The bombing of Iran.

Msixty said:


Weapon of

Including but not limited to,

Bio, Gas, and Nuke agents.


Aaaaah, thanks for the clarification.

Msixty said:
Iraq used Bio and Nerve Gas agents as the primary tool of combat, they were getting pretty damn good with them by practicing on kurd villeges in northern iraq, they turned tens of villeges into ghost towns by killing everyone in them, mostly women and children.

You say that as if the United States and its allies don't do similar things all the time.

Msixty said:
Tactic was usually to drop small conventonal bombs or artillery, thus driving the people into underground bunkers, next Bio and Nerve agents were dropped or fierd by artillery, first at the exits from town to contain the population then working inward, the heavy gas clouds would settle in the underground bunkers, replacing the air and killing everyone, the ones who ran hit low hovering clouds too big to run through while holding your breath and were invected, finally infantry would enter with HAZMAT uniforms and exicute all survivors with small arms. often scientists would accompany the infantry to conduct evaluations and gather samples.

Alrighty. I would not argue that he didn't have several deadly weapons, most of which were given to him by the US, which was actively supporting him during these killings.

Msixty said:
and as for the economy, saddam had bunkers built that even our bunker busters didn't hurt, they still have the unbroken dishes set out. as well as amazing homes and other things, they could well afford a nuke,

Um, really? Due to all the sanctions over the years, Iraq had virtually the lowest economic resources in the Middle East. They were poorer than Kuwait, despite having around 10 times the population.

They DID have some advanced military tech, yes ... Left over from back when Saddam was being sponsored by the States.

Msixty said:
but they would be supreamly ****ed if they bought one, and the person who sold it would be to, so they didn't buy and nobody was selling. sometimes, peace through superior firepower really does work.

Um, "peace?" The US was not being attacked by Iraq. In fact, they were pals until Saddam got too big for his britches and threatened US control of oil in the region. I've yet to see any evidence that Iraq was planning on attacking the United States, much less capable of doing so with any success.

What they WERE doing is ignoring certain parts of the Gulf War treaty, for instance spreading their oil around for greater profit instead of strictly selling it based on the treaties' guidelines, which were ****ing them economically while allowing the US to have the oil trump card over its economic rivals.

Msixty said:
on the iran topic, we should concentrate on killing the agents who enter iraq, and help fuel the counter government forces in the country, after all, we do have the Army SF, that's what they do. but stay out of direct military action in the area, it would be and look like an overthrow by the people of iran, thus we gain iran as if not a friend, a non combatant.

The funniest part about it is that Iran was helping the United States in Afghanistan until Bush included them in his make-believe "Axis of Evil."

Msixty said:
korea, russia, and china will sit the **** down, shut the **** up, and stay the **** out of the fight, for now.

The rest of the world could generally give two shits about Iraq. What they're concerned about is the new precedent set: that the US is not subject to the same rules of war as any other country on the planet. That they can, at will, invade any other country that is perceived to be a threat to them, regardless of whether there is evidence of an imminent attack or not. As Kennedy's officials put it, the US is attacking those who challenge not just our existence, but "power and prestige" as well.

The message is that if you refuse to be a tool of US imperialism, you will die. For ****'s sake, the media is trying to paint Hugo Chavez as some imminent threat. What US citizens need to do is actually hold the US government to the same scrutiny as it does other governments around the world. Demand proof and dig up the whole story, rather than just what makes it to Fox and CNN. If you don't put the pressure on the politicians, the world's going to continue to be ass-raped whether you vote Democrat or Republican.
TooDrunkTo**** said:
Aaaaah, thanks for the clarification.

my pleasure

TooDrunkTo**** said:
You say that as if the United States and its allies don't do similar things all the time.

we don't it's illigal, all hell would break loose if america gased a nation, that's why we use other countries as our agents to do it for us.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
Alrighty. I would not argue that he didn't have several deadly weapons, most of which were given to him by the US, which was actively supporting him during these killings.

no, we simply ignored them, we did not support the killing of the kurds, we supported the war on iran

TooDrunkTo**** said:
Um, really? Due to all the sanctions over the years, Iraq had virtually the lowest economic resources in the Middle East. They were poorer than Kuwait, despite having around 10 times the population.

They DID have some advanced military tech, yes ... Left over from back when Saddam was being sponsored by the States.

first, bullshit, they were rich, but all the money was never accounted on the records, hence appearing poor. and they actually reverse engeneered what we gave them and were making it themselves.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
Um, "peace?" The US was not being attacked by Iraq. In fact, they were pals until Saddam got too big for his britches and threatened US control of oil in the region. I've yet to see any evidence that Iraq was planning on attacking the United States, much less capable of doing so with any success.

they were supporting terrorists and we thought they may supply terror organizations with chemical, bio, or other weapons to use on america, so no, they didn't have plans to attack, but they could be an aid in a horrible attack, and saddam supported the 9/11 and other attacks.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
What they WERE doing is ignoring certain parts of the Gulf War treaty, for instance spreading their oil around for greater profit instead of strictly selling it based on the treaties' guidelines, which were ****ing them economically while allowing the US to have the oil trump card over its economic rivals.

they ****ed up and got owned, we had a right to claim the oil in treaty guidelines, and they were ****ing their people both ways in oil for food

TooDrunkTo**** said:
The funniest part about it is that Iran was helping the United States in Afghanistan until Bush included them in his make-believe "Axis of Evil."

**** iran, they killed hundreds of Marines before any of this ****, that alone is justification for their total irradication, not to mention continued threats to america, 'death to america' being chanted all the time, horrible human rights violations, AND their government is controlled on the province and city level by terror organisations funded by the government of iran.

TooDrunkTo**** said:
The rest of the world could generally give two shits about Iraq. What they're concerned about is the new precedent set: that the US is not subject to the same rules of war as any other country on the planet. That they can, at will, invade any other country that is perceived to be a threat to them, regardless of whether there is evidence of an imminent attack or not. As Kennedy's officials put it, the US is attacking those who challenge not just our existence, but "power and prestige" as well.

actually, we have several countries with leaders that realize the impact victory or defeat will have on the middle east and hence the world, and **** yes we will destroy anyone who pisses us off, that's what we have been doing since before we were a nation. it's not new, you idiots just never saw us pissed first hand so it seems shocking

TooDrunkTo**** said:
The message is that if you refuse to be a tool of US imperialism, you will die. For ****'s sake, the media is trying to paint Hugo Chavez as some imminent threat. What US citizens need to do is actually hold the US government to the same scrutiny as it does other governments around the world. Demand proof and dig up the whole story, rather than just what makes it to Fox and CNN. If you don't put the pressure on the politicians, the world's going to continue to be ass-raped whether you vote Democrat or Republican.

reality check, the media will never tell the whole story, fox, cnn, msnbc, bbc, they ALL have an agenda and will only tell that side of the story, that has been how it has worked for all time, and will continue to be how it works untill the end of time. and we hold our own government to higher standerds than any other country, we go insane on our government over little **** and absolutely loose it over the big stuff all the time, that's all we ever hear about, is how our government ****ed up this, or is conspiring for this. if the U.S.A. government tried to take away guns like the U.K. did, it would be hell on earth, millions would die, war in the streets, soldiers would refuse orders to 'quiet' violent protests, but hell, the U.K. did it, and not a peep from anyone. get over yourself, the U.S.A. isn't THAT horrible, we do have problems, some big, but at the end of the day, we are still the super power and still THE symbol of freedom.
K, um yah, those WMD's Iraq had were a really dangerous period in world history!! I didn't know AK's and IEDs could cause 'mass destruction'.

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