The Dark Side

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BTW, its called the **** on purpose. we kinda figured everyone always names it these complicated deep philisophical names, and a lot of times there music is ****. So, we figured we'd hit it from the back end. I mean the important part is the music not the name so it was basically just like...why dont i call it the ****? hell, works for me. as long as the music is good.
BTW, its called the **** on purpose. we kinda figured everyone always names it these complicated deep philisophical names, and a lot of times there music is ****. So, we figured we'd hit it from the back end. I mean the important part is the music not the name so it was basically just like...why dont i call it the ****? hell, works for me. as long as the music is good.

PLUS the fact that Azem is very much too busy to think of a complicated deep philosophical names anyways. :p

lmao j.k.
i really like the in the end remix up until 4:16-4:34, for some reason it struck a nerve with me and didn't seem to fit, other than that part, i love it
itll get pushed back like pretty much like the MTM album, i wont be holding out for too much =P

when its actually released, i ll get excited, if thas the intro...BRING ON THE MAIN SHOW!
Right from the Ref this morning:

"I need you to do me a favor. I got a kidney transplant last friday, and right now I'm on a laptop, so I don't know my login info for LPF, but I need you to make a post in my **** thread. I'm kind of incapacitated, I'll be at home for four weeks after I get out of here so I will have the album finished at the end of that. You might want to mention I'll be in the hospital for another week after today, that might upset some people. I'm thinking it'll be four weeks from today...."
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Hey guys, I finally got my login info... it was a long process of getting mark to tell me what e-mail I'm using for LPF, and then resetting my password for it, and then resetting my password for LPF, which is HELL on a laptop with a little little red dot mouse, I'll tell you.


I'm sitting in a hospital right now, with really nothing to do.

I've got all of the songs on the EP started, so once I get home and can get to work, it shouldn't take long at all to finish them. But, to be safe, in case I have delays, I've set the deadline for five weeks from now. Which, as mark said, is this week in the hospital plus four weeks of recovery time at home.

After that, I'm going to college and won't have time to do much remixing, so if there's any chance that I'm not going to finish by that date, then I don't know what to tell you about it. I'm eager to finish the project though, really I am.

Thanks for your patience. I might let a few snippets leak in a few weeks...
Hey guys, I finally got my login info... it was a long process of getting mark to tell me what e-mail I'm using for LPF, and then resetting my password for it, and then resetting my password for LPF, which is HELL on a laptop with a little little red dot mouse, I'll tell you.


I'm sitting in a hospital right now, with really nothing to do.

I've got all of the songs on the EP started, so once I get home and can get to work, it shouldn't take long at all to finish them. But, to be safe, in case I have delays, I've set the deadline for five weeks from now. Which, as mark said, is this week in the hospital plus four weeks of recovery time at home.

After that, I'm going to college and won't have time to do much remixing, so if there's any chance that I'm not going to finish by that date, then I don't know what to tell you about it. I'm eager to finish the project though, really I am.

Thanks for your patience. I might let a few snippets leak in a few weeks...

Just take your recovery's more important
I'll honestly have nothing better to do, my recovery is more dependant on not being really mobile, and remixing isn't really a sport or anything. I'm not an athlete... lol
two much soda?
or just a bad kidney all together?

I was born with Kidney reflux, actually, and things have happened, and detereorated slowly over 18 years, it's been a tough life.

I only had to go on dialysis for like, 4 or 5 weeks before I got the call for the kidney this time, things weren't looking so bad just yet, it's mostly premediated.

They took out both of the bad kidneys and put in the good healthy one, though. It's swollen a bit because it's very big. My old kidneys look like prunes. In size, color, and texture and everything. If it weren't for the obvious blood and stuff that you could see on them, you would think they were. That's how bad they were.

I'm very lucky though.

But, anyway, I don't really want to talk about it, I've never brought it up before because I just don't see any reason for people to feel sorry for me, or want to feel sorry for me, so, back on topic now.

Since this thread is about the remixes, is there anything you'd like to see in a future remix, any requests for songs? Final setlist isn't finalized quite yet, I know what all my major songs are going to be, but I will have small interludes probably every other track, for a few reasons. First, to keep it interesting, secondly, so that it's easier to transfer motifs and sounds from one song to the next, which may be hard, if for example, I went from something like, My December, to Bleed it Out or something. That way I've got some room for tempo changes and whatnot.

I'm hoping to make this VERY VERY coherent.

The Intro was really an afterthought, so there's not really a motif or smooth flow into the next track quite yet, but there will be one. Expect this CD to be released as one .mp3. From there you'll have to figure for yourself how many tracks there are, and what the songs are. I may give you titles, but they'll be vague, and focused more on almost an abstract emotion or feeling that I got from the song and used that as my basis of reinterperetation.

So, since I just told you I'm not finished with the two songs you've got, what would you like to see fixed in those? I've already detected some dissonance and chord clashing that I'll need to fix, particularly in the 3rd chord of the guitar, it clashes with the b minor chord in the strings and piano. I will need to fix that, also there are some transitions, and the whole thing needs to be brought up a bit, and levelled out better. It sounds a little low on my iPod compared to the professionally mixed songs, from professional artists.

I promise you won't get anything mediocre. For example, Don't Stay.... the only thing EVER released for that track was the track itself. There's no remix coming from that.

So, while any decisions regarding the remix will ultimately be mine, I don't want nobody to like what I'm doing, and I don't want it to be all one style. So PLEASE give me some criticism, or some requests, I want this project to be as much what you want as what I want to make.

Thanks guys!
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