The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
I wanna get a white writs thingy like he has. lol. hey rav and ozzy. srry about the beard thing. guys, just call me Phi or Melissa whichever you prefer. .


New member
Who says we're crazy? *shifty eyes and just as suspicious behaviour as she goes back to polishing Our Lord's golden statue with a toothbrush* hehe



*whistles innocently to herself*
oh yah! we're not crazy we just hav a giant golden statue of our Lord Rob Bourdon.. *cough, cough* yaaaaaaah..




New member
melissa is a beautiful name...(i'm a girl, so don't get freaked out :p ). hey rav..i stared at my screen for like 30're gonna flood the church (if it's not already)... and ozzy...don't worry about'll come :) . we should make those wristbands, huh phi? than it would be like another 'signature' CoB thing lol


New member
*looks shocked*

One? What do you mean 'we just have a' as in singular! There's golden statues everywhere throughout this godforsaken establishment or have you all been so terribly engrossed in my sermons (and I use the term loosely mind you) that none of you been looking?? (prolly hard to focus when floating up to your eyeballs in drool >.< Now that's gross) *lmao*



New member
Oooo nice pics Rav! And the forward Matix cap- say it aint so! *puts hand to forehead dramatically*

Ah well, he still rocks!





New member
I hope everyone can swim then... but aren't the statues taller than the drool... or have I been gone that long that the drool has gotten taller. ::looks around:: I'm guess so.


New member
Hey guys! Ozzy, Melissa, everyone else of the CoB! *big hugs*

Ozzy/Faded_Blue/security, sorry to hear about the beard thing, don't fret, I'm sure given enough time it will happen, not like I'd personally know or anything also being of the female persuasion, but, y'know *shrugs* Here's to the power of positive thinking! *grins* Hope it happens for ya' one day, mate!

Uh, Melissa/Phe/2nd in command, the white wrist band 'thingy' is actually part of the whole Live 8 thing, all the performers wore one in a show of unity and support etc, so you'd have to check out their official site or something I'd say if you really want one. Not sure if they're actually retail though, so *shrug* y'might wanna check that out. As for making white wristbands for the CoB? I dunno, call me crazy but if we were to have a colour, I'm not sure white is our thing... *laughs evilly* I mean, think about it. As far as colour symbolism goes, white would be innocence and purity and lets face it, most of the things we dribble (let alone the unspoken thoughts that we elicit, especially when staring for half-hour increments at Rob pics, hey brokenangel? *wink-wink*) in this thread are anything but innocent and pure... quite the opposite really. *Looks around innocently with a devious grin* Having said that, we're not exactly into devil-worship or any real form of evil that connotates the black (only in symbolism, I myself am Wiccan of faith, so I don't actually "believe" in said deity) but then again that IS the colour of his beloved cap (the one Phe's hiding under), and one half of LP's 2 main colours (or 3, technically) and I guess probably the main colour we seem to see him in a lot (although not exclusively) so perhaps...? I don't know. It was hard enough juggling the proposed name change/religious conversion and the 'unofficial' slogan of the CoB let alone deciding on an actual colour *chuckles* Man... talk about obsessive... well, I guess this IS the thread for it, huh... oh well, if it happens...

Moving right along *hums Muppet tune of the same name under her breath* since everyone else is sharing first names I'll share mine; Rach. But I prefer Rav, I like to keep my two personas apart where I can (though sometimes the line does blur, ask Jammer! *laughs*) and do all my virtual stuff via Rav. She's far more outspoken than my RL self anyway, so that's probably a good thing Rav's running the show and not Rach or else we'd really be in trouble! The CoB might never have happened at all! *arrgh!* Well, now that it has and now that we're here and up and running and drooling and carrying on like an unruly mob of misfits *puffs chest out proudly* it's probably time to continue on with the next part of my usual post; the pictures! *Looks around for the strategically placed buckets and hovers over one in anticipation*

Okay, this first one is a bigg'un, and while I don't think it's visually as 'nice' (for want of a better word) of the official Live 8 pic (and what was the deal with the separate shoot from the rest of the band anyway?!? I'm like, WTF?) I still like this one because you can practically read his thoughts on his face - or spend ages coming up with a witty reparte yourself for the sheer **** of it. Check this out;


