The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Yeah - given that your father's a rock star prolly has something to do with that. But our physical discrepancies may also play a huge part - people prolly think he's trying to seduce a child when he's with me *laughs* Gah - short @$$ I am! Grr...

But apologies to people who've just joined us. Phi and I got bored last night (as if you couldn't tell) and with few people to stop or hinder us we kinda lost the plot a little. Started RP - I don't even know how that came about only that we milked it pretty well - got a mad short story out of it which was nice and constructive. All for constructive. Hmm.

But if you feel the need to come and clean and not get messed up then that's okay too. I'd like to think this only validates my theory that I am indeed insane (blame Bourdie, I do. Bourdie made me do it your honour) but then again after almost a year of frivoloities I'm thinking that if y'all didn't know that by now then you prolly don't know me at all - that, or you're simply not paying attention. Which is entirely excusable, considering I can rant so easily and say nothing... here I go again, sheesh! :rolleyes:

BTW Rusu, love the new sig! *drools*

It's always all good. *Big Bourdie bear hugs* seeing as though I haven't had one in a while... *meh*


-Rav :D

Red Bull + Rob + Rave = ranting... (like, duh! XD)



New member
like its always been said, the apple dosent fall far from the tree. I'm insane right along with ya!! I decided to keep the one story that you gave the idea for. with all the deep emotional stuff in the writers corner, then of course we need some funny stuff. I guess this is my attempt at a rant. I guess im not as good as Rav. but hey its all good


New member
Cool sig Rusu... very psychedelic (sp? ah well).

Hmmm, I would enter the sig comp, though 1. I am useless at photoshop (tried it at school once... never again!) and 2. I don't have it at home anyway. I'm pretty useless when it comes to computers :p

Yeah I don't have photoshop at home, really ***** the **** out of me ><

ahh well, paints pretty reliable...I guess

Nice attempt at a rant Pheonix, although, obviously not Ravynfull. But, in my books, pretty good ^^

thanks for the comments on the sig....I kinda don't know...I got bored ><


mmmm I'm eating Bree. I love cheese ^^



New member
Okay, reposting this so that people who didn't see it prior to me losing the proverbial plot (since when did I have it to begin with??) can um, like, see it I guess.


I think a comp for a CoB logo should run until the end of the month, maybe next month. We should have it start now (19th Dec) and run til Rob's b'day on the 20th Jan 06. That's a month technically.

Things to include;

1) The words CoB or Church of Bourdon, so we know what it's about.

2) At least one pic, whole or in part, or as many as you can cram in, of Rob. Cause he's like the reason we carry on these shenanigans in the first place, right? Kinda redundant if we don't - like Christianity without the Christ. Won't happen otherwise.


I think for the sake of fairness we can use whatever colour, theme, style etc we want. If you're a whiz then knock yourself out. If you're like me just play and see what you come up with.

Size limitations:

Stick to usual sig and avatar guidelines or at least make sure it can be resized appropriately to fit when/if the image is chosen.

Avatars - 100x100 pixels

Sigs - 175 pixels high x 500 pixels wide (as far as I can recall)


We shall vote amongst ourselves. But I'm sure I reckon we could pull in a mod or two to officiate (Vash or Viking, in the least, if they're willing to play along) so that I don't get accused of bias. That way I can play too, maybe, yeah? Sound fair?? See what y'all think... comp will start tomorrow (20th Dec and END 20th Jan 06)


Open to all forum residents, not just CoBers. That's fair huh?

Lets make our mystified lord proud - if not more confused than ever...

BTW - you can enter as many times as you like. The more the better really, prolly cause we'll be lucky to see about three entries I'm guessing, but hopefully four


Well, I have started something... I actually have no idea what I'm doing. It started off as an 'Infinity' shape and I thought I'd represent something Jewish (not cause I am, but in homage to worshipping a Jew, dare I put it like that *looks sceptical*) and threw in a really abstract menorah for good measure. Then adding the CoB letters I stood back and went - this looks like a tribal tattoo design rather than a logo. So far there's no Rob, and I don't even think I'm gonna persue it much further, it's visually confusing, (and there's almost nowhere to put Rob) but I just wanted to upload to show you guys that even with basic paint programs crappy-**** like this tidbit can be done.

Here's my drivel;

It's a start - not a great one but a start. So now I've set the bar so low that it can be crawled over, there should be no excuses! *cackles*

I'll leave y'all to think about it some more... but consider this; CoB notoriety throughout the forums for he/she who wins! Hmm... that's like, the equiavlent to, I dunno, something craptacular I guess to everyone unaffiliated with us. Bah! Yee of little faith... Let he who is without sin shoot first and ask questions later... no wait... *laughs*

Well. Thanks for your time.

Rusu - psychadelia and Bree. Love it. Ravynfull - very perceptive/clever!

BlackAngel - *hugs*

Phi - :p

Take care and TTYL,




New member

these are my entrys for the contest. I dont have an avatar to go with it but this wont be the last one I do n_n I can promise you that. I just have too much time on my hands



New member
Woah...haha...I was just kidding about the whole logo thing...but this is cool though! Very exciting. But I don think I'll be able to enter it either because Im kinda useless when it comes to photoshop and stuff...and I dont have any of those programs anyways, but if I get some free time in my computer class then I'll definatly try to cook something up. But so far everything looks really good!


