The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

haha been hanging with my friend Adam whos now headin out to oz for the taste of chaos tour in oz somewhere. mostly drooling over Criss Angel and othe things. trying to stay out of jail
0_0 Jail?!? I told you the company you keep would get you into trouble some day (hell, most days, lets be realistic bout it) hahaha. Good luck with that.
Chris Angel huh? I once saw a stunt of his a few months back on 'mindfreak' where he was doing the Crucifixion suspension, which is just what it sounds with three hooks on his back supporting his entire body weight while being suspended via a helicopter around a desert some place... have to admit, awesome stuff.
Crazy Americans XDDD

Well it's been a while and I personally haven't drooled in ages. Prolly as much a good thing as it is bad at least from a health stand point ;) But I fear Robbie may be starting to feel unloved so... I guess... it's time to rant and drool and generally make an ass of my Robsessing self all in his glorious name... I can just imagine him rolling his eyes and shaking his head to reading that above statement. Meh. Lord Bourdie knows all. If that's the case why has he not sued me (or any of us) yet? Obviously the man likes the attention.
Gotta love it.
So lets give him more of what he wants!
*insert big cheesy grin*








A HUGE thanks goes out to my dearest Robsessing twin for the heads up on these. All can be located here; Its well worth the visit so go show some love there too I reckon ;)

Well that's it for now. Its a start. Dont wanna flood the place after well a veritable drought, sorta drought, lets face it we need to drown again but I dont wanna shock our systems just like that, let's just ease back into it... enjoy the Bourdon. View's nice from here... hell, this is Rob we're talking about, the view's nice ANYWHERE here! Hahaha


Okay *big Bourdie Bear hugs* to y'all. Talk again soon. <3
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What a comeback sis!! What a pleasant reading again (as always)!!! No probs about the gifs I found the page somewhere around the forums myself so I'm not the one to thank, really! I adore moving Robbie...well as I adore still Robbie or any other kind of Robbie as long as it is BOURDIE!!! So glad one of Robsters' finest (this is another name I have invented for us Robsessing sistas) is back and fully active again!!! Let's all drool together our Lord must feel the love again!! Bless our Bourdie!!! *hugs*

Jojo :D
You guys realize that the CoB is the only one out of ALL the clans/cults/churches/groups that is still going strong? But isn't it also the first one that ever started? plus has any of you seen my chef meteora500? i've been waiting on her for ages
I have noticed that Thelea, its weird but i guess thats pretty kick ass. i kindda got my BBB clan like blah, no ones posted in it for ages after me. lol its all good. *runs to find a drool worthy picture*
Jojo, I want your sig. I think I'm in love... again ;)

Hey 'sup guys! *tackle hugs* Yup the CoB is still hanging in there, wow, surprises even me really, but I guess it shows if nothing else that copius amounts of general insanity, excessive salivation issues, unhealthy obsessions/stalking/physical cravings for, bizarre montages, creative food adaptations, barely legal story ideas and shared general hysteria really isn't such a bad thing for one's soul. Huh. And they called us all crazy. Well, they may have been right but still we have the last laugh. And remember, he who laughs last probably missed the punchline ;)

Here's to another year or twenty of general Rob-related madness. May he never grow weary of our weird yet creative forms of worship.

Oh and good to see that those behind the scenes are still worthy of the same adoration as the other few 'more focal points' in the band. Bourdie love, all the time. We don't care if he's not in the spotlight. Personally I like it here in the shadows. I prefer the element of surprise and we can watch everyone else from the relative comfort of the background make general asses of themselves. Ironic yes, but better this way. No overkill. No falsities. Just us and our unhealthy habits. Unhealthy? Well, that's for the courts to decide.

Thanks to all of y'all for making this possible. One day, when we get into heaven (also known as Robbie's place) it'll all be worth it... one day... *muahahaha*

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
My beloved twin, I can make you a small sig like the blue one I have in the middle and then you can add the gif pics on either side like I did, it's OK I always share with my sis!!! <3 And guys, thank you all for keeping the CoB alive!! Our Bourdie deserves it!! Bless our Bourdie!! Rob is GOD, Rob is THE BEST, Rob is ADDICTION, Rob is LIFE!!!! *hugs to all*
Sorry for the double post but I thought I should share this with the rest of the CoB... It's a fact that I have a crush on Robbie, more so when it comes to his unshaved (lumberjack as my sis calls it) version. Here's the original picture I used for my avy and sig, it's a scan of an LP poster I have in my room...I know it looks pixelated but still it's something!!! It's our Lord in his finest!! It's Bourdie!!!! :D

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Oh my lord - that pic is droolworthy! Look at his eyes... and his hands! Damn! Just wanna... ahem... (note to self; Public forum Rave, keep that to yourself, haha - insert your own dirty notion here)... But yeah *wipes chin... and rings out saturated tee-shirt*
Thanks sis!

Oh and A HUGE THANKS for my latest sig. All bow and worship it. It is... BOURDILICIOUS!
*faints again*
*Dies and goes to heaven*

Ravynlee said:
Oh my lord - that pic is droolworthy! Look at his eyes... and his hands! Damn! Just wanna... ahem... (note to self; Public forum Rave, keep that to yourself, haha - insert your own dirty notion here)... But yeah *wipes chin... and rings out saturated tee-shirt*
Thanks sis!

Oh and A HUGE THANKS for my latest sig. All bow and worship it. It is... BOURDILICIOUS!
*faints again*
*Dies and goes to heaven*


Weird...I had the same reaction when I saw that picture of Rob...In fact I had a crisis, yay it's no use denying it any more!!! Lol :D TWINSIES!!! Hahaha you filthy minded sis!!! Look at me!!! The example I set in here... My self-restraint...0.0 Mmmmuuuahahahahaha What am I talking about me silly???? (insert Rob's themesong here) I have crossed the line already (mentally at least) lol Bourdiliciousness MY GOD!!!!!!!!! *fans self* Oh Rob...sometimes I hate you because you make me suffer!!!! I suffer from exhaustion caused from excessive drooling but.... You deserve it goddamnit!!!! OMG what's wrong with me??? I'll stop here...Oh and no problem about the sig sis and...hey fellow CoBers I'm SOOOOO glad you all like it!!!! *hugs everyone* BLESS OUR BOURDIE!!!!!!! :D :D :D

*lol* You're fast putting me to shame as his number one Robsessor you know that? Haha
Hell of a rant there sis. Good to see I'm rubbing off on you to some degree... probably

And hey there LP~ and Mel! *tackle hugs* Glad y'all are gobsmacked. Dang it, its for a good cause, if not the BEST of causes! Aww...

*Cant rant... hypnototised by moving Robbies in sig*

*insert big wet cheesy grin here*
Pheonix791989 said:
rav you never ceease to dissapoint. except for when you didnt leave a rant in my story, i was so looking forward to it.
Give me a bit. I havent really ranted in ages I fear sometimes the force is leaving me... meh... I promise I'll rant for ya. At that point dont say you weren't warned :p
I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob I love Rob’s drumming abilities ;)

Another easy and effective way to get one's message across is this:

<3 I ADORE YOU ROBBIE!!!!!!!!! <3

^__^ Talking about terminal Robsession...LETHAL Robert!!!! ;) :D

EDIT: Sis, nice addition to the sig...;) His name fits perfectly on the left... :thumbsup:

There's an 'easier' way??

*thinks about it*

*thinks some more*

*shakes head*

*Repeats sentiment from previous post and repeats it ad nauseum until she loses her voice...* ;)

<3 Good to see you're just as enamoured as I over the big guy... not that I'll ever think any different, just nice to share is all... *kissyface*