The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
My first response to your post - 'The kit or the man?' *laughs* Yeah, kit's nice too in it's won way I guess. Remembering that the closest I've ever really come to a drumkit is the one I walk past on my way to and from work at the music store downtown... So not my thing. But I can appreciate it for what it is. Me, if I climbed up on the stool, would look like a 5 year old lost behind them... so not funny. And given the fact I have no rhythm. I suck. But the pick doesn't! (Note to self; nice continuum there, flows well. Like the way we went back to the start of the post. Clever! :rolleyes: )

Well, I have this too, while we're discussing His kit;

There you go. o_O *looks vague* That's what he sits down to. Phi, Viking, you guys would appreciate it more than me being drummers and all, but me... I like the pretty pictures! *rolls eyes again*

Wonder what the big guy/rest of the guys are doing right now for New Years? Hmm. Just a thought.

Well, take care. *hugs* Talk again soon, as always,

-Rav :D



New member
He's a big guy! *laughs*

Plus, it's probably true what they say about Size does matter. Probably an ego thing.

And not to mention the fact he's gotta share the stage with some pretty big personalities, if he was tucked away in the corner with just a snare or something he'd be laughed off stage *laughs*

That's a funny visual though. Not that I'd ever say it to his face...


All hail the lord of the drums.

(I'm such a kiss@$$! ;) )



New member
yeah u r. but it pays sometimes. but then again if your in the military all you do is kiss *** and take orders. but wow that visual is hilarious


New member
Mmm yummeh pic O.O However drums mean nothing to me, I prefer the man behind them :D

Oh and Happy New Year CoBers ^__^



New member
Oh man thats a very sexy picture there! *puts on desktop* Oh know what? i think I have a new favorite picture of him...*swoons* Hehehe...look...hes wearing socks! *points at his foot* hehe. Why do I fund that so funny? Its, hot, hot, SOCK! .....yeah. Anywho, moving right along...

I love that visual...Rod sitting in a dark corner on the stage, slouched over a single snare randomly banging in it....heh...oh my...

and yes, I quite agree with you, its all about the man, not the hardware. .....that sounded dirty...



New member
Rob-socks = **** sexay. Maybe smelly but *meh* Don't care. Put 'em in a glass case and sell on eBay I say! *laughs* I'm sure someone would buy em...

Me! :rolleyes:

Anyway... yea, **** hot pickie. Man... I have said it before and shall keep saying it; I have no rhythm. This means when people clap hands I'm the one clapping off beat. I'm the one singing a stanza behind everyone else... I suck hardcore, but I admire those with reflexes like feral cats - (aka Drummers; Rob, Lars, Phi!) I wish I had that kinda talent. Remember the clapping game on LPTV? That still blows me away... man... bet he was annoying as all **** as a kid in kindergarten when they play their clapping games. Young master Bourdon would keep going while the rest of the class would collapse in exhaustion! XD Go Bobert, go! (Side note: I'd hate to play Red-hands with him! *cringes* Bet the rest of the band have learnt not to challenge him to a game of that either... *more eyerolling*)

And as for worshipping his kit? Um, no. Else this place would be called Church of Bourdon's Drums or something... I'd much prefer to drool myself into an uncsonscious state all over the man himself than his damned kit for crying out loud! *laughs fit to kill herself as she imagines Rob swatting her away*

Anyway, happy new year fellow CoBers. *hugs to all*

Take care and talk again soon,




New member
you do have a good point, I would not want to play either ****** knuckles or slaps with him. I could possiably beat him at thumps but I wouldnt bet on it. as far as the clapping game goes, i rule at that. haha, he'd prolly have me beat since I'd pass out from seeing him let alone playing some weird game like that. lol


New member
*laughs* Ouch, I think! *hides hands* I'm not playing that with either of you for that matter.

Um... with all these stories going on and so forth I feel bad I've been neglecting my former love, from whence all this current madness really sprung from anyway (meaning this place), but thought with everyone's opinions floating around on the subject of our screwed up family, we may as well go to the source and get the big guy's impression of it all.

So, Rob, what do you think?



Yep, he's typically impressed, as ever. *pfft!*He's like 'Who did what now? *** **** it, come any closer and I'm gonna stab you with this drumstick, I swear it...'

Poor guy.

BTW, for those that don't have it, that pic is from the LP book 'Meterora; Linkin Park's From the Inside.' My copy. I scanned it just now. You like? Me like! Very, very muchly! *drools over pages and gets them stuck together*

Aha... yeah... *blushes*

Take care and TTYL, as per usual,

-Rav :D



New member
Augh man...I lurve it...its like from the POV of the drum...heh, lucky drum. I wish I was his drum. *sigh* yes.

ehm...I quite enjoy that book myself. Very interesting. My personal favorite part is where it talks about the practical jokes that they play on each other, and it has the pics of Chester hanging upside down. Thats a good part. Yes. And due to a lack of things to say, Im gonna go...



