The Ever IMMORTAL(89) Journal Entries


New member
Heya *waves back like a freak and screams her name out*

Anywyas, My day is fine so far. Harmeen's family coming over for dinner tonight.

I went to the local K-mart for a job interview. Hopefully, i get selectred.



New member
ooh hope you get the job! :D

btw what's your name? lol

I agree Fiona, I would never work at Mc Doanlds ><



New member
Thanks ofr the "good luck" ppl, i did my interview and they'll tell me on Thursday.

Yea, im the checkout person thing but htey would like to put me on Lay-by for Christmas,



New member
I htink it's what you call Cashier in Iceland, im not sure, you know like the person who stands at the checkout and does that money thing when pl wanna buy sumthing, i don know ya i do think its called a cashier.

To Sammi: I'm Ayesha can call me Ash or immortal or Ayesha dont mind.

Today, my mum dragged me ot the indian temple and boy was it disturbing. I mean they are such hypocrites, they talk about not drinking and not getting into drugs and **** and the priest himself is like a drunkard and goes ot bars and ****.

Then we had the food at the temple and i had to eat my sister's as well since she gets everything and ests nothing and it is considered rude to leave your food in the plate so i had to eat and i was like totally gull and my stomach was going to nurst, no wonder why im so fat.

last night i watched the indian movie Salaam Namaste, what a gay movie, the only part htat was entertaining was during hte last 10 minutes. I also watched "James" now the picture was alright with the usual action masala but hte guy in it was HAWT!! There is so much intensity in hsi face, os immense, wow what a character



New member
My mum does usually eat hers except for the fact that this time round she was eating at hte other end of the eating room place and i was with my sis. i dont know maybe not fat but not the right size either but i dont really care aye, im happy hte way i am


New member
Ayesha! ^^ I love your name :D

Woah I wanna watch salaamnamaste, preeti is so cute :p

What was the movie about?

I'v seen James, I did'nt really like the movie but yeah the actor is really hot!

I think he's new *nods*



New member have a beautiful name!! It's one of my favorite names... *shakes hands* I'm Thelea, nice to meet you :p and 'congratulations' on the job! Is it fun so far? Meet a lot of interesting people?


New member
To Frib: Hehe do you enjoy the job?

To Sammi: you know i love your name its os beautiful especialaly when you know what it means. Yea, James wasnt really good but i didnt like Salaam-Nameste either. It was about htese two ppl liveing in Melbourne. Preity is a radio jockey and a full-time med student. Saif is a chef wiht an architect degree. hes sposed to go to the radio named Salaam Namaste for an interview but doesnt go since he was liek sleeping and forgot alll about it. preity gets angst and starts denaming him on hte radio.Both of htem go attend a party and like each other not knowing hteir real names. Hehe Saif's last naem in hte movie is the same as mine. but anyways, both of them like each other and move in together adn start living together and then Preity gets pregnaant and tells Sai about it. Saif asks her ot abort the child but she doesnt and htey break up but still live together and hten Saif relasies his mistaske and proposes to her when she is giving birht to her babies (twins).

The movie was aite, i dint like it,but hte last 10-15 minutes were hilarious when Abhishek Bachachn comes in.

To Fiona: im not perfect you know but im still happy the way i am

To borkenangel: Thanks, i like my name too but sometimes ppl ruin it by mispronouncing it. Thelea is a lovely name, i reckon. thnaks for the congratulations but i havent got hte job yet, i'll know by thursday.

There is nothing much ot update on except htat im sitting on hte computer still in my pjs (yellow) abnd an ornage - white checkered t-shirt and a blue jumper, im so gay.

The roof in the ktichen is leaking,tis times liek these that the rain cannot be enjoyedd to its full potential



New member
You're not gay, you're just really funny! XD

do you know what my name means? lol the internet shows that my name means "entertaining" in Arabic =_= yaaaaay *sarcasm*

I love the names with "H" and "Y" in. and you have both alphabets in your name! :D

yeah, salaamnamaste seems to suck :p since when do Indians start living togather without getting married? o_O the world would turn upside down if anyone found out about that. "Rivaj" and stuff is sooo important =_=

Abishek is cool, have you seen DUS? It's pretty good, I looove the title song! He looks so hot with eyeliner :p



New member
Well after doing this for 5 months it's getting pretty old lol

but my coworkers are great so I can't really quit...

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