. that has never served in the military or shrugged off duties if so enlisted.

You're talking about AWOL shrubber? He was busy selling cocaine and drinking himself stupid when your country was at war. Maybe things have gone full circle for him? After all, Afghanistan's opium crop is at a record high since the invasion and regime change.

RoyalOrleans said:
I don't know that much about the Australian military to make a judgment call here.

Our special services are trained by the best.

RoyalOrleans said:
When the hearts of men are involved, who have succumb to avarice, lust, and gluttony, reason takes a backseat to emotion.

That's an admission of weakness and a precursor to guilt. I won't wear that from anyone in a position of power. Get rid of the weak-minded.

RoyalOrleans said:
Tell your boys to learn to duck and cover. Basic training.

The Bali bombings happened in niteclubs on a tourist island. Do you wear your fatigues and carry your weapons when you go out clubbing?

RoyalOrleans said:
I do not wish any more bloodshed, however it is coming.

If your admin stopped creating **** with fabrications backing their foreign policy decisions, maybe the bloodshed will abate somewhat.

RoyalOrleans said:
The world will be overrun with Islamic Fascism and it is up to the Free-minds of the World to wipe them clear off the map...

More jingoism. It does not carry any weight whatsover with me, RO.

Before the Muslim horde became the new ogre of the west, it was the communist hordes. What happened to all those reds under your bed?

Your admin relies on fear to keep you all toeing the party line.

Ever heard of Jacobism?

RoyalOrleans said:
like the Jews of Old.

What the **** do they have to do with this? The ME is their melting pot. Leave them to it.

RoyalOrleans said:
Eat ****, ya dingo-raping shitheel.

Blow it out your arse you hillbilly delivery boy. ;)
They would be speaking Japanese in Australia was it not for the good ole USA.

The Shiites and Kurds seemed to approve Saddam's demise.
Australia has always been an ally to America in every conflict. They have served admirably in all theaters. I hold them in high regard.

Builder you said your preferred method to profit is the old trade system. But yet you are pissed if while doing such trade with yanks you get caught up in the crossfire? Your Auzzie buddies weren’t having much problem taking our yankee money were they? Fortunately you are only one voice.

I agree with RO in that I would much rather prefer a military man to be our commander and chief. But our system allows any non-felon, American Citizen to become president if elected by the people.
With the choices that were given to use in the last election, we elected the right person for the job. He has done a excellent job with the tools he was given. If Hillary Clinton becomes president we will still have to do something about Iran. Diplomacy is not working. Diplomacy is a joke at this point with these people.
We have alternative weapons to nukes. We can **** them up with out the fall out. And complete our objective to secure our sanctity and freedom.
hugo said:
They would be speaking Japanese in Australia was it not for the good ole USA.

That's a very tired old line, Hugo a gogo. Apart from the fact that fiscally it was impossible to continue the march south without troop reinforcements and provisions, the Japs neither wanted to invade Australia, nor did they plan to in the immediate future. Our intelligence men dreamed up the scenario, and your's ran with it.

Why did your intel not foresee Pearl Harbour's attack?

The truth is, they did.

hugo said:
The Shiites and Kurds seemed to approve Saddam's demise.

The Kurds captured Saddam, and did a political deal with the occupying force to hand him over unharmed. Try to catch up, ol' boy. :cool:
snafu said:
We have alternative weapons to nukes. We can **** them up with out the fall out.



or Mother Of All Bombs

A munition so massive it must be dropped out of the back of a C130 cargo plane. :)
builder said:
Why did your intel not foresee Pearl Harbour's attack?

The truth is, they did.

Why does our intel not forsee Iran's nuke threat and capability?

The truth is, we do.

:D it goes both ways, learn from ****ing history

Predicting your reply...

future post of builder said:
Blah, rabble rabble Iraqi war Blah Blah learn from ****ing history rabble blah

now to save time i will reply in advance,

Better to have a disorganized bunch of ass hat insurgents fighting over a sand dune than an organized and determined military with bio-weapon capability. :)
Msixty said:


or Mother Of All Bombs

A munition so massive it must be dropped out of the back of a C130 cargo plane. :)

EMP attack, which is what you can expect in the US of A if you ****ers don't stop fiddling with ME foreign policy and regime change.
RoyalOrleans said:
You're preaching to the choir, ya ****ing afterthought.

