The Clogz Blog 2.0

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What up Clogz?

Sorry to hear about your problem, I hope it gets worked out soon. Good to hear about you & your gf yo.

Take care of yourself now, ya hear?



Active Members
Oh man oh man, oh man.

I'm just curious...where does the line between infatuation and 'something more' drawn? I'm just so happy right now, but like always part of me is simply observing, and that part of me is confused. It isn't sure how to take all this in...

All I know is every minute I spend with this girl is something special...and when I'm not with her I'm only thinking about what will happen when I see her again. We talk for hours on the phone...***.

I'm not really sure what I'm saying...but, there it is. I'm done posting and I feel good to have that off my chest.



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Well, in a bipolar kind of post....I feel like s-h-i-t. I've been sick, I think I might have had a fight with my girlfriend (and if I don't know, there is a good chance thats what it was) and on top of that tomorrow is going to just plain suck.

Life is great and all, but at the same time it is such a *****. Argh.

In other news...I'm pushing 3000 posts. That makes me proud...and then that makes me feel lame. Ah well. I've got a headache.

I need some sleep. ****.



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Well, I haven't posted in this thing in a good eon. Anyway, whats happening with me since my last update...

I totally quit band. Bleh.

I still haven't started looking for colleges.

I got a 7010 on my SATs

I'm still with my great girlfriend, and I'm in love.

Thats about how it stands. Oh, and I dislocated my shoulder the other day and it hurts like a *****!



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So, I'm pretty bored sitting here right now. I should probably get to work because I have some homework to do, but I am putting it off like usual. I'm just waiting for my girlfriend to call...she is always away on Saturdays...kinda sucks but its only for a little while longer.

Anyway...I'm gonna see Saw II tomorrow. Is it any good? Tell what you thought but for ***'s sake don't spoil the movie for me.

Anyway I'm done for now.



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Saw II was freakin awesome! *** it was so scary and it was way better then the first. And am I really that boring? That is four posts in a row and no one has commented. I can feel the love. o_O
I'm sorry buddy. I've been busy. *hug* (No ****)

Yeah, I have Saw II, but I still haven't seen the first one, so it's going to wait.

So, how's life?



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Its been awesome. My girlfriend was over here yesterday, we watched a movie with my family then we went to my room and talked and cuddled. It was sweeet. :p


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So I got my official SAT results...and I ran around the house yelling. I scored in the top 9% in Critical reading in my whole state. I was so shocked. My official scores were

Critical reading: 640

Math: 460

Writing: 540

The scary thing is I could do better on them, now that I know what to study for. I got a letter today from Ball State that might as well have said, "COME TO OUR SCHOOL!" This is beyond huge for me, because this is where I have wanted to go for two years now.

Besides that, I talked to my girlfriend on the phone for a good two hours today, which was awesome. Then I went to church which was also awesome. And now its 12:04am and I am eating Wheaties, because I like to get a jumpstart on my day! (haha)



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Long John Silver's chicken is finger-lickin' good, people. But not as good as a Papa John's pizza.

A wise man once said, don't bve stupid....okay, I made that up. Right now I'm just sitting around waiting for my girlfriend to call. I was with her last night and we had great fun...she is really great. then I came home and watched Constantine with my family...that movie sucked but oh well.



New member
yyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy congrats on the results XD

spending time with the people you love is the "****"

i love spending time with my boyfriend his hugs make the whole world seem so much less corrupted for a little while.

have fun!



Active Members
hahaha thats similar to what my girlfriend says all the time, and I think it is true.

I think starting now, I am going to date all these entries...just to give my blog a little flair. So...hmhm

Febuary 2nd, 2006: 12:07 am

Just got back from picking up my brother from a church thing. It ran kind of late hehe. Anyway, now I'm just chilling out on LPF, drinking some water and just being me. I'm procrastinating some very important homework that will never get done. Heh.

Oh and I've almost hit my 3000th post mark. I am so close.



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I'm such a dork for even posting in this one reads it anymore so I'm just going to let it fade away and forget about it. If a journal doesn't work after three seperate tries, then it just isn't in my cards.

So until something changes, adios.



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I have resurrected this a vent...for my emotional turmoil. Seems I am quite a smart guy...I'm dating a girl for ten months and now I like someone else.

Frankly, I don't even like my girlfriend that much anymore. We got along but she just isn't what I want in my life...I feel like I can't be myself around. The things that really interest me, she doesn't even care about. I always end up bored when I'm with her, because she is just, well, boring.

I mean, dammit, I told myself I wouldn't let this happen...then I told myself it wasn't happening...but then it did happen. This other girl is really fun to be with and she is never boring. I would know...because we had a thing last year. It tanked though, because of me. I got mad when I was told she was still wanting to be with her ex, but it turns out that was a lie.

Either way, I'm in a ****** up situation. And the fact is...I can't take this hurts my head and my heart so much to be with one girl but wanting another. I am going to go nuts if I don't figure something out.



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**emo entry - you've been warned**


""what a look for in a guy...

he has to play an instrument of some sort and he has to be passionate about music...not playing really, just music in general.

he listens to what I have to say, I don't have to go through the relationship wondering if I'm actually liked (or loved)

he needs to like my friends or at least tolerate them well

he needs to appriciate me absolute wierdness, that I say stupid stuff a lot, and I'm not like other people

he needs to be his own person, he needs to be able to say what's on his mind, no matter what anyone thinks

he should like cool indie films and late night discussions and trying new things and sponinaity to make up for my lack of.""

you know its this kind of stuff that makes me want to take a blow to the head...i would rather that then what has really happened. I stabbed myself in the heart. That up there, that is what I want in my life. I want THAT. This is the girl I want to be with...but no, i ****** it up. i had to go out with someone else. Its taken me ten months to finally realize i just missed the girl I've wanted, but i cant do anything because im going out with another girl! **** it!

"Love stinks!"



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So...another day.This week a girl from my past, who ended up blowing me off for someone else, came back to me on her hands and knees begging for a second chance. I basically told her that there was not going to be a chance, that it was in the past and that was the end of it. It may be harsh, but this girl crushed me and now, after I am happy again, the woman comes back to try and rock my boat yet again!
I should have taken her such an ******* sometimes. If I had known the truth, known that I had been lied too about her going out with someone else behind my back. I can't believed I believed that bullcrap - and I can't believe a person I trusted told me.

Life is full of surprises. :(

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