(Source: The Linkin Park Times)

This second one is nice, it shows what rock stars can get away with in the world of fashion that many of us would never dream of... fancy a backwards baseball cap and jacket anyway? I mean... *laughs* then again, he's a big guy so saying he looks anything but hot to his face may leave one in an incredible amount of pain *laughs again* But no, our Robbie's not that type of guy. And I've said it over and over, he'd look good in anything (or better yet, nothing *evil grin*) But this is no exception... *drool*

(P.S. Go the lumberjack look! *chuckles*)

(Source: The Linkin Park Times - I think. Not 100% sure. Sorry.)

Okay, that's me done for now. Hope y'all enjoy as per usual. *** bless Greg and Patty for bringing such a glorious spectacle into the world *drools more* So, thanks Mr and Mrs B *I can feel a group hug coming on!* Hehehe... Idiot...

Was watching RaR04 again today and I have to tell you, I just go weak at the knees at the start during his drum solo for Don't Stay... The best way I can describe Rob's drumming to the untrained ear is "beautifully savage"... *swoons in her seat at the thought* Even the expressions on his face as he belts it all out (what a workout!) conveys it nicely. *** ****, it's a good thing I don't know the guy or it's fair to say I'd be up on one or two indecent charges against him, thats for sure (Yeah, like me and half-dozen or so other people in this thread alone!) *looks strangely innocent again* Oops, I'd better go now before I really incriminate myself!

Take care peoples! *Big bbB-bb hugs* as always & TTYL,


*Is s******ing indecently as she sneaks out the back door*

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crazy robster

New member
As I point out in my sig, a faithful Robster has major droolage issues... Therefore drowning in drool is quite a possibility my friends! But it's all good!!! This is part of Bourdist philosophy: Drown in drool and Lord Bourdie will not forget you!! LOL :D


New member
hey rav! tell me or PM me where you saw rar04. i still havent seen it. *wails*
Hey Shah! Long time no see *hugs* Well' date=' I downloaded that from (it's like THE Linkin Park site for everything as far as I'm concerned, my number 1 place for anything LP related, and that even includes their official sites which suck in comparison!) that was a few months back but I'm sure it's still up. My biggest issue with TLPT as a site is that they don't support download accelerator progs and if you're one of the rare few (like me) still running on dial-up then getting clips is a labourious and very painful experience indeed. It took me around 4 days to get (and I mean that quite literally too BTW, from beginning to end, but it's cut up so you only D/L what you want and use Winrar to run it together again if that's what you want. It's what I did). Nearly all the clips are good quality in but huge in file size, so you've been warned. Having said that, I could [i']try[/i] and upload the clip in question, but don't know how my slow-@$$ comp will cope with that. Try over at the site first and if you're still having issues let me know and I'll do my best, okay? You've abso-freeakin-lutely got to see the entire concert though if you can, IMHO it is even better than LIT (general overall) and I've raved on about the reasons why enough, but you be the judge.Anyways, take care and I'll be back online tomorrow (it's nearly midnite here and I'm sleepy) to upload if you're on then, or at least I'll endeavour to try for you, okay?



(Edit: Shah, this is the direct link to the vids: but unfortunately at the moment that I type this they are all offline, so no downloads until they come back on, whenever that may be. Will try and upload what I have tomorrow for you and see how we go, okay?)



New member
Well, eventually my floatie will pop, with the statues sticking out. I'll have no choice but to drown, oh well it's all good. Drowning for our lord and my fellow CoB members... but anyone else I'll just have to be kicking for dear life.


New member
*hands you the one with a ducky that goes around your middle*

there you go lol. lucky i learned to swim the hard way, lord bourdie will be really gratefull or (the restraining order is pending) he loves us all.



New member
*hands you the one with a ducky that goes around your middle*
there you go lol. lucky i learned to swim the hard way, lord bourdie will be really gratefull or (the restraining order is pending) he loves us all.
I bet he has million restraining orders... and the other guys as well. Mike might have double, counting the Fort Minor fans



New member
Hey guys, me again!

