The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Hey, looks like we just missed each other... oh well. Just checked out your space, had a read, quite enlightening, I must say *grins* Didn't know you're a snowboarder, that's mad! I wish I had the tenacity (or availability) to do so, but alas I have no balance (and it doesn't snow here)... but put me on ice-skates however and it's a whole other matter (yay) but that's besides the point. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know had a read (and a laugh) and thought I'd say hi to ya, *hugs* and now I'll go again. BTW, thanks for the props about the CoB on your space, much appreciated! *hands over more cookies* And again, just what you need, another Rachel in your life *rolls eyes* Well, we can't be all bad, huh?

Take care, TTYL,

yeah I snowboard, and I must say, that I'm sure u could beat me if I were to ice skate against u, because that's not really my thing. I like to hav 2 feet on a board (snowboarding, skateboarding) rather then 2 seperate...uh....things? lol anyway hi to u too, lol *hugs* havent talked to u in a while, although I hav read ur rants, lol. oh BTW thnx for the cookies!! I had to put stuff about the CoB on my myspace, bcuz Rob rox and so does the entire CoB congregation!! yeah another Rachel in my life! and ur not all bad, lol.

anyway, I just wanted to tell...well I'm sry I 4got who it was but...I'm not a member of the LPU either, I want to be but, some times my parents dont let me do what I want.

BTW I thought I would tell everyone that I am very sry for using "lol" like 50 times in everything I had to say... I guess I hav a **** there I go again...



New member
0_o There's sheep in here?!?

*watches one float past*


*swims after it*

*plays tag with the sheep as they bob around in the water*

Man, sheep can't swim too well can they?


Anyways, Phi-phi, glad you're back on home soil. Well, mostly. Its not safe really being so close to the castle and all ;) I'll pray for you, how's that?

*watches Mel float past on her back writing the last chapter of her story*


*stops praying and swims after her, knocking the laptop into the water and dragging her under to steal the Rob-shaped floatie she was laying on*


*paddles off with it*




New member
This church is... well... 'unique' lets put it that way huh?


*splashes Mystery*

*more evil laughter*

*paddles off to harrass the sheep some more*

*swears an oath to PETA and RSPCA on the Holy drum tab book that no sheep would be harmed in the production of this episode*



New member
Hey guys! *back breaking hugs* Missed you all! OMFG, it feels like forever when I'm not online... dang RL (real life), keeps getting in the way! *sob*

Guess what, I have great news... I got a job! *screams* Well, it's nothing flamboyant, still being a dish-b*tch (but I'm Bourdie's b*tch first-and-foremost, thought I'd point that out) at the same restaurant Jammer works, yeah, the same one I trialed for like weeks ago (you'll have to forgive me if I don't sound too coherant tonight, had a few Bourdons, oops, Bourbons after work, am feeling all celebratory and stuff *chuckles*) so y'know it's all good...

Gives me something else to do what with the proposed murals and maybe going back to finish my DipVA (as opposed to my also uncompleted BVA at Uni - I have committment issues or so it seems) and the newly comissioned drawings for the Mental Health Unit and so forth... man, life's getting way complicated for a poor (short) introvert such as myself! But I'll always make time for the blessed CoB, Bourdie (of course, what's life without an unobtainable obsession after all), LP, and you guys, you guys rock seriously. I don't even know you but you're all like one weird ecclectic extended family... love this place... (****** p*ss-talk, geez I dunno *laughs*) Don't worry, I'll sober up soon, I'm cadbury's, only had two but gee...

Anyway, thanks for the pic-praise. I don't see the point hoarding my Bourdie-stash, I'm all for spreading the Rob-love with those who appreciate it, so I'm slowly giving you all I have to extend upon your own Bourdie-Obsessions. Cause it's all good, huh? *rolls eyes* Anyway, I appreciate the sentiment and every now and then someone does surprise me with pics that I've never seen before, so it's an even thing. I'm glad y'all like. But please, when drooling, try and keep up the water intake, neither our dear sweet talented ravishing well-cut soft-spoken gentle giant lord nor me would want to see anyone dehydrated or suffer ill-health as a consequence of Rob-worship... oh, and please drool in a bucket, the floors tend to get a bit slippery after a while and I'm sure the janitors would appreciate it. *grins*

Anyway, I don't really have any pics to add right now... I'm going wandering so I may find something of interest to drag back and share with y'all, my beloved extended CoB family (what a wild bunch of miscreants we are - yes I speak like that, even when under the influence) but before I go have to give props to all of you who have posted since my last rant (cause it gives me an excuse to use the bold and italics formatting too, which is also fun (yes, I'm also a nerd at heart, you've been warned...)

