The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
im glad you guys like my drumming. i spent about 16 hours on learning it. lol. i just want to thank you guys for supporting me and saying that you believed in me. I hope its rob-worthy.


New member
Thanks Rav, for letting me join! :D

Woot...your drumming is awesome Phi! and youve only just started? thats amazing! Your gonna be going pro anyday now! Are you thinking of posting up some of the other songs that you have done? cause Id like to hear some, and Im sure some of the others would as well....Anyway you know what I think we need around here? We need somebody in charge of catering! Id be more than happy to do lady...yeah I like the sound of that! :D ...haha yeah...anyways...I have some pictures of "The Lord", just hope theres no double posts here...




;)I think its so weird seeing him with bleached hair!


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New member
wow, again i missed a lot! anyway Phe, u rock on the drums! i was blown away! glad to see new members and can u believe it, we hav over 200 posts on this thread!! well i was just stoppin in, ttyl, laterz!


New member
Personally I wouldn't want Rob to adopt the thrillseeker devil-may-care attitude, he has a job that demands a lot of physical and mental skill and if lord-forbid anything happened to him that ruined his career or that precious bod of his then there's a few million ppl he'd be answering to - not the least himself. Accidents happen, life can be hard enough at times without making matters worse. Gawd, I love him just the way he is thanks... *insert droolage reference here*

As for other matters, let me say hello to all fellow Bourdists - and share the love.

Mystery, hope everything's okay now. Chip, nothing out of the ordinary goes on around here *cough*bullcrap*cough* ;) And to all (including Mel and my sista Jojo) HUGE HUGS, Bourdie bless yas. I know he blesses me, everytime I catch an eyeful of that blessed eye-candy (Robolate flavour of course!) *more droolage*

Who said we're crazy round here?




New member
wow rob with blond hair. never thought I'd see that. thanks guys for liking my drumming it really means alot to me that people like it.


New member
said? I thought it was all known. lol, crazy is a very common flavor around here. but of course the lord wouldnt be the lord if he was a risk taker. very calm and cool, much like a big stuffed animal. *throws drumsticks everywhere*


New member
wow im suprised that nobodys posted again. (looks around the empty curch) Oh well I guess I can drool by my self as long as I have my trusty water bottle im happy. Meteora, really awesome pics. I'm just really bored. I havent found anything to do except for watching tv all day. today just seems really slow. Tomorrows going to be really crazy cuz I have to go back in with my brother at the studio and help re-record a song. The drummer of the band got fired so I'm the drummer now. (polishes the lord's shoes on the statue) well i guess im out or maybe.


New member
Thanks for your concern Rav... I think its the weather, because now it's gotten really really dark outside, and 8:57 in the morning. Yet, looking at Rob first thing in the morning, watching an old Linkin Park video on television really brigtens my day. And I'm working on the next chapter of Frozen Heaven... I'm also lost at the moment.


New member
Rob is a big stuffed animal? 0_o *lmao* Not exactly something I'd say to the big man's face that's for sure ;)

But it's all good.

As for Cob-related-craziness taking place, well yeah. But I am certifiably insane so I need no excuse (nor encouragement), and from what I know on the physical effects of dehydration on the body (from associated drooling) I'd say we're all justifyably nuts!

And on top of that, you're all being led by a crazy religious zealot... so if anyone needs to point the finger of blame... point it at Robert Gregory Bourdon's parents! It's THEIR collective fault we here all carry on like this... damnit... I'm frothing at the mouth here! XD :eek: Haha, but it's all good. It's better than good - It's BOURDIE!

Welcome to the CoB - where insanity's obligatory! XD

Edit: Aww Mystery... you're lost? Why, what's up my sweet???? *looks worried* Come sit by me and tell me what's bothering you. But finish your cookie first, wouldn't want you to like talk with your mouth full and dribble cookie crumbs all over the place... The Janitors are overworked and stressed enough as it is! ;)



New member
yeah yeah blame his parents just because he's just so **** close to genetic perfection. >< but you cant hate em for havin him thats for **** sure. otherwise we would all be stuck on like chester or something or even *gasped* no linkin park


New member
Hey Meteora500, I will say yeah to your catering position... (My day Job is at a mexican bar and grill as a second chef) I prefer to be the TOWEL AND WATER GIRL!!!