Shah apologies, but I tried several times to upload just that single vid in question today and as I thought my dim-witted computer couldn't handle it - I got about 3.10MB uploaded before the server reset and that took about an hour or two anyway, considering the file size for Don't Stay alone is around 40MB I would have been manually reseting it all day, so... sorry, no go I'm afraid. But I did try. If you are interested I do have the MP3's as well which I could upload for you to give you an idea of what I'm referring to in regards to Rob's awesome (however brief) intro... will endeavour to do that soon.

First I've come from LPT, of course, and for those of you who don't yet know and ARE members of LPU, the official site is collecting questions for the upcoming newsletter which will be answered by who other this year but Rob himself as well as Joe and amusingly enough Jay-Z. (Credit source: Jas @ I've been wracking my brain but can't for the life of me think of anything even remotely intelligent to ask (that they haven't probably heard like a million times before already) so I've nothing to contribute. If anyone does have anything to submit to the boys log on to: go to the Message Boards - The Underground Forum and post them there. Like I've said it's LPU members only, so don't try it if you're not, you won't get through. They're collecting them soon so hurry, and if you're lucky enough you just might get a response from the stars themselves! *woo-hoo!* (oops, sorry, too much Sims) There's also a cute vid up now featuring the guys prior to going on stage at the Live 8 concert in Phili, where Brad and Rob are playing a unique game called 'reversable hat.' (Middle finger which appears in background courtesy of Mr Hahn) If you haven't seen it check it out... gives you a new insight to what Rock-stars really get up to backstage *laughs* Poor Rob... looks a bit like a store mannequin throughout but still ravishing naturally... anyway...

Moving on, just saying a quick "hi" to everyone. Place is still relatively quiet which is unnerving but not all that unfamiliar after what we've done to the Robs Pics thread *laughs again* Anyway *hugs* to the congregation, missin' everyone. Hope y'all are well and so forth and look forward to all catching up again real soon.

Anyway, no pic today but here's the audio I promised Shah from Rock am Ring 06/06/04 ...

Anyway, take care guys, hope y'all enjoy this, it's ****** awesome, but then so is Brad's intro to 'Numb' from that set and Rob's 'Somewhere I Belong' is worth a mention as well. In fact, do yourself a favour and hunt it down, that concert is well worth a look in, IMHO. Love it, love it, love it. (Even if the cameraman needs a good kick in the head for focusing too much on the hi-hats - is that what they're called?? *looks puzzled* - and for positioning the lens directly into the sun when attempting to focus on Rob - interesting and extensive shots of his hands and nasal cavities though to be sure *laughs*) Anyway, yeah, hopefully you'll get what I'm refering to once you've heard this... if it works... *grumbles irately under breath @ computer*

Take care peoples. Thanks for stopping by. *BBBB-BBH* APU (talking in code now! Oooh, how mysterious *she says sarcastically as she rolls her eyes* Don't worry 'bout me, I'll get over it, need to 'unplug' for a while I think *laughs*). Anyway, TTYL,


(P.S. Agree with you brokenangel about the all the Rob one could ever need statement... although in reflection, I don't think one could ever have too much of him - wouldn't know, don't personally know the guy to like/dislike his little nuances that may otherwise alter my basic opnion on that score - but having said that, I worry one can have too much of a good thing at times... but not in relation to our Bourdie *grins* No, never him... *drool*)



New member
Indeed - Rob, be afraid, be very very afraid ;)

*lmao* as if! What am I gonna do swim to Los Angeles? For pete's sake, he's sweet and all but he aint THAT sweet I'm gonna literally drown for him... or... would I?

*"borrows" Mystery's ring ducky floaty from Mel and starts paddling into the ocean at midnight in the middle of winter headed for sunny California*

Good lord. Taking Robsession to a whole new level... lower XD



New member
oh I havent been on for a while, Well really its only been a day, but thats along time to be away from the CoB. Ive been reading! *makes super hero pose*. yeah, Ive been reading Harry Potter. Yes, say what you want, but Im a Potter fan.

