I htink it's what you call Cashier in Iceland, im not sure, you know like the person who stands at the checkout and does that money thing when pl wanna buy sumthing, i don know ya i do think its called a cashier.
To Sammi: I'm Ayesha can call me Ash or immortal or Ayesha dont mind.
Today, my mum dragged me ot the indian temple and boy was it disturbing. I mean they are such hypocrites, they talk about not drinking and not getting into drugs and **** and the priest himself is like a drunkard and goes ot bars and ****.
Then we had the food at the temple and i had to eat my sister's as well since she gets everything and ests nothing and it is considered rude to leave your food in the plate so i had to eat and i was like totally gull and my stomach was going to nurst, no wonder why im so fat.
last night i watched the indian movie Salaam Namaste, what a gay movie, the only part htat was entertaining was during hte last 10 minutes. I also watched "James" now the picture was alright with the usual action masala but hte guy in it was HAWT!! There is so much intensity in hsi face, os immense, wow what a character