Jammer stumbles in after too many parties with her work mates, F**K what a mess Rusu, SSoul1, clean up in all pews, This place is becoming so drool worthy!!!! Rob with Blonde hair!!! OMFG, WTF???

Jammer drags around the laundry bag which is actually floating as she wades through the drool... Picking up sloppy wet drool saoked towels. "Wipe your chins People!!!" She growls, (Partially ****** with the mess, partially hung over!!!) After draging the towels down to the laundry, Jammer starts with the urns and empties them out before puting fresh ice and bottled water in them.

Hey Pheonix!!!!! Man your drumming is F**KING AMAZING!!! Definitely ROB WORTHY!!!!

WOW!!! What more can I say!!! Lights a drumstick shaped candle in Phe's honor!!!

Jammer smiles and lifts her hand in her still drunken stupor "HAIL TO THE DRUMMER!!!"




New member
Hey guys!! wow I missed alot!! :eek:

I've been thrown into chaos lately. I just want to say that I'll miss you guys then I'm on vacation. I'm leaving tomorrow, and wont be back until Sunday or Monday :\ *hugs*

wow, I must say I've never seen Rob with bleached hair, lol! its awesome!

and Phi, I promise I will listen to your skills when I'm on my good compy :p

so ttyl for now guys! take care of CoB while I'm gone, I know you will ;)

*super huge Bourdon hugs to all*



New member
yay! Head of Catering...hehe...sounds so professional! *serves drumstick shaped cookies to everybody off of a silver platter*

And blonde Rob, is very strange to see, but in the words of Phoenix, he still Rob-a-licious!

Hope you have fun on your vacation Twilight! hey where are you going anyways? and we'll miss you to!



New member
aww thanks m500 (btw, what should I call you? lol ^^; ;)

I'm going to Wisconsin, becuase we have a cabin there.

I should be packing but I've been on lpf lol shhh ^.~

well I really should go now guys!! bye my bourdon angels!



New member
oh sounds fun...I wish I was old enough to have my own place *sigh*, oh well, haha, you can call me anything your little heart desires :D


New member
you are so on motherly overload rav.
..........motherly overload? *pfft!* Like wtf? I'm sure MY mother would simply love that if it were actually real but seeing as how it aint... 0_0

*blinks blankly*



New member
Hey guys, yup, the ranter's back... *s******s*

Yeah, shame this place has gone a bit quiet as of late. I know I'm as guilty, I've been easily distracted the last few days, can you believe I spent a good part of yesterday scrubbing the mould off my walls here at home? *winces* Yep, life sure doesn't get anymore exciting than that, but it was bugging me. All this cold weather (D'uh, bright spark, it's winter! *laughs at self*) is what's doing it and I can still smell the ammonia fumes, and to make matters worse I think I woke up with a headcold, even the lights from the comp screen are making my eyes water... it sucks. Well, I'll get over it.

Went and donated blood again yesterday, so that's what else kept me away. A worthwhile cause if I do say so myself. That and grocery shopping, washing, generally letting RL interfere for a while, which is required every now and then so that I actually take a step back from my little Rob-Obsession and don't let it take hold. Not that it would really bother me if it did, I can think of worse 'idols' to worship... still, strangely enough I've been rediscovering myself away from my Rob/LP-fetish, so now that I've come up for air I've returned to drown once more in my own drool (and everyone else's) and frolic in the frivolities of Rob-worship. Bring on the Rob-ness...

