The Clogz Blog 2.0

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So, its been a while...hehe. So, here was my Saturday.

1. 5 hour band practice

2. Food

3. One hour drive

4. Perform

5. One hour bus ride

6. Hour unloading the band semi.

6:30am, to 9:00pm. We had a great run of the show, but the judges decided to just **** all over us with a terrible score. We got best music though, which is freakin awesome because our music is as hard as ****. >_<

Church was alright today. And like before, women remain a constant creation of confusion in my life. Bleh.

Got band practice everyday this week, except Wensday which is Youth group. LoL. Plus the newspaper is getting put togather this week, and I got into the fall play so now I have play practice. Plus all my regular homework. And I got a progress report and I'm honor roll..

I've always wondered how I've become who I am. In ninth grade, I wasn't involved in hardly anything save band. Now look at me - I'm up to my eyeballs in things. Its crazy! Wooooo! :p

Well I'm out, David Spade is on.




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No, I'm a senior was a contrast thing.


Things aren't going so great right now...I'm just really ****** with myself. I got led on by some girl, and today was just kind of a sucky day.

I did get a huge part in the play though...that was sweet. Especially since its my first play ever for high school.





New member
well now i feel like a dumbass, rofl. When i was reading it, my mind read it as "In ninth grade and not involved in anything" but that wouldn't make much sense. :D


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The play is just a bunch of short plays...almost skits. I'm this comedy about really dumb spies. hehe.

As for the peace thing...its just what I do.

So alot has been going on lately.We finally put the whole show on the field for band...added the end, the coronation, and the sword fight. Its a kind of medieval theme for our show. It should help us out alot in terms of scores.

Aside from that things have been going so-so. School is kind of blah...Newspaper was stressful today though, because now I have a total of five articles to write, five pictures to take, and I still have to help all the other people learn how to work the coomputers, and help my teacher set them up.

Ha...being Editor is grand.

Oh, just a question...what would you do if somebody had a crush on your for about four years? (btw, this person is not creepy/weird...pretty nice actually)



New member
Then I'd give em a chance, prolly get ot know them better coz you know four years is long, so there must be sumthing htey see in you


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Today was ******, 'nuff said. Things are just...going so freakin wrong right now. My life keeps falling apart.


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hey everyone...whats up.

Well, band and newspaper have been really stressing me out. Its hard finding out that, suddenly, your a leader. Plain and simple. But, I'm getting through it. I love both of them, so eventually this will all pull togather.

In other news...I have a new Xanga site. If you are interested in finding out what it is...PM me or something. Its kind of a more private Xanga so I'm just gonna post it on here.

Anyway, I'm out for tonight. As it stands I'm getting 4 hours of sleep.





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Yeah...I'm handling my responsibilities well. I just have alot of stress because I'm not use to being this hardcore. LoL.

Newspaper has been especially hard. Because I've got three years experience, I am pretty much the only person in the class who knows anything. So, basically I am in charge of the class. I have to help everyone all the time, and tell them to do thier work and stuff. Its just hard, making the adjustment from being 'just part of the paper' to running the whole show like some kind of guru.

Its so much fun though. Being a senior, being editor. Its great. :p

The band made it out of districts yesterday...which was good. I am happy for that. I have church tomorrow...should be fun.



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I've been having fun with my new Xanga is the shiznit. I may make it my new site all togather and shutdown my old one. But, we will see.

So today was boring...I just wasted your time.

My bad.



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This has been one of the worst days of my life. Just thought that was significant enough to post. I've hit rock bottom.

Please pray for me. Prayer is all I have right now.



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Well, I guess once you hit the bottom, you have nowhere to go but up, right? Well, I guess things are looking up a bit. Not much, but its definitly a start.

Thanks for the prayers from all my friends. They helped me alot.

I even have a date this Saturday. That is pretty sweet.

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