Hey guys! *hugs* Thanks for the comforting words and concerns... means a lot! Uh... yeah, put me in an awkward position and to be honest, seeing as how I've told no one else about it (in RL/face to face) I felt kinda screwed up and even a little 'embarrassed' *gulp* about spilling it to you guys here in this forum *sigh* Dunno why, just reflex I think. And I did sulk and did a lot of introspective thinking and am putting it behind me now - there's a lesson to be learnt from it, and I think I've learned. In a major way, too! (and not under the best circumstances) No more such 'passtimes' just hanging out with him, or at least not watching said movies etc... *shakes head* Sucked. Guys in RL suck... nah, not all, just most of the ones I know... *sigh*
Anyhoo, yeah *laughs* confessing my **** to 'teens' is fine by me, as long as you lot are fine having a grannie such as myself spill her colloqiual guts to y'all (BTW, for those of you not in the know, I'm in the final year of my twenties, *s******s*) But then again, y'all should be used to it. ****, even Rob is my junior like 3 years or so *dreamy sigh* and I don't usually have a 'thing' for younger guys (too immature) but I don't know Rob *grr* I'm just drooling over my mountains of images and interviews and videos and t-shirts and so forth as if I did know him, (sad but true). Man... I need a Rob-fix, lets see what image I can conjure, I'm past the point of remembering what I've posted anymore so now I just choose randomly, consarnit! I need to drool damnit! (seeing as how it's feeling like summer has started early here in the land down under, dehydration can't be that far behind! *hehehe* but meh, it's for a good cause *evil grin*)
Don't you just adore that smile...? *drooooooooools incessantly*
That should hopefully pick up everyone's spirits... certainly picks up mine! *another wicked laugh*
Well, as for where I live, it's in Australia, of course, (the a$$-end of the planet) in a place called Toowoomba... the 'garden city' in the SE corner of QLD. It's nice enough, nicer than where I spent most of my childhood (outback NSW in several dust bowl hick towns... *shudders*) Chas in his desert-upbringing might relate. It doesn't have anything too remarkable to say about it. It's in the mountainous areas (if y'can call it that) and is green and at the moment resplendant with colour (thats courtesy of spring) and feels like an overgrown counrty town. About 2 hours from Brisbane. Most ppl should know where that is on the map...? Well, thats the spiel. Personally I'd love to see two places before I die; America and Ireland. Even as a babe I've had a 'thing' for the USA (ask my mum) everywhere from WA to LA to NY to AZ to NO *sob* all over the place... it's such a freakin' huge and diverse place I'd spend the rest of my life just wandering it quite contentedly. But being of Irish decent (aren't we all here in Oz?) I long to see the land of my ancestors, the land of the Gauls and my 'religious beliefs' (though I shudder at that analogy) the Wiccan way and the Celts. Ideally, if I was rich and crazy enough to do as I pleased, I'd grab Rob *sorry gals* and run off to Ireland with him and live in the ruins of an old embattled castle overlooking the sea and just live out my days as a writer or artist while he does his creative thing (be it drums or whatever - in my fantasies there's no limitations! *laughs*) But I guess seeing as how I can't have that reality, I'd still like to wander the planet and see as much of it as I could before we, as a race, obliterate it. *sigh*
Well, guess I should be getting ready for work soon *sigh* My life consits of two consistencies; work and gym. Guess thats better than having the no-life I had before huh? *shrugs* I'm ambivalent towards that at the moment, feeling like I'm peddling like crazy and getting nowhere fast, but I guess that too is life. Depressing, huh? (Slow down, I want to get off!) Mind you, it's not all bad. I've gone from 110kg to 69kg (sorry, don't know the conversion rates to lbs for you northern ppl, no wait, am looking that up cause even I wanna know now, damnit!) *Looks shocked*
69kg = 151.8lbs I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing! *shakes head* Well, whatever it is it's better than what it was... does that make sense?
Oh well, I'm gonna go soon. Am downloading a program to help me manage my Sims2 NL downloads then I have to go to work. But then I get two days off, so thats something. Kind of sucks having Wed/Thurs off and working all weekend so I don't catch up with many ppl but that's life I guess. I have you guys, so that's something... Miss you guys!
*Big Bourdon Bear hugs all round!*
Oh yeah, thanks for the Bourdachinos and so forth the other day, that was sweet! *yum!* Keep 'em coming I say, like Our Lord (Mr Bourdon, like, D'uh!) y'just can't get enough!
Well, take care guys, be good, BB and talk to y'all again soon, huh?
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, seeing as how we used to say it like, all the time round here at one stage and seems rather apt considering everyone's sh*t week, I'll just say this; "It's all good!"
Thanks Rob. You're so smart... and funny. And cute. And drool-worthy...
Can't wait til someone clones him *laughs* and starts the 'master race' now THAT would be something... imagine, a world where there is enough Rob for everyone... *laughs like an idiot* Something to think about.
(Aka; Bourdie's B*tch. Cause my t-shirt says so.)