Hey Phe, Twi, Meteora500, Vero, Jammer, Black_Angel, Chipmonk, Vash, Faded_Blue and everyone else amongst the CoB congregation *Super bone-crunching Bourdon-Bopper bear hugs* Hope y'all are doing swanky. Hope you're holidays go well Twi, am thrilled about your new position in the band Phe, and thanks Vero for all the heads-up on all the Rob-clubs!

Well, as far as favourite Rob pics go, all mine have been posted previously I think, (the first one where he's clutching his sticks - sounds nice doesn't it? *laughs* - in the bnw matix shirt, that's one of them) but I just have so darn many I can't even begin to sort amongst them. Of the 11 I have hanging right infront of me (all A4) I have a few pearls, but I guess it depends on my mood/the day. I don't think I have an overall fav but the one in my sig from FP is way up there, along with the one of him from Manilla taken by Daniel Tan/Tau in the brown DSCS shirt... *drools*

I guess I should just post the thumbnails (as usual, click on for full size) of all the ones I stare at everyday to give you an overall impression of my little 'shrine' to Our most venerable Drumming Lord... hold up, I gotta go find 'em... brb...












Okay, so that's pretty much what I look at when I go into the study, right in front of the computer... pretty awesome view, huh? *laughs* I have about 30 or so others I'd LOVE to have up there alongside them but *sigh* will have to wait til I get more ink... *sob*

Anyway, hope you think it's drool-worthy enough!

*wanders up to light the drumstick-shaped candle and polishes the golden lifesized statue of Our Lord til the shine hurts her eyes and has to avert them to the wallpaper of Rob pics that border the inner walls of the Church of Bourdon. Thanks all the staff busily tending their chores behind her, everyone from the security guarding all entrances and exits to the towel gurl and janitors and bucket holders and candle-lighters and so forth and welcomes the new caterer with the rock-on hand sign, before wandering off again*

Okay, guys, thanks for entertaining me. *obligatory big back-breaking Bourdon-Bopper bear hugs* Y'all take care and hope to catch up with you again soon. Remember; It's all good.


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New member
Oh, it's nothing too bad anymore... I guess... ::finishes the last cookie:: I've just been stressing myself out, and it's summer. Nothing but social problems, and senior year coming up this fall... and considering I'm writing too many stories at the same time, but that's normal for me I guess...


New member
wecome back rob-ranter. lol. glad your back. love the shirtless pic. so amazingly hot. he has a great body. I really like the black and white one the best. it reminds me one I saw in the book From The Inside. its really cool well i guess thats enough drooling for now (whipes chin off.) im out for now

Edit oh and heres this pic Ive been working on. hope you like it. ;)

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New member
ohhh...thats an awesome pic Phi...its so...*drool*, have a Rob flavored cake for for the good work! *hands over a cake*


New member
*laughs* If you Meteora500, our deal caterer are hiding is Rob's bins, I'm hiding in the rafters of his ceiling and Pheonix is hiding beneath his beloved Matix cap, I think between the three of us we have him pretty well covered, you think? Talk about obsessive... *laughs again*

Anyway, since things have been quiet and it seems as though the novelty of the CoB has aparently worn off for some, thought I'd post a few special pics that I haven't seen here yet (and only recently 'acquired' from The Linkin Park Times, probably THE most conprehensive LP site I've ever come across, ever! Jas should be my idol!) to get the drool flowing again...

The ones that follow are from Live 8, an official Press release pic of Gorgeous Rob and three shots from the concert itself and one with Chas, doing the press junket (take note which way the beloved Matix cap is facing though, would you. WTF?!? *grins*). Hope y'all enjoy!

(BTW, the four at the bottom are all thumbnails, click for larger image, thanks)

;) ;) ;) ;)

Hope it's drool-worthy enough. The first one is, OMFG it's like I've died and gone to heaven... just kidding. But they're nice huh? Anyway, thought I'd share 'em with other like-minded folk such as yourselves. Enjoy!

Well, no rant today. Just breezin' on through, seeing what's happening. *sighs* Not much, but that was to be expected. There was down-periods like this when we were based over at the Rob Pics Thread not that long ago, huh? *grins* Place is emptier than a bar at an AA meet now...

