The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
uhm..ruth-honey? she kinda came up with the idea lol...her name's Hilly-Billy!!! haha..or just Hilary ^_^ or whatever she said
Heh...Hilly-Billy? thats a new can call me what ever you want.



New member
aww...its ok Ruth *pats back*. It was me that suggested the name thing, and you can call me Hilary, or Hil, or Billy, and if you forget you can just look at my sig. It says it there.

Whos names do we still need? Oh...we need Phi's name!

hahah oki!!! *feels stupid* can I call you Hil-billy? heheh *I psyche I psyche, I joke I kid I kid* hmmm (insert raised eyebrow smilie in here) man I dunno why I'm so high...?

Ps, love your avvie hilary :) oscar owns after cookie monster

c is for cookie thats good enough to eat....



New member
i think Phoenix' name is Rachel. a while ago somebody else came up with this (like looooong ago when rav was still here...regularly)...and she said something like that, but i guess we'll have to wait and see when she comes :)


New member
who me? my name or someone elses? my name is Kenji. wanders through empty church. im going to eat some alfrado and force feed rob some


New member
who me? my name or someone elses? my name is Kenji. wanders through empty church. im going to eat some alfrado and force feed rob some
*is freaked out and slowly backs away from the Church*



New member
hahah oki!!! *feels stupid* can I call you Hil-billy? heheh *I psyche I psyche, I joke I kid I kid* hmmm (insert raised eyebrow smilie in here) man I dunno why I'm so high...?
Ps, love your avvie hilary :) oscar owns after cookie monster

c is for cookie thats good enough to eat....
Haha...if you want you can. It dosent matter to me. :)

I love my avvie to!

who me? my name or someone elses? my name is Kenji. wanders through empty church. im going to eat some alfrado and force feed rob some
*is kinda creeped out* Eh...somebodys in a weird mood...but uh, what ever tickles your pickle "Kenji". *slowly passes over a bowl of alfredo*



New member
Heloo all :D

I've been on a hike with some people from school this weekend! *cheers sarcasticaly* My back and feet hurt and I was woken up in the middle of the night by my 'friend' whos chest was hurting (everyone was hurting), then I had to get up in the cold and get the teacher and then she was still whining then she went home in the morning (thankfully). Okay that doesn't make sense :p But I'm pretty ****** off.



New member
well, that doesn't sound like too much fun ^ :( feel better really soon! (not that you're sick, but you know) welcome back then, Alison! haha... you're probably the most active person (in this thread) outside of LPF (or your pc for that matter). you're always experiencing new adventures and stuff, and we're just here...hanging out...having nothing better to do. kinda depressing -_-

*serves Bourdon Bourbons* haven't had those in a while...

^ haven't had this in a while either

^ i'm in<3 with this one and i dunno why..doesn't matter anyway :cool:



New member
Thanks guys *big hugs to yous* Hehe I'm not that active. Well I don't enjoy it anyway :p

Yay Bourdon-Bourbons! :D

Those pics made me feel kinda better, I love the last one too! And those muscles on the first one o_O

Hey is black angel alison? well Alison, hope your feet and back get unsore. I hate having a sore back its kills.

Okay I think I got all the names in register....mmm *drools at rob pics* especially tha bottom one and @ his muscles...well basically drool at each bit of those two pics^^

BTW, I will be inactive for 2 weeks because I'm off overseas for the when I come back I wanna see CoB back to its alive and Robby self :)

*big bourdon hugs to all*



New member
Hey guys, me again...

Kinda bummed, seems like the post I wrote yesterday didn't work *slaps computer* so looks like this'll be a really long post, huh? *laughs* Yeah, like that's unusual...

Not much a'happenin' today. Dropped in to see how everyone's doin and all that. Don't really have much to add, just sitting here staring at my Rob-desktop made me think 'Sh*t! Got to go back to the CoB!' so, here I am...

Uh... for the sake of it, here's yesterday's post;

Hey... uh, howdy y'all.

Well, feelin' much better, have most of my hearing back now (was going into withdrawals. hadn't been able to listen to music for a few weeks if you can imagine it! NO LP!!!) So I'm kickin' back, chillin', gettin' reacqainted with the tunes after what feels like a lifetime without. Have my usual facial structure too, which is nice, (uh, sorta) not wandering around lookin' like the elephant man on steroids... that was scarey. Hate being sick, well, that sick anyway. That sucks but hopefully after I see the ENT specialist again tomoorow I'll finally get some answers... we'll see.


Other than that seems life here hasn't changed. That's a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing cause I missed this place, missed you guys, missed comin' in at all hours and just chillin' with y'all, but bad cause still looks like CoB is as quiet as it was before I took my leave. (Mind you having said that there looks to be a few pages of posts for me to catch up on - Oops!) Well, thats depressing... but now I'm back (and of sounder mind and body) lets see what I can do to help. *Pulls a frowny face as she thinks long and hard*

Oh, I know, pictures usually help... lets see what I can come up with here...


Man, this is hard! It's hard to find a pic that
hasn't been posted here already! *grumbles* *** damnit, Rob, get out of hiding and back into the spotlight where I can drool over you, I mean about you some more, hehehe...