I'm glad you put so much effort into your response, RO.

It must be such a taxing day delivering all those boxes and envelopes.

No wonder you come home brain-dead and panting for a cold beer. :rolleyes:
Msixty said:
Why does our intel not forsee Iran's nuke threat and capability?

The truth is, we do.

The propaganda is what you are lapping up. It will be ten years before any kind of nuclear weapon could emerge from centrifuges in Iran. If your money-grubbing admin would come to the bargaining table with the IAEA there would be weapons inspectors from the UN all over Iran's nuke facilities.

Their gov wants to trade their own oil in euros, rather than petrodollars, and that is why your purse-holders want regime change in Iran. Grow some brains and do some research, you knee-jerk apologist shill.

Msixty said:
:D it goes both ways, learn from ****ing history

Learn from whose history? The US and UK governments oustered the ruler of Iran in 1953. They implanted the Shah of Iran, who was more bloodthirsty and tyrannical than Saddam. Iran hates your guts because you ****ed over their country. Just like your country ****ed over Iraq.

Learn from your own history you simpleton apologist ****.

Msixty said:
Predicting your reply...

You're sixteen, dickwad. Get some life experience behind you. The only things you know are what you have been told. Try thinking for yourself for a change of pace.

Msixty said:
now to save time i will reply in advance,
Better to have a disorganized bunch of ass hat insurgents fighting over a sand dune than an organized and determined military with bio-weapon capability. :)

Iran is mountain country. Harsher again than Afghanistan, where your troops have failed dismally, in allowing the Taliban back into control.

Grow up, hippy. :rolleyes:
builder said:
The propaganda is what you are lapping up. It will be ten years before any kind of nuclear weapon could emerge from centrifuges in Iran. If your money-grubbing admin would come to the bargaining table with the IAEA there would be weapons inspectors from the UN all over Iran's nuke facilities.

nope, we have seen what little the U.N. will do when it is not in their agenda, the U.N. needs to be disbanded

builder said:
Their gov wants to trade their own oil in euros, rather than petrodollars, and that is why your purse-holders want regime change in Iran. Grow some brains and do some research, you knee-jerk apologist shill.

i could not care less about the oil in iran, i know what we have and what we can get without the sand box, you're forgetting where i live and what my family does.

builder said:
Learn from whose history? The US and UK governments oustered the ruler of Iran in 1953. They implanted the Shah of Iran, who was more bloodthirsty and tyrannical than Saddam. Iran hates your guts because you ****ed over their country. Just like your country ****ed over Iraq.

yep, we made a mighty fine mess of it over there, time to clean up.

i admit that we paved the way for this to happen, BUT, that just makes us all the better the ones to clean it up. we did have proof that iraq had WMD's we still have the recepts. and you have seen the return policy

builder said:
Learn from your own history you simpleton apologist ****.

ah such strong words :) should i feel offended by the person on the other side of the planet doing nothing but clicking away on a keyboard?

builder said:
You're sixteen, dickwad. Get some life experience behind you. The only things you know are what you have been told. Try thinking for yourself for a change of pace.

17 and i have pleanty of experience for my age, i also have a fairly different perspective on life compaired to most people my age.

builder said:
Iran is mountain country. Harsher again than Afghanistan, where your troops have failed dismally, in allowing the Taliban back into control.

Grow up, hippy. :rolleyes:

I welcome the challenge, i'm not a chicken **** like the people you seem to associate with our country, and i sure as hell am not a ****ing hippy, i HATE the steriotypical hippy.
builder said:
EMP attack, which is what you can expect in the US of A if you ****ers don't stop fiddling with ME foreign policy and regime change.

"They are ten years from being able to produce a nuke"

Buuuut, they can attack us with an advanced EMP device that requires incredible technical savvy to be effective?

you sir are a contradicting idiot.
Don't you just about NEED a nuke to generate a decent EMP?

Ya better off just dumping a whole lots of metal filings on a power station..or ****en something
builder said:
I'm glad you put so much effort into your response, RO.