New member
Hmm...thats actually a very good point you have there Ruth...heh...time to do some advertising I guess?...I dunno... just made my very first sig! Im frickin amazed...I used paint a little bit...and this other program thats a bit like photoshop but not really kinda thing...ya know? I think it came with like my sisters digi cam or something...I dunno. But yeah...

its kinda plain...but its all good right? So...I guess that my entry, maybe if Im feeling adventurous(sp?) Ill try and make another one.



New member
Does anyone outside the CoB know about the comp? In answer to that - no.

I didn't want to attract the negative elements really, those that bag us here (and there's been the odd one or two) but left it open for the curious few that wander through that aren't actually afiliated with us. It is open to all, I guess I was trying to play it safe. And to be honest I really didn't think anyone would contribute *hangs head in shame* but for once I'm glad to be proved wrong. *grin*

If anyone wants to go about spreading the word - go for it. Might add something to my own sig to promote it later me thinks. *strikes a thoughtful pose* Later. My butts alseep. Need to unplug for a while. Hmm.

Hil, that Sig is awesome! *laughs* Humour is always great. Rob's so droolworthy.

I'll be back on later with more. Best of luck guys! Keep up the GREAT work! (Feel all proud now)

*huge Bourdie bear hugs*





New member
Hey, well, here's something else I've been working on. Not sure about it still, may work more on it but knowing me I'll play around with a few more things as well. This is what I whipped up this morning - incorporating that pyschadelic tribal thing I did yesterday.

This is it so far;

Well, Rob's still droolworthy at least. And I seem to be going through this 'Blue' phase (like Picaso!) so you'll have to bear with me at the mo.


I'm outties.

Take care and huge hugs and talk again soon. Keep 'em comin' guys - show the love, Bourdie style. :D




New member
Oh I like that sig rav! Very sexy! Heh...well I put a little ad in my sig if thats ok...much better than mine! But I guess you obviously have done much more than 1 sig so yeah...anywho...just stopping bye to see if anything exciting has happened.
sexual sig dood! Is blue your favourite colour? Just wondering :D

Hey, your avatar has hebrew in it...I think the top line is trying to say Rob? Don't have a clue about the bottom line, however...what is it saying? Resh and vowls (sp?) with no letter on top of it...*is confused*



New member
sexual sig dood! Is blue your favourite colour? Just wondering :D
Hey, your avatar has hebrew in it...I think the top line is trying to say Rob? Don't have a clue about the bottom line, however...what is it saying? Resh and vowls (sp?) with no letter on top of it...*is confused*
Well spotted Rusu. Yes actually the top line is Rob in a form, but not written correctly. The dot (vowel substitute for 'O') should actually be above the b if I remember correctly - have to look that up. Give me a break, I'm not fluent in anything, including my native tongue of Strain (or Australian slang :D )But the bottom line is R A V reversed. I'm not jewish therefore I 'wrote' my name backwards (in Hebrew or the right way in English) as a kind of tongue-in-cheek thing. But still very perceptive. (Actually, the font I used isn't strictly Hebrew but Tiberian-Hebrew, using vowel substitutes for the Hebrew Alef-bet, which technically has none - depending on who your sources are. That prolly explains why you can't 'read' it. Not only is it backwards but the vowels that shouldn't be there are where they would normally fall in English. Weird I know, but visually better to me at least than the literal translation of both names into proper Hebraic form. Hmm). *feels like a school teacher* :rolleyes:

But well done. You know me, everything has meaning - even the most menial things. The 'blue' period I'm going through was rather accidental to begin with but kind of evolved into it's own. Pablo Picasso went through a similar period, I refered to that on my journal post earlier I think. Anyway, if I have a fav colour it is black. But being that black isn't technically a colour but a shade, my fav colour is actually red.

To prove that I made an alternate to my current sig (one red, one blue) but the blue one matched my avatar at the time which is why I didn't upload the red. I should post it now so you can see what I mean and compare the two;​

Anyway, it's still visually face-grabbing but too intense I think. Rob appears more sedate by nature so blue 'suits' him more than red. The red is almost too out-there and glowing - like a fire. Rob's not firey unless you happen to put him in front of a set of drums then he goes into his 'happy place' (the 'zone') and goes rank in a savage and spectacular way. Anyway, tell me what you think. :D

Hil, the addition to your sig is AOK with moi. But as for anything exciting? Um... prolly not til after Xmas I'd rekon. Unlike me most people are prolly with family now doing the festive thing - can't hold that against them. But I'm still here, ploddin' along. Glad to see y'all are too. And Rusu. *aww*


Well, that's it for now. Thanks for the praise guys. Sexual sig? Laughable. But droolworthy - most definately... *swoons and collapses in a heap on the floor*

Take care guys. Be good. This may be my last CoB post before Xmas (staying at a friend's place tomorrow night) so I won't be online - *sob again* - so Merry Xmas to y'all, stay safe, happy and healthy and look forward to more madness when this festive madness if finally behind us for another year at least!

<333 2 da CoBers (oh, and the rest of the forum too... hehehe)

-Rav :D



New member
Merry Christmas everybody! And I'll talk to you in the New Year (or sooner)! X-Mas kisses (on the cheek ;) ) for everybody in the CoB and random popper-inners!
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