Uh... I dunno... I think I'm gonna have to do a metasearch at some point and revamp my pic collection. But till then, what I'll do is post the not-too-terribly-stimulating-or-best-pic-of-my-beloved-Robbie but the quintessential pic that has kind of kept me 'going' these past few weeks, esp. when I was sick and bedridden and prone to mournful fits of mania in my state of quasi-deafness; this. It's stuck to my computer table (I moved the comp into my bedroom to keep myself entertained recently) so I've kind of stared at this pic everyday now for quite a while... not too shabby, and probably one of the most recent pics I have at the mo of our dear sweet beloved favourite drummer...



Like I said, nothing jaw-droppingly-special, but droolworthy enough in my books. Hey! *wipes chin and gets excited about it* That's something I haven't done in a while... wow, and there I was thinking I'd forgotten how to! Mmmm, I liked it... wanna do it again... Even better, I wanna start the trend again; lets revert this place back to it's flood-of-drool state it once was, I think I'd like to, anyone wanna help?

Hey, I have to say it, I said it before but feel it needs repeating; I'm sorry I abandonned the flock but I'm back now... I'm back, I'm healthy (which is always open to debate), and ready to drool to the state of dehydration all over again. Am I forgiven? *looks worried*


On a personal note, JammerG (remember her?) is moving into her own pad Friday so it's back to solitude again. I'm a-gonna need this place to keep me sane I think, well, that's the plan anyway. Plus I haven't been submerged in my Rob-obsession so completely since I wandered off the beaten track those few months ago and I badly need to drown in it again. I need Robbie back, dagnammit! I don't feel complete without my obsession... endevour to rectify that anyway. But on the upside I do have his sticks, autograph and photos hanging on my livingroom wall so that's also sweet... I share my obsession, or what's left of it's tattered remains, with everyone that visits so that's sweet. Respect to the LPU and the big dude behind the kit that makes my knees go weak *laughs*


Well thats it for a first rant for a bit. Had to come in and get reacquainted with the actual act of typing so much again! *laughs again* Haven't done that for a while either! I'm gonna be lurking about a bit but will be back on tonight after work (which kind of works out well cause being from down under, many of you are asleep when my side of the continent is awake so nightshift has it's advantages!) so I'll hopefully catch up with some of you again real soon, and that'd be fantastic. I so missed you guys, my Rob-obsessed-extended-virtual-family!

*Big Bone crushing Bourdon Bear hugs* Still remember how to do that though... *sly smirk*


Take care guys, hope to catch up again real soon. TTYL,



BTW, yes, my name is Rachel in response to earlier queries, just had to clarify. But Rach is so boring, even at work, even my neighbours call me Ravyn (thanks to Jammer) not that I mind, I prefer it. That way, when I do something wrong I have an alter ego so to speak to blame stuff on! *laughs* Hey, works for me...

Okay... well, that's about it for now, gonna go see if I can catch up with a few familiar faces I see lurking here in the shadows *runs off excitedly*

Take care guys, again, and as always, and hopefully more often now, TTYL,


Bourdie's B*tch 4eva!



New member
Rav!!! ahhh...*dances*...humm...yeah. *gives a freshly baked Rob shaped cookie*. I havent been cooking much lately have I? I've been starving every body! *gasp* meh. As weird, and gross as this may sound, Im missing the drool as well. *a river of drools come out of mouth* there...that should get us started *spit flys everywhere while talking*. But its good to hear that you are better Rav! If I had to live that long without music, Id probably kill myself...well maybe nothing that drastic (sp?), but whatever I would do wouldnt be pretty. And that just made no sense. oh well. But...Im going to go...*goes into kitchen and cooks up a Rob themed feast* thats to make up the starving I put you guys through! heh...


New member
Hey thanks Meteora! *starts munching away on cookie hungrily* Oh wow, *wipes chin* dunno if the drool's cause the cookie tastes so good, or I'm surrounded by Rob-ness again (possible) or maybe a little of both (though munching on a Rob-shaped cookie has my mouth watering in RL! *laughs*) but this sea of drool we're needing to re-manifest is slowly starting to return now. Look at the mess I'm making of myself *sponges down front of shirt that's saturated through with drool*

Ahhh... just like old times... hehehe

Bring on the Rob-themed feast I say! *wanders around setting banquet like decorations in church*

Wonder who's coming to this thing anyway... better see if you need a hand in the kitchen, huh? I'm being trained at work now, as of last night I've been kind of 'promoted' I guess you could say. (Remember, I work in a Mexican restaurant in RL, go figure, which is kinda convenient seeing as how our Lord likes Mexican... me, I'm not so fussed about it, but *shrugs* anyway, back to the story). I'm being trained as a chef, not bad for a dish b*tch who flunked out of art-school, huh? *laughs* We'll see how it goes, but I guess I need all the practice I can get, so... *rolls up sleeves and makes her way into the kitchen to help our beloved and about to be overworked chef*



New member
Yay Rob Themed Feast! :D *Salivates and munches everything she can get her hands on*

~Many Hours Later~

*"Groan"* *Collapses in the sacred pews after eating far too much and passes out into a pleasant Rob-Shaped food induced sleep*

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