It must be such a taxing day delivering all those boxes and envelopes.

No wonder you come home brain-dead and panting for a cold beer. :rolleyes:

Yeah... I drive all over a city, delivering my little boxes, and drop deuces in gas station bathrooms, but I ain't no ****ing hypocrite.

No matter how taxing my day is, it pales in comparison to the tile-laying or whatever the **** you do.
Msixty said:
"They are ten years from being able to produce a nuke"

Buuuut, they can attack us with an advanced EMP device that requires incredible technical savvy to be effective?

you sir are a contradicting idiot.

It will be China that drops the EMP.

Iran is their ally, remember.

Apparently the DPRK are keen to get into the alliance.
I didn't know EMP's were "dropped" but set up and set off?

Correct me if I am wrong. I only know about EMP's after watching 24. :eek:
The United States is NOT going to attack North Korea. If they were, they would've done it post-9/11. They had more to gain and more of a statement to make doing that than attacking Iraq. The difference is that NK can actually defend itself. The US would win, of course, but it wouldn't have been nearly as effortless as the dismantling of Saddam's regime. That, and there's China. What's going to happen is that North Korea will be sanctioned until it falls apart, and then either China will jump on it, or the US will help integrate it into South Korea, establishing "democracy."

Also, neither China or North Korea are truly threats to the US. They can defend themselves if war comes to them, but they do NOT have the navy or mobility in general to really hurt the States. If a war broke out, it would be fought on their soil. US soldiers would die, but in the mean time it would be their countries that lose civilians. They aren't dumb enough to attack the US directly. The most China's going to do is be a Soviet Union lite to the US. They can compete economically, but not militarily and they know it. Iran is similar. They can defend themselves, but they sure as hell can't do more than marginally disrupt the US at the moment. I also agree with builder. Iran is pissed because of the US' foreign policy. If they were really a bunch of Osama-lites, they would not be so closely allied with Hugo Chavez -- a far left official whose reputation as a man of the people comes in part from making sexual jokes during campaign speeches.

Msixty said:
i admit that we paved the way for this to happen, BUT, that just makes us all the better the ones to clean it up. we did have proof that iraq had WMD's we still have the recepts. and you have seen the return policy

What are you referring to, exactly? The US said well before 9/11 that Iraq did not have nukes or the capability to produce them. Since the Gulf War, I doubt they had the economy to even buy a WW2 grade nuke. If they were really this gigantic threat, Israel would've been all over that.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
What are you referring to, exactly? The US said well before 9/11 that Iraq did not have nukes or the capability to produce them. Since the Gulf War, I doubt they had the economy to even buy a WW2 grade nuke. If they were really this gigantic threat, Israel would've been all over that.



Weapon of

Including but not limited to,

Bio, Gas, and Nuke agents.


Iraq used Bio and Nerve Gas agents as the primary tool of combat, they were getting pretty damn good with them by practicing on kurd villeges in northern iraq, they turned tens of villeges into ghost towns by killing everyone in them, mostly women and children.

Tactic was usually to drop small conventonal bombs or artillery, thus driving the people into underground bunkers, next Bio and Nerve agents were dropped or fierd by artillery, first at the exits from town to contain the population then working inward, the heavy gas clouds would settle in the underground bunkers, replacing the air and killing everyone, the ones who ran hit low hovering clouds too big to run through while holding your breath and were invected, finally infantry would enter with HAZMAT uniforms and exicute all survivors with small arms. often scientists would accompany the infantry to conduct evaluations and gather samples.

and as for the economy, saddam had bunkers built that even our bunker busters didn't hurt, they still have the unbroken dishes set out. as well as amazing homes and other things, they could well afford a nuke, but they would be supreamly ****ed if they bought one, and the person who sold it would be to, so they didn't buy and nobody was selling. sometimes, peace through superior firepower really does work.

on the iran topic, we should concentrate on killing the agents who enter iraq, and help fuel the counter government forces in the country, after all, we do have the Army SF, that's what they do. but stay out of direct military action in the area, it would be and look like an overthrow by the people of iran, thus we gain iran as if not a friend, a non combatant.

korea, russia, and china will sit the **** down, shut the **** up, and stay the **** out of the fight, for now.

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