The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

crazy robster

New member
OMG!!! Girls!! awesome pics!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
btw: "MIKE YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOMEST" - shouldnt it be most awesome? :lol:
Lmao I know, as an English teacher I should grab him by the ear and teach him how superlatives are formed!!! LMAO Nah I love him too much and yes I know he's a native speaker he certainly knows more than I it's just... a contemporary cool way of emphasizing things? Double superlative? LMAO Aww Robbie... I just wanna eat him up he's live temptation and so so so adorable! WE LOVE YOU ROBBIE!!!! Thanks for posting these my beloved sister! *hugs* <3 <3 <3



New member
he is soooo cute!! he looked amazing on SNL.. even though there were like.. no closeups lol. yet, i was still sitting on the couch spazming as they were performing. and what really sucked was that my parents kept asking what was wrong lol. they just don't understand the obsession with Linkin Park and the Lord :p


New member
::grinds teeth:::

oh that girl...i thought she was dead or frozen or soemthing

meh i thought rob got bored of that polar bear

but i think shes very pretty.


crazy robster

New member
We shouldn't disregard the universal signs... There was a reason the link wasn't working... :rolleyes: Anyway there is a solution to every problem! It's called photo cropping...or else getting rid of the photo parts you don'r need...hehehe :spiteful: THANKS CHEL! :D :thumbsup:

EDIT: Here's a snap lol Though the quality is ****** for the most part, since I painstakingly grabbed this snap from the AOL video playing in LPtimes, I thought I'd post it cause it's so cute!! Robbie with a cheesy grin on his glorious face is playfully pointing at Phoenix and proves once again that he is the cutest baby on earth...


No more comments, just <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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New member
Credit for ALL : LPTimes (Jas is a bonafide LP Legend!)

There ya go, more reasons to lurve <3 (look at those HANDS! and pic #1... just plain 'awwness' ; :)

Given my sis's reaction HAD to share 'em! XD




crazy robster

New member
Ahem... I think our AIM convos have leaked or sth sis... LMAO Either that or Chel is somewhat on the same wavelength as us when it comes to Anyway yeah good point there Chel!!! Haha oh and of course yay for my sis for posting those awesome pics!! Spread the love sis that's it!!! I'm still shuddering here... too much awesomeness all at once! lol


New member
^ Tell me about it sis! Haha *blushes* (must erase hard drive, must erase hard drive - dont want all our perversity to fall into the wrong hands now do we? *lol* XD)

Actually I asked my brother about that theory (big hands = big something else) and he told me it was a blatant lie. He wasnt the only one to validate that VP either, so now I'm not sure. Maybe its an ego-booster or sth for all guys with large appendages to stand back and smirk like they are in possession of some great 'secret' they aint about to share with anyone (Oh how my mind works sometimes! haha) but then again it might be one of those urban myths too - like The Loch Ness Monster or Big Foot *ROTFLWTIME* (and anyone who knows me knows exactly who/what I am refering to there - shut up Rav before you get booted out of here for lewd behaviour! Pfft! Like that's anything new! *rolls eyes*) But yeah... anyway what was I on about before I started getting way off the beaten track again?

Oh yeah, big hands! Haha. Well it doesnt matter to me either way personally, me, I'm a female and I have small hands and that's all I'm gonna say on the matter ;)

]:-> *muahahaha*

WOW.. All this conversation makes me :lol: :lol: ..

all you ROBSTERS are CRAZY!! lolol, ok...

here it goes one more pic of your beloved Lord!!!!!!!!!

Rob bless ya all... Amen!


crazy robster

New member
Oh Lord... *passes out* Littleblackstone thank you SO MUCH for this pic it just is... Perfect! Our Lord is perfect OMG I'm so in love!!! Bless you Robbie <3
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