New member
that is intresting... well it could have been shot from the bass drum pov. that would have been even weirder come to think of it. not that you would mind rav XD but hey its all good.


New member
that is intresting... well it could have been shot from the bass drum pov. that would have been even weirder come to think of it. not that you would mind rav XD but hey its all good.

I'm not gonna comment on this (as much as I want to) on the grounds that anything I say is gonna incriminate me (or just plain come back and bite me on the ***) so... I won't...

But for future reference, Phi, stay out of my head. It's a nasty place and even I'm scared to go in there sometimes *laughs and shakes head*

Me hiding in the bass drum... *sigh* You're right, I wouldn't mind... sorta...

*evil smirk*

Hil - I have to say, as much as I loved the images and teh descriptions and so forth, what I loved more than anything was the quotes. There's one by Chas from that photoshoot they did in that hotel pool where he's talking about having a reason to be an artist... Very powerful stuff.

I also loved Rob's quote on his own pressures of drumming - in given that he wants to be so perfect, regardless what the other band members hear, it captured a part of character quite well I think that we aren't usually afforded from magazine articles etc. Plus... it kind of inspired me to write a bit, so... *shrugs*

Anyway... love the book. Just wish they had a book like that on Frat Party. How awesome would that be?!? Mad... :D



New member
Hahaha, Bass drum. That would be rather interesting...

And yes I quite agree with you on that one Rav...They put some pretty deep stuff in that book. Heh... I just went up 3 floors to my room to get the book out of my cd cupboard thing(yes I have a cupboard for my cds(well actualy its a...ehm...I forget what its called, but its has like drawers on the bottom and doors and shelfs on top) because my cds are my most prized possesions.)...amazing, I wont go upstairs to pee unless I really have to but I went up to get a book....yeah anyways back on topic.....heh, on the inside page, just on the other side of the cover where it has the picture if the crowd, whenever i look at it I cant help but notice that on the right hand page, right around the middle, there is a guy thats facing the opposite direction than everybody else. Heh. And Ugh! theres like no girls in that pic! they are all guys...hmmm....anywho...

I LOVE the Foreword that David Fricke did...awesome. I also really like how thay have all the serious quotes in there, like the pressures of being a drummer, and Chesters lyric writing, and then thay have the funny ones too, like the towel fight, and Joe and his punching bag...yeah, i love this book. I keep meaning to look at it again but I never get around to it. Yeah....well Im gonna header, I think Ive gone on long enough.



New member
Hey-hey, me again.

Needed to come back here, goddamnit it I miss this place of late, even if I'm here all alone I don't care. I'm seeking sanctuary in this most holy of places - Rob's temple. Life doesn't get much better than this.

Having said that I'm wondering how many of you have seen the photos of Rob as a teenager? I have a few... If you're members of LPU then this is nothing new to you, but if you arent... ever seen Rob with long hair? *laughs*

Check this **** out...

Yes, it was a few years ago, our Boy's all grown up now, and rather substantially too.

If you haven't seen these ones before I'd be worried... Rob when he was even cuter still (if that's like even a possibility) Let's go way back now... cause it's nearly his birthday damnit and I feel like reflecting :D (ages 3, 8 and 11 respectively)

*** damnit it I hope he procreates one day so that the genetic perfection isn't lost to the ages *sob* He was gorgeous from day one I think, then again I gaven't seen actual baby photos so I'm guessing now. But I have one at 13 and one at 16is? Two on his graduation day and... hundreds (almost 1000ish) grown pickies of him. I aint half obsessed or nothin, huh? *smirk*

Hope y'all like... *getting vocal chords ready to scream Happy Birhday Friday week all the way across the ocean to pierce Rob's unprepared ears* (this outta be good! :rolleyes: )






New member
lol im rearing for his b-day. lol. I havent forgotten about the little sig contest either (evil grin.) yeah I bet Rob will be able to hear us. maybe we should syncronize our watches or something lol


New member
Glad you like *winks with a grin*

As for synchronising watches...? Sure. Just... don't know what actual time the big guy was born or anything. *meh* I guess the specifics don't matter as much as the idea does.

And I haven't forgotten the sig contest neither... just, been distracted as of late with that *cough* story *cough* but now I'm focussed again here I should come up with something else before the end of next week.

Will post more pickes tonight after work, because I'll enjoy it more as I wind down before bed *evil grin*

Anyway, take care. Huge hugs. Look after yourselves and talk again soon.




New member
theres 10 more days till his birthday is there not? According to my time. Anyways, just thought I'd pop in before I go read my book. Im reading Memoirs of a Geisha...Good stuff! Anyways...Im gona go now...BYE!

*rolls away*



New member
Did anyone happen to see that pic of him in the Rob's pics thread that Spike posted a while back that I actually missed?!? *faints* Don't know how I managed that, but anyway... yeah, something like that Hil. Soon, soon.

He's all growd up now *smirk* 9 days AUS time. Wonder what the Bourdon's (and partners) do to celebrate? Hmm...

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