the Delson shrine


New member
im not sure our coach dosent believe in telling us our scores, only the difference in the times like "Last time you were 2.9 secconds slower" Kind of thing. He also dosent believe in first or second place either. Hes also very zen and has us do tai chi during dry land training. its weird. his nick name is Mr Myage (as in the guy from karate kid) lol


New member
im not sure our coach dosent believe in telling us our scores' date=' only the difference in the times like "Last time you were 2.9 secconds slower" Kind of thing. He also dosent believe in first or second place either. Hes also very zen and has us do tai chi during dry land training. its weird. his nick name is Mr Myage (as in the guy from karate kid) lol[/quote']awwwww thats so kool i wish our coaches were like that. mine r hard ***** who always tells us that we suck and stuff and if we arent dying to catch breath there like u need to be working harder

wat the **** i've posted like 10 more times since 2 days ago and my thingy still says 195 i should be over 200 by now :(


New member
I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I just wanted to check up on ya. everything seems to be going cool :) that's good


New member
Hey, haven't been in for a bit, thought I'd pop by and say hi to the Delson-hounds, so like, "Hi!" :D

I don't have coaches nowadays - have a kind of personal trainer at gym (sometimes, when I'm not being rebellious and actually go) but he's not tough really. I need to be pushed sometimes, living by myself means I lack motivation sometimes to get up off my @$$ and actually work once in a while (work in that way, not work-work, just to clarify). Hard-@$$ coaches aren't necessarily a bad thing - but I can say that cause I'm not the one their ripping on, so I guess I should shut the **** up now, yuh? *s******s* It's all good...

Yeah. If these 'game' posts were counted I reckon I'd be at least double my count by now (CoB alone mostly, like, D'uh!) but I'm not dirty about that. I usually don't have much by way of intellectual or stimulating conversation to add so I guess I don't need the number upsize, I just get pissy when ppl type like 'no' and 'huh?' posts and get counted for it. Some do that deliberately to boost their numbers, but then, let 'em go... They'll find their way eventually. I found my way back here, aint that something? :D

Brad-ness. Wow. The like counter must be through the roof here by now guys. Phi, between you and your brother Deryk you guys should be level-pegging with the man himself (Big Bad) on the 'like' counters. *laughs* I'd love to see a televised 'face off' like a game show where the contestants have to put the word like as many times as they can into a given phrase of something... ye-heah... go nuts like.

*chuckles* It's contagious too, aparently.

Anyway, wanted to stop by and see how y'all are doin. Glad things are goin' sweet. Take care Big-Bad-Boppers *raises brow* (doesn't quite sound right, does it?) see ya round,




New member
thanks for stopping by rav. but yeah me n deryk would so like kill brad in a 'like ' contest. I have no idea what my bro's up to but he hasnt been on here long. our parents knock us with a pillow when we say like too much. XD


New member
Like, thanks! *laughs*

I know - I couldn't resist, I just, like had to do that...

(Did that like, sound sincere, at least? *laughs*)

I like Rob like, cause he's like, I dunno like, stuff... *hehehe* (I could do this for hours! This is fun! You guys should make like a game out of it; do 'Like' Hykus (sp?), or see who can use it the most times in a single post or like... jeez I dunno. I'm like fartin' in the wind here... *laughs*

And on that note, I'm backing out now... *giggles and runs off*

"**** you Jello!" (refer to my longwinded journal entry for explanation if you are that bored with yourself... hehehe)

Take care Delson-Hounds. Again; where did that come from? Hounds?? That's not even flattering really is it? I never meant any insult by it, didn't say; Delson dogs... *laughs* but that does have kind of a funny ring to it. Like, Bourdie's B*tches. Of the latter I be. You guys aren't dogs. You guys are mad. Much <3 to the BigBad's. *raises a sceptical eyebrow* Man... you need to work on your catch-phrases too... Big-Bad-...?? I'm drawing a blank now... Phi, bud, help me out here... Do you guys have names? BBB's??? CoB=Cobites. CoS=Cossies. FoC=not gonna say :D (joking!)




New member
we're like throwing a party for him in here w00t w00t. I like want him to be happy hee hee. oh and as far as the nickname for us.... how about the nick name Braddel-fiends. its not the best I can come up with but its alright


New member
we're like throwing a party for him in here w00t w00t. I like want him to be happy hee hee. oh and as far as the nickname for us.... how about the nick name Braddel-fiends. its not the best I can come up with but its alright
we'll have to sing happy birthday dont forget. :thumbsup:



New member
*Ahem* "Happy birthday to Big Bad, Happy birthday to Big Bad, Happy birthday to Big Bad Bradford, Happy birthday to you!"

(It's 12:11pm Thursday here, so I guess that means I'm in tomorrow for half of you lot. Greetings from the future. *rolls eyes*)

Just wanted to come in and say happy birthday to the big guy. Wow... wonder what he's gonna get up to today? Any plans?? Any plans with the guys??? Probably not - they prolly think they spend enough time together as it is so it may be strictly family and other non-band-member day at the Delson household?? Dunno... but here's a question;

What do you get someone like Brad for his b'day when, seemingly, he can get what he wants himself?


Well TC Braddle-fiends. Party hard for your guitar-weilding lord. May he celebrate long and auspiciously. *grins* TTYL,




New member
(sings happy b-day to brad)

I'd prolly paint him a picture of himself heh heh, he cant get the phi's art talent just any where. but hope that the BBB is having fun on his day



New member
Yay, Happy Birthday Brad!! ^_______^

Hmm, tis rather a predicament what to get him. I shall give him, erm, >___< I don't know. I'll think of something eventually (prolly take me til next year lol)



New member
have not been in here for ages


woot w00t


breaks out confetti



New member
Hey ppls - how'd the party go the other day?

*looks at the mess strewn about and the dozens of bodies still passed out after days of solid partying and non-stop frivolities and raises an eyebrow*


Well... I guess that meant y'all had fun then, huh? What'd y'all get the birthday boy for his big day? If you could chose or make something up, what would it be...? Hmmm... *thinks seriously a few moments*

Howsabout... nope... he'd probably have one of those... oh! No wait, he'd have one of those too... hmm...

Maybe a pillow? The guy aparently loves to sleep a lot (as does my lord - hehehe; RGB) so how about the perfect pillow?!? Maybe an insta-bed??? Maybe. oh-oh! Maybe make Brad a bed in the shape of a guitar that's made purely out of feather down, cotton padding and the softest danged material mankind has ever produced. Then get all the Delson hounds to sign it... or lay on it as it's being delivered... *laughs insanely*

*** ****... I need a holiday...

Take care Braddle-fiends. Be good or be good at it. If that's not an option just be yourself. :D <3 2 the Delson-hounds from your friendly kosher rivals *s******s* over at the CoB. Long live Bourdanism or in your case; Bradism. Hehehe... :rolleyes:

I'm outties. Tootles.




New member
i made a painting of him. hopes he liked it. lol. but yeah lots of pin the green pick on the green screen. XD it was tonns of fun. The party was super.
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