The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Hey CoBers, I don't have anything special to contribute as far as the drowning thing is concerned and everything, I dunno about sheep and shepherds, all I know is that we haven't posted pickies of our adored drummer for quite some time... I think it's time to take some action again... LOL Hmmmm...I'll see what I can do! Bourdie bless us all!!! *hugs*
How about this one then, my dearest sista? *lmfao*


Oh and Mystery - 0_0 spooky indeed! :D
*DROOLS* OMFG.........*fans self*...........*then faints* What about THAT??? That's Lord Bourdie in all his divine glory!! LOL Thanks so much sis!!! Hey, I got some more pics, they're not as special as my sister's one but... they are Robbie pics so it's all good!!! ;)

Look at his expression... Sista...i know what you're thinking right now, I know...;)

Faint!!! Literally!!!!

OMG just focus on his arm...O_O

What a giant, what a hunk my Lord look at him!!! Look at those hairy legs!! Let me wipe the drool again this is getting out of control...O_O

*hugs for everyone* Jojo
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Ooooooh sis, how well you know me - well, my twisted and pereverted mind - we are twins after all! XD

As for those arms and hairy legs... day-um! I think we need the river of drool flowing through this place, cause its the only way I know how to cool down! What a feast for the eyes! *droool*
God-damn! Someone get me a bucket, two safety pins, and a really comfy chair with which to graft my butt into while I stare at this... perfection. (The pins are to keep my eyes open at all times, wouldn't wanna blink and deprive myself a split second of droolworthy Robnessness!)

Okay... think my brain's water-logged! Someone get me a paramedic! Gonna need the jaws-of-life to prise my mouth open in a permanent state to let the excess drool run free... *lmfao*
Good lord... see what y'all do to us???

Thanks sis ;) You're a real gem!
*sputters and coughs in the water/drool*

gosh rav, what was that for?

*grabs an intertube with a hat to try and save the laptop*

oO rob in a hot tub? *drool* why oh why, so drool worthy
geez.. we should have put a drain in here! lol
*wades in the water*
*sees a sheep float past*
why the heck are there sheep in here??
*sees Rav swimming after the sheep*
why the heck is Rav chasing that sheep?

this place is crazy!! lol i love you guys soo much!

oh and btw, great pics everyone!
*lmao* Thanks for inserting my idiotic quote in your sig my sweet ;)
Bless it.

As for the drain...? Well... that would make sense... but then again with all the floating sheep, the ducky floaties, the golden statues, the *ahem* "closet" innuendos ;) , the paramedics, the jaws-of-life, the general insanity... and the droolworthy pics.... anything that makes sense in an insane world logically doesn't go, or, illogically, hell I dunno, I think I just confused myself and that aint all that hard XD

And Mel... *splash*

Love y'all too!!!
*tackle hugs*
ha a family of Robsessors. thats really great!! might as well enjoy the water.. *swims in the water*
*tackles Phe* muahaha
*jumps on a sheep and floats away on it*
HAHA try catchin me Phe, this sheep flies through the water!! ahaha

as for the drain, if we were to find the ground.. how would we even drill the hole? lol oh well..
Ravynlee said:
anything that makes sense in an insane world logically doesn't go, or, illogically, hell I dunno, I think I just confused myself and that aint all that hard XD

wow.. that confused me!! lol

lets see if i can figure this out.
if you're in an insane world all the logic is opposite as to what it would be in a sane world?? "oh no, i've gone cross-eyed." ha i couldn't resist that quote from Austin Powers lol.
Ravynlee said:
*lmao* Thanks for inserting my idiotic quote in your sig my sweet ;)
Bless it.
My sweet sister, your quotes are real diamonds!! I wish I could use many of them in my sig... Especially those concerning Rob and his...drooliciousness... You simply speak for me my sis! It's amazing how much we understand each other!! Twinsies!!! *hugs* Yay for Robbie!!! :D
Rob is absofreakinlutely perfect no matter what he wears or if he shaves his head or I dunno what else... Although I have a slight preference for the lumberjack look like my sister, I must admit...;) Thanks for sharing Chip!!!! :D