Oh well, catch you beautiful people later. Hope everyone's good and all that.

*big Bourdon-bopper bear-hugs*

Take care, TTYL


(Edit: BTW, yes I do like your pic Phe, quite creative. *drools* It's all good!)

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New member
Hey guys, yup, the ranter's back... *s******s*Yeah, shame this place has gone a bit quiet as of late. I know I'm as guilty, I've been easily distracted the last few days, can you believe I spent a good part of yesterday scrubbing the mould off my walls here at home? *winces* Yep, life sure doesn't get anymore exciting than that, but it was bugging me. All this cold weather (D'uh, bright spark, it's winter! *laughs at self*) is what's doing it and I can still smell the ammonia fumes, and to make matters worse I think I woke up with a headcold, even the lights from the comp screen are making my eyes water... it sucks. Well, I'll get over it.

Went and donated blood again yesterday, so that's what else kept me away. A worthwhile cause if I do say so myself. That and grocery shopping, washing, generally letting RL interfere for a while, which is required every now and then so that I actually take a step back from my little Rob-Obsession and don't let it take hold. Not that it would really bother me if it did, I can think of worse 'idols' to worship... still, strangely enough I've been rediscovering myself away from my Rob/LP-fetish, so now that I've come up for air I've returned to drown once more in my own drool (and everyone else's) and frolic in the frivolities of Rob-worship. Bring on the Rob-ness...

Hey Phe, Twi, Meteora500, Vero, Jammer, Black_Angel, Chipmonk, Vash, Faded_Blue and everyone else amongst the CoB congregation *Super bone-crunching Bourdon-Bopper bear hugs* Hope y'all are doing swanky. Hope you're holidays go well Twi, am thrilled about your new position in the band Phe, and thanks Vero for all the heads-up on all the Rob-clubs!

Well, as far as favourite Rob pics go, all mine have been posted previously I think, (the first one where he's clutching his sticks - sounds nice doesn't it? *laughs* - in the bnw matix shirt, that's one of them) but I just have so darn many I can't even begin to sort amongst them. Of the 11 I have hanging right infront of me (all A4) I have a few pearls, but I guess it depends on my mood/the day. I don't think I have an overall fav but the one in my sig from FP is way up there, along with the one of him from Manilla taken by Daniel Tan/Tau in the brown DSCS shirt... *drools*

I guess I should just post the thumbnails (as usual, click on for full size) of all the ones I stare at everyday to give you an overall impression of my little 'shrine' to Our most venerable Drumming Lord... hold up, I gotta go find 'em... brb...












Okay, so that's pretty much what I look at when I go into the study, right in front of the computer... pretty awesome view, huh? *laughs* I have about 30 or so others I'd LOVE to have up there alongside them but *sigh* will have to wait til I get more ink... *sob*

Anyway, hope you think it's drool-worthy enough!

*wanders up to light the drumstick-shaped candle and polishes the golden lifesized statue of Our Lord til the shine hurts her eyes and has to avert them to the wallpaper of Rob pics that border the inner walls of the Church of Bourdon. Thanks all the staff busily tending their chores behind her, everyone from the security guarding all entrances and exits to the towel gurl and janitors and bucket holders and candle-lighters and so forth and welcomes the new caterer with the rock-on hand sign, before wandering off again*

Okay, guys, thanks for entertaining me. *obligatory big back-breaking Bourdon-Bopper bear hugs* Y'all take care and hope to catch up with you again soon. Remember; It's all good.

Please, call me Ozzy. Lol,i find FadedBlue too long. :p

Hey everyone!!

I tried growing that didnt work. I dont have enough testosterone!*cries*

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New member
Who says we're crazy? *shifty eyes and just as suspicious behaviour as she goes back to polishing Our Lord's golden statue with a toothbrush* hehe




*whistles innocently to herself*

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