I know im kinda late, but seeing as you guys were on the topic of first names, mine is Hilary (I personally dont really like my name but its all good), or my nickname is Billy, so as for what you wanna call me, its up to you. You can call me meteora, Hil, Hilary, Billy, or like **** head or somthing *shrugs*. Its all up to you.

Anywho...hey Rav, that video you were talking about, with Brad and Rob, is that on the LPU? if it is Im gonna cry. Sadly, Im not on the LPU, I wish I was, but I have kind of a "roadblock" I guess you could say, called parents. *crys*. But yeah, I wanna see that video, sounds...interesting.

Well, I have nothing else to say, so I must leave I guess. *slowly makes her way through the drool to the door, holding a tray of cup cakes with Rob shaped sprinkles over her head so the dont get wet*



New member
okay...I don't know what the **** is going on in here already :p so I'll get to my point...

JoJo said Rob knew about this place...that he comes here...? o.0



New member
Anywho...hey Rav' date=' that video you were talking about, with Brad and Rob, is that on the LPU? if it is Im gonna cry. Sadly, Im not on the LPU, I wish I was, but I have kind of a "roadblock" I guess you could say, called parents. *crys*. But yeah, I wanna see that video, sounds...interesting. [/quote']Heya Billy/Hilary (I think it's a nice name anyway, much nicer than the boring old name I got stuck with - **** you father! - *sob* but I guess I can say that because I'm not the one answering to it, huh? Not a name heard often, which probably has something to do with it - there were 3 Rachel's at my high school - one of the many I attended - so I got labelled 'Fred' instead, anyway, way off topic, where were we? Oh yeah, you *chuckles*) Meteora500... glad you dropped by! *hugs*
Unfortunately that Rob/Brad/Mr Hahn's middle finger video IS an official LPU vid, so sorry... probably should have mentioned that before. Oops, my bad. Sorry for that. *looks apologetic* If there was some way around it I'd show you but unfortunately I don't want to get in trouble from any faction so all I can suggest is you maybe save up or nag your parents more *laugh* I know, easier said than done, right? So easy for me to say, my parents aren't an issue for me anymore... (and at this age I'd be worried if they were! *laughs again*) But who knows, maybe one day they'll (Linkin Park that is) release everything free to the public as they've threatened in a roundabout sort of way with the whole Warner thing (well, maybe allowing legal bootlegging, but y'never know, it could snowball!) So I guess until then you'll probably just have to wait... I'll do my best and see if I can Alt-PrintScreen a pic of it for you just to give you an idea in the next few days, it's a lame consolation prize but something's better than nothing, right? Maybe? Uh... I'll see what comes of it anyway... *looks hopeful*


(Source: LPU)

*yay! It worked... not the most flattering of pics but *shrugs* Rob's in it, so it's not all bad... It's all good! *drool*)

Anyway, moving along again. Take care everyone. *BBBB-BBH* to all and hope all is well. TTYL,

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New member
okay...I don't know what the **** is going on in here already :p so I'll get to my point...JoJo said Rob knew about this place...that he comes here...? o.0
Hey Vi, long time no see my friend, how's things? *hugs*

Well to cut a long rant short, YES he DOES know about this place. Why? Because during the official LPU online chat he held in Feb this year I was lucky enough to be able to ask him a question directly (yes, the man himself straight from the studio) out of a group of around 150+ ppl. That was awesome in itself but not only did he answer my general question, I also asked him to say hi to the fellow CoBers at LPF. Well, he didn't do that, he just answered the question really but the request came straight on the heels of my question so I know for a fact that he read it. He knows the CoB existed because Mel (Phi here) has met the man IN PERSON TWICE *sob* and she tells us she told him all about us... and that was in the early days of 'us' so *** only knows what he's possibly seen since then.

As for knowing for a fact that he or any of the other band members visit this thread let alone this site that I CAN'T verify. It's possible I guess as guests he/they may have at some point, we can only hope (or fear) but I KNOW he knows cause I told him myself. The most intense 45min online chat of my life. Read the LPU transcript @ if you want, its all good ;)

And that (apparently) is my idea of cutting a rant... short.

