The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member

I have nothing more to say! XD



New member
Thanks guys *lmao* Yeah... see what happens when I have too much time on my hands? (Well, that... and a very overactive imagination! hahaha)

Yeah... and I hope it comes true too one day - mind you I aint about to go holding my breath! *lmao again* Damned... groupie-itis! Its fun to dream innit? Ah gawd bless my Ulead paint program XD


crazy robster

New member
Sis the montage you made with the two of us hugging Robbie (about to tear his shirt off too!! *drools*) is great!! Fantabulous!!! *sighs* If it ever came true then I'd officially lose my sanity due to extreme happiness! Lol *sighs again* Our Lord between you and me, can't think of anything better! Lol He MUST be happy! ;) Littleblackstone, we're most appreciative of the pics thank you so much!!! *hugs* Bless our Bourdie! <3

crazy robster

New member
Yay thank you!!! Actually I found a bigger version of that photo with Rob and Mike in France so I'm posting it ladies!! Here it is:


Rob... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :D

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New member
amazing pics everyone!! Rob looks absolutely gorgeous in every single new interview!!

how'd everyone like his birthday on LPTV 6? he's such a cutie! :)


crazy robster

New member
Ladies, thanks so much for your invaluable contribution in here, these videos are simply awesome! By the way HI CHIP!!! Missed ya in here! I agree, Rob looks more and more gorgeous in every new interview or photoshoot! I have picked a few snaps from this trl video that i reaaaaally liked and I'll post them for those of you who want to keep them... hahaha how obsessed am I? Lol Rob is my ***, oh my...just saying his name gives me heart attacks... Isn't he a babe? Awwww...





^^ This is absolutely adorable... He said "awwww..." and leant on Phi's shoulder, isn't he the cutest most wonderful gigantic baby there is? <3 <3 <3 Enjoy... :)

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New member
Can any of you guys speak German?!

I can't figure out what they're saying because of that german voice!



New member
Ladies, thanks so much for your invaluable contribution in here, these videos are simply awesome! By the way HI CHIP!!! Missed ya in here! I agree, Rob looks more and more gorgeous in every new interview or photoshoot! I have picked a few snaps from this trl video that i reaaaaally liked and I'll post them for those of you who want to keep them... hahaha how obsessed am I? Lol Rob is my ***, oh my...just saying his name gives me heart attacks... Isn't he a babe? Awwww...
HI! I've missed this place. omg that second pic almost killed me. Our Lord is too gorgeous! :D



New member
Can any of you guys speak German?!I can't figure out what they're saying because of that german voice!
lol I definitely agree.. I love the last one though when Phe is like "That was a long translation." and Brad's like "I'm not convinced that he's saying what we're saying."

We need a translator... :p



New member
OMFG that last one made my jaw pretty much drop sis!


*pants and faints*

And ****... I know... the TRL thing... why is all the best stuff taken? Oh the lord giveth and he taketh away... damnit... :'(

Oh and hey there Chip, welcome back *hugs*

*waves at everyone else* *more hugs*

Oh and Mrs Bourdon *giggles* what's Robbie doing in Chicago? 0_o

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