The Ever IMMORTAL(89) Journal Entries


New member
Fri - it maybe a crappy job but hey atl east you get the money, like we say in indian, seva bin meva naheen, and please ask Sammi to translate it for you.

Twi - I'm good, its good to be tired, lamo im so weird

Sammi - a whole lotta things have happeend recently

well my folks signed a deal to this new house we bought and i htink we'l movei n by Decemeber after my exams. its funny i hsavent even seen it from hte inside even tho the house is near the back street.

Schools start tomorrow, im so excited coz these holidays have been very gay.

I watched Sarkar yesterday, it was so like the Godfather but in essence i htink it captured the whole notion better than hte original film. it left no loose ends but thats my opinion.

Im in love with Pakistani music right now, omg, Atif Aslam has the best music, these days he looks like a druggie. i got this other pakistani cd form this pakistani persons shop and the band named strings is pretty big in pakistan so i thought id check out hte badn. Turns out the music is very very very crappy. i was so disappointed with it. that's all for now folks



New member

Fri, it means without work/serving there's no treasure..

yeah almost like that.

I still use that alot when I work and am hating it :p

ooh I thought Sarkar was awsome! I watched it in India. well, the movie is based on true story of some famous politician.

I dont like Pakistani music tho :rolleyes: dont like the singers, they give me headache lol but that's what I think :p

I'll ttyl!



New member
Yeah actually me and Sammi talked a lot about a certain part of work...getting paid lmao :p

And thanks for explaining Sammi :)

And I totally understand that, but if I could, I'd get a better job, for sure.



New member
Hey Sammi - when did u go india? oh neways, ya sarkar was awesome

Fri - of course you want a better job, thats why you are studying man, like i said, seva bin meva nahin

Today was the first day for hte school after a two-week break. Just the usual me and my friends acting like idiots in classes. Woww in history our teacher made us write a schedule for our study plan and i realsied how little time i have left ot study before the final exams. i better start studying ahrdout.

Thats it for today, im tired right now so yea



New member
Yeah that's true lol, what I meant though was a better job to have as a side job from school.

When do you have those exams?



New member
Exams...=_= They suck!

Well,. I went to India just to visit my freinds amd my family ^^

Good luck with studying yaar!



New member
Hi preety girl!

I have'nt seen you but well you're just preety! XP

How are ya?

omg I have'nt talked to you since ages yaar!

Hope we can soon!


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