So, usual CoB back-breaking, bone-crunching, Bourdon-Bopper bear-hugs to the following;

Chipmonk (the happiest laughing member I know)

Twi (w/b hon! always miss ya!)

Meteora500 (thanks for the pics - yay for evil 'bob')

brokenangel (am getting LP on back of my neck soon, will keep you posted)

Black_Angel (A Rob-Chas hybrid...? **** of a mental image *laughs*)

Pheonix (another of my tattoed bretheren, welcome, sister!)

Vash (my fav Mod... and **** of a conversationalist! *big grins* much love)

and everyone else who happens to feel like getting dragged into the melee, hugs to you too!

Okay, am wandering off again now. Oh, have to add as a side note, have you guys remembered to vote for this years LPF awards? Yes/no?

Go check out the thread if y'havent already, it's very important, we need to keep this place up and running and show our support (plus show the mods we appreciate all their behind the scenes work) oh and like, I'm in contention, so... vote for me if you think I deserve it *chuckles* Shameless plug I know, but I'll never know who you vote for so go make your own decisions and may the best members/most deserving ppl win... *raises brow* Did that sound okay? *Looks worried* **** paranoia... **** alcohol... that's it, I'm going now, I've got to forward my votes now anyway, have deliberated long enough (try like, a week already, not the impulsive type huh? *s******s*) Plus am tired... missed therapy today and my brain is scrambled *oops!*

Take care guys, hugs and so forth to all. TTYL (when I sober up a bit)




(Don't tell anyone, but I was Trent Reznor's B*tch first, like years ago *laughs* Shhh... It's our secret... *wanders off into the dark recesses of CoB hall quietly*)



New member
Hey, Rav wanna know something werid everytime one of us is going to update one of our stories, we do it on the same day... I creep myself out.

*splases Rav*

I got chase by a sheep before so, **** nevermind... I don't feel like getting a lawsuit on my by the PETA organziation again. Not that I don't like animals

Wow, it sounds as though you had one **** of a night(?)

Thank you for such kind words, I wouldn't be much of, (a) a mod, if it weren't for you guys, & (b) a conversationalist, if it wern't for you, Rav, who I can just enjoy talking to. ^.~

Well Rav, do take care of yourself, & I'll talk to you later,



crazy robster

New member
Hey CoBers, I don't have anything special to contribute as far as the drowning thing is concerned and everything, I dunno about sheep and shepherds, all I know is that we haven't posted pickies of our adored drummer for quite some time... I think it's time to take some action again... LOL Hmmmm...I'll see what I can do! Bourdie bless us all!!! *hugs*


New member
Hello Rav!!! *hugs* wow, lots-o-stoof going on *reads* haha wow:p

I don't really have anything to..donate now either... hey, I just woke up, leave me alone *runs away* lol



New member
How about this one then, my dearest sista? *******

Oh and Mystery - 0_0 spooky indeed! :D


crazy robster

New member
*DROOLS* OMFG.........*fans self*...........*then faints* What about THAT??? That's Lord Bourdie in all his divine glory!! LOL Thanks so much sis!!! Hey, I got some more pics, they're not as special as my sister's one but... they are Robbie pics so it's all good!!! ;)


Look at his expression... Sista...i know what you're thinking right now, I know... ;)


Faint!!! Literally!!!!


OMG just focus on his arm... o_O


What a giant, what a hunk my Lord look at him!!! Look at those hairy legs!! Let me wipe the drool again this is getting out of control... o_O

*hugs for everyone* Jojo

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New member
I redid my sig and I just want everyone to notice all the CoB stuff on it!! lol anyway is there anyone here that can help me get a personalized pic/sig thing for my sig? It would be much appreciated..


New member
Ooooooh sis, how well you know me - well, my twisted and pereverted mind - we are twins after all! XD

As for those arms and hairy legs... day-um! I think we need the river of drool flowing through this place, cause its the only way I know how to cool down! What a feast for the eyes! *droool*

***-****! Someone get me a bucket, two safety pins, and a really comfy chair with which to graft my **** into while I stare at this... perfection. (The pins are to keep my eyes open at all times, wouldn't wanna blink and deprive myself a split second of droolworthy Robnessness!)


Okay... think my brain's water-logged! Someone get me a paramedic! Gonna need the jaws-of-life to prise my mouth open in a permanent state to let the excess drool run free... *******

Good lord... see what y'all do to us???

Thanks sis ;) You're a real gem!