Hate to see what I would have said if I'd have ranted on purpose ;)


~Rav :D



New member
yeah woah JoJo told me most of what you said here...I was just kinda shocked to hear it :p

and I envy Mel haha

and lucky you on that chat :D man...he knows lol

ah...yeah just the thought of some of them reading



New member
wow nice hat robster! lol. *** i swear i cant take any more family vacation. there are close to fifty of us. my sisters non stop bickering, my cousins telling me how to do every little thing. oh and yeah the surfing in the outer banks is fun. the swells are kindda small but when we get a nice wave its perfect. its a nice time to take a break from real world. i wish i could stay in rob world forever but hey its all good


New member
Actually, I fear more what he/they might have read in OTHER places if you get my drift ;) But I guess in all reality its just a game to them. It's nothing that fans the world over havent done to one degree or another. ****, I've read more racier stuff (so called 'slashies') about all of them that's enough to make a grown veteran like me shudder with sheer... somethingorother 0_0 It kinda makes CoB look like pre-schoolers.

*stares vacantly for a second*

Anyway, yeah point is I guess that's a price of fame. They do say though that immitation is the highest form of flattery so maybe, just maybe there's a .000002 of a percentage that he has accidentally wandered on to the site and read some of this innocent droolfestage. Maybe he's even smiled or rolled his eyes before he clicked off and vowed to never return again... til curiosity got the better of him. With millions upon millions of fellow fans we here are just a tiny drop in one huge-@$$ ocean.

(An ocean of drool none-the-less ;) )

It's nice to dream though isn't it? *sigh*



New member
Fred? haha, nice...

Man it sucks that thats an official LPU video...and dont be sorry, its not your fault at all. Plus, I wouldnt want you to get in trouble either. I would pay for the membership myself cause I have more than enough money for that, but I havent talked to my mom about it lately so maybe Ill do just that. But thanks for the picture anyway, I love the hat! hahah...



New member
yeah I get what you

never heard of slashies though o.0

yeah I can imagine he would, if he ever came here :p

lmao...drool-ocean XD



New member
rob's hat is sooo adorable!! awww... too bad it's for LPU members only... the non-members are missing sooo much :( it's kinda depressing (i'm not a member btw). is almost everyone here a member?


New member
well fribster, we know that mum would go all like oO and then go into a dead faint OR she would laugh and scoff calling blasphmy on any one who said they were/are rob even if it was him. but yeah ive told him many times about this little swimming pool of droolage. its all good though. thats what all those restraining orders floating by are.

and as for the slash, ***, if I wanted to read that **** I'd watch two of my friends make out. i personally dont care if they are gay, but, i dont want to read it. >< slash should be banned, i cant see how anyone gets around writing that sick as **** stuff. fribby, youre lucky you dont know about slash, I so wish i never knew about it.



New member
yay! Im not the only one! *high fives brokenangel*. And yes it is quite depressing how much we non-members miss out on. Oh well, maybe sometime in the future I'll be able to get a membership...maybe just maybe....

You know...I kinda just noticed that not many different people are posting in here...hmm...maybe people are to busy drooling over Rob pictures...haha, I wouldnt doubt it...oh well...maybe I can bribe people to post with some nice Ginger Bread Rob cookies! (get it? Ginger Bread Rob cookies instead of Ginger Bread MAN cookies? hehe...oh dear...) anyway, Im bored at the moment as you may have noticed.

anyway, I decided to post some pictures, hope they're drool worthy, and sorry of some have already been posted.





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New member
The first time I stumbled upon slash... I wanted to claw my eyes out, and I didn't listen to any of their cds for a couple of weeks, because of the horrible image of... okay, well, you get my point. But to each its own I guess...


New member
i was so the same way mystery, but for me it was with reading slash about good charlotte. i know i dont want to read about the twins ******* each other. but i guess if it satisfies someones sick and twisted pleasure then be my guest.


New member
i was so the same way mystery' date=' but for me it was with reading slash about good charlotte. i know i dont want to read about the twins ******* each other. but i guess if it satisfies someones sick and twisted pleasure then be my guest.[/quote']
Everyone has their own sick and twisted pleasures... but some milder than others...
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