I have resurrected this a vent...for my emotional turmoil. Seems I am quite a smart guy...I'm dating a girl for ten months and now I like someone else.
Frankly, I don't even like my girlfriend that much anymore. We got along but she just isn't what I want in my life...I feel like I can't be myself around. The things that really interest me, she doesn't even care about. I always end up bored when I'm with her, because she is just, well, boring.
I mean, dammit, I told myself I wouldn't let this happen...then I told myself it wasn't happening...but then it did happen. This other girl is really fun to be with and she is never boring. I would know...because we had a thing last year. It tanked though, because of me. I got mad when I was told she was still wanting to be with her ex, but it turns out that was a lie.
Either way, I'm in a ****** up situation. And the fact is...I can't take this anymore...it hurts my head and my heart so much to be with one girl but wanting another. I am going to go nuts if I don't figure something out.