New member
awesome sig stuff

I personally recommend Misery(that might be hard considering he's not here anymore :( ) or Hybrid-Heart

There's other awesome sig-makers too!



New member
*hands Rav the materials she asked for* I don't know if any paramedics can come through all this drool. *starts blowing up extra floaties for paramedics*


New member
hey rav...thanks so much for all the nice stuff ...yay! and robalutions (like congratulations... rob-style *tries to look all cool*) with the job!! have fun, okay?? *back-breaking hug back*


New member
*sputters and coughs in the water/drool*

gosh rav, what was that for?

*grabs an intertube with a hat to try and save the laptop*

oO rob in a hot tub? *drool* why oh why, so drool worthy



New member
I made my own sig and avatar and I also made JammerG's as well. I'm supposed to make her a new up-to-date one but *shrug* I'm a procrastinator at times so I need to think about it some more *laughs*

Heya Chipmonk as always, thanks for the kind words and praise and the free advertisement you do for the CoB. You should also be our Advert-rep, what's that equate to in rock-star-speak? *shrugs again* Don't know, but whatever it is, that's who you should also be... yeah you may laugh a lot but at least you're happy and a joy to be around. I don't mind a bit. It's better than being an emotional vampire (VuuV) so, yeah, don't sweat it. Laugh all you want *grins*

Hey Twi yeah, plenty going on. I kind of (kind of?!?) visit this place more often than my own journal now (*looks guilty* uh... yeah) so sometimes I have a tendency to let my daily rant contain a mix of the two; my journal rant and CoB rant. But hey, it's all good. Gives me a break from the non-stop drool-fest this place would otherwise be *s******s* yeah...

But hey, you're excused for not 'contributing' anything' either... ****, you're presence is enough. Happy people means more than drool-worthy pics (though they're great in their own right) *starts drooling at the thought of fav Rob pics*

And heya there Vash I actually messaged you last night but in my uh... enebriated (s/p?) state I actually 'lost it' (oops) *laughs* Yeah, dumb@ss, I know. But hey, thanks for the kind words as well. People like you make it a pleasure to keep coming back to the boards. Lets face it, they could give this site a million-dollar makeover but without good, honest down-to-earth people such as yourself (and the rest of the CoB, plus a few others) this place would still sink quicker than the Titanic... ****, that took three agonising hours on the big-screen as it was, so yeah... thanks Yourself.

Well people I'm out of here again. Guess I should post something Rob-related (cause I haven't drooled for oh, I dunno - looks at wristwatch - a few hours at least) so let me see what I can conjure this time...

I have two of dear Robbie at his kit today, the first one has probably been seen a bit but thought I'd include it because he looks 'evil' (for want of a better word) in it and Jammer G and I both think he looks drool-worthy as a villan so yeah *chuckles* Here's that;

(Source: & others)

And this one I myself got from the RockamRing 04 Concert which I thought was pretty cute... pity the quality is not so great but *shrug* You get the gist of it, right?

(Source: Me, from RaR04)

Okay guys, that be it for now, much love and hugs go out to all. *BBBBBB-BBH* (Whew!) Oh, and for those of us with sweet-teeth, there's Rob-shaped cookies down the front here too. Go crazy. Nothing better than to gorge ourselves at the trough of plenty on such decadent eye-candy such as this... (thankyou Patty and Greg!) *Wanders away, wiping chin*

Take care, TTYL,


(Edit: Hiya brokenangel just missed your post. Thought I'd drop your name in too. *hugs* You're cool anyway, Rob-speak or no *chuckles* But hey, nice use of the lingo, bud! And thanks, means much! Here, have a cookie too... *hands over cookie* Don't worry, didn't drool on it... much...)



New member
geez.. we should have put a drain in here! lol

*wades in the water*

*sees a sheep float past*

why the heck are there sheep in here??

*sees Rav swimming after the sheep*

why the heck is Rav chasing that sheep?

this place is crazy!! lol i love you guys soo much!

oh and btw, great pics everyone!

I made my own sig and avatar and I also made JammerG's as well. I'm supposed to make her a new up-to-date one but *shrug* I'm a procrastinator at times so I need to think about it some more *laughs*
Heya Chipmonk as always, thanks for the kind words and praise and the free advertisement you do for the CoB. You should also be our Advert-rep, what's that equate to in rock-star-speak? *shrugs again* Don't know, but whatever it is, that's who you should also be... yeah you may laugh a lot but at least you're happy and a joy to be around. I don't mind a bit. It's better than being an emotional vampire (VuuV) so, yeah, don't sweat it. Laugh all you want *grins*

Hey Twi yeah, plenty going on. I kind of (kind of?!?) visit this place more often than my own journal now (*looks guilty* uh... yeah) so sometimes I have a tendency to let my daily rant contain a mix of the two; my journal rant and CoB rant. But hey, it's all good. Gives me a break from the non-stop drool-fest this place would otherwise be *s******s* yeah...

