the Delson shrine


New member
wow we need some more pics of brad to make this place look nice. I wish i was on my own computer and not this **** old one that dosent have the pics on it. meh
I have so many Brad pics, I need to get to posting them lol

more pics of Brad to later on



New member
Brad fro hugs to all! lol

Heres a couple of pics of Braddles ^_^

^ lol



New member
he's a clothing designer that designs clothing with monkey's and giraffes and other cute (kinda childish)stuff on's really really adorable


New member
Pheonix(me)- the riot instigator/ head honcho

DerykInuTaishou- the equipment dude

Brokenangel- caterer (if i spelled it right )

sygy- ?

black angel- the girl in the services (lol)


Chipmonk- she/he who is the official Fro promoter



Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever-the newbie

there is the members update



New member
the people just keep coming...yayy!! welcome Rusu!! you gotta post a pic, before you can actually call yourself a true "brad-hound" lol

what would Brad look like with straight hair?? o_O

edit: these are the shoes he made for reebok...almost just as talented as mr. shinoda, wouldn't you agree?? :D

edit: forgot to give everyone a fro hug. *SHFH!!* (super huge fro hug)



New member
those shoes are cool! i want a pair!!!!!!!!

well i went to the tooth surgeon today. the pain was literally the worst pain i've ever had... just so awful that i actually felt sick. i looked in my mouth with a torch to see if it was infected but found no infection, just a HOLE like a little hole that leads to i don't know where!!! freaked me out because i don't know where it goes and it wasn't there before... . aaaaaaaanyway the reason i was in sooooo much pain was because i had a dry socket...?? sounded gross... so he filled the socket (i'm presuming its the black hole in my mouth) with this gross tasting stuff that hurt SO badly when he put it in.. feels a bit better finally.... i just couldn't take it anymore.. :( then to hear that my jaw bone was drying out... no wonder it hurt!


ohh my official delson-fan-becomer

heres a pic of him in south park form, lol so distinctive


awww, thats just sweet




ok that's enough droolness for now

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New member
Mmm.. nice pics everyone.

His shoes are so cool, I want some!

I lurve south park Brad too... with his extra-large fro lol.

Oooo and BBB with straight hair eh.. *pulls out hair straighteners* Mwahahahahaaaa



New member
Awww I love it when Brad sings along to songs.. I can't remember the song either.. I know he did it on BTH from Live 8 though.. so sweet ^_^
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