But hey, you're excused for not 'contributing' anything' either... ****, you're presence is enough. Happy people means more than drool-worthy pics (though they're great in their own right) *starts drooling at the thought of fav Rob pics*

And heya there Vash I actually messaged you last night but in my uh... enebriated (s/p?) state I actually 'lost it' (oops) *laughs* Yeah, dumb@ss, I know. But hey, thanks for the kind words as well. People like you make it a pleasure to keep coming back to the boards. Lets face it, they could give this site a million-dollar makeover but without good, honest down-to-earth people such as yourself (and the rest of the CoB, plus a few others) this place would still sink quicker than the Titanic... ****, that took three agonising hours on thebig-screen as it was, so yeah... thanks Yourself.

Well people I'm out of here again. Guess I should post something Rob-related (cause I haven't drooled for oh, I dunno - looks at wristwatch - a few hours at least) so let me see what I can conjure this time...

I have two of dear Robbie at his kit today, the first one has probably been seen a bit but thought I'd include it because he looks 'evil' (for want of a better word) in it and Jammer G and I both think he looks drool-worthy as a villan so yeah *chuckles* Here's that;

(Source: & others)

And this one I myself got from the RockamRing 04 Concert which I thought was pretty cute... pity the quality is not so great but *shrug* You get the gist of it, right?

(Source: Me, from RaR04)

Okay guys, that be it for now, much love and hugs go out to all. *BBBBBB-BBH* (Whew!) Oh, and for those of us with sweet-teeth, there's Rob-shaped cookies down the front here too. Go crazy. Nothing better than to gorge ourselves at the trough of plenty on such decadent eye-candy such as this... (thankyou Patty and Greg!) *Wanders away, wiping chin*

Take care, TTYL,


(Edit: Hiya brokenangel just missed your post. Thought I'd drop your name in too. *hugs* You're cool anyway, Rob-speak or no *chuckles* But hey, nice use of the lingo, bud! And thanks, means much! Here, have a cookie too... *hands over cookie* Don't worry, didn't drool on it... much...)
Thanks again Rav, you truly are a good friend & a great person.

I guess no one likes my site... :: tear ::


Well, I'm off to go galavant around the forums preforming modly duties.

Love ya'll,




New member
awesome sig stuffI personally recommend Misery(that might be hard considering he's not here anymore :( ) or Hybrid-Heart

There's other awesome sig-makers too!

Misery is never coming back?

THATS GAY!! :mad:

N1cE p1kz. Tey r s0 seczie!!1




New member
*lmao* Thanks for inserting my idiotic quote in your sig my sweet ;)

Bless it.

As for the drain...? Well... that would make sense... but then again with all the floating sheep, the ducky floaties, the golden statues, the *ahem* "closet" innuendos ;) , the paramedics, the jaws-of-life, the general insanity... and the droolworthy pics.... anything that makes sense in an insane world logically doesn't go, or, illogically, **** I dunno, I think I just confused myself and that aint all that hard XD

And Mel... *splash*


Love y'all too!!!

*tackle hugs*



New member
ha a family of Robsessors. thats really great!! might as well enjoy the water.. *swims in the water*

*tackles Phe* muahaha

*jumps on a sheep and floats away on it*

HAHA try catchin me Phe, this sheep flies through the water!! ahaha

as for the drain, if we were to find the ground.. how would we even drill the hole? lol oh well..



New member
anything that makes sense in an insane world logically doesn't go' date=' or, illogically, **** I dunno, I think I just confused myself and that aint all that hard XD[/quote']
wow.. that confused me!! lol

lets see if i can figure this out.

if you're in an insane world all the logic is opposite as to what it would be in a sane world?? "oh no, i've gone cross-eyed." ha i couldn't resist that quote from Austin Powers lol.

crazy robster

New member
*lmao* Thanks for inserting my idiotic quote in your sig my sweet ;) Bless it.
My sweet sister, your quotes are real diamonds!! I wish I could use many of them in my sig... Especially those concerning Rob and his...drooliciousness... You simply speak for me my sis! It's amazing how much we understand each other!! Twinsies!!! *hugs* Yay for Robbie!!! :D

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