the great debate!

Could be. Maybe he is just doing to to please his old lady. He might be a submissive type and likes to do what he is told.
I would still bet he is gay.
No, not necesarily Make-ur-life-a-living-hell, he might be trying to be gay just to please his murderous side, kind of like in "The Silence of the Lambs".

if a guy is strait but wears pink lace bra n panties under his clothes is he a faggot?

LMAO. What the hell is a staight guy going to be doing wearing pink lace panties? Wow, irregardless of how straight this guy might think his is...deep down he has other things on his mind.
I had a boyfriend who used to wear my panties because he said they were more comfy. I thought it wa ok because I thought his were more comfy. LOL TReu though. I miss wearing his tighty whities!! But hey, if it feels good do it right?
tizz said:
I had a boyfriend who used to wear my panties because he said they were more comfy. I thought it wa ok because I thought his were more comfy. LOL TReu though. I miss wearing his tighty whities!! But hey, if it feels good do it right?

Uh tizz, I'm sorry, he was gay... you only confirmed it for him, that's why you broke up... you pissed him off so much he turned gay.... I knew you were more then just a Forum Whore.
Actually at time I thought he was but he has yet to go for the guy. He is an artist so who knows LOL We are still good friends. Truth is we broke up because he wanted to get married but never have kids and I still want many more. LOL Damn I miss teh sex though, we had lot of FUN!!!

BTW I waer cotton bikinis so no pink lace HEHE He did get drunk once and put on my lengerie, that DID freak me out a bit
ok, thats a stupid question, now i have one of my own What color is colorless, BLACK, or WHITE
Neither, white is teh reflection of all color and black is the absorbtion of all color (on teh light spectrum that is) Unless of course you are traveling down teh rabit hole, in that case, color does not actually exist and is but a figment of you r imagination
wheres the darn buzzer?


Sorry...The ones that put on panties and stuff under their clothing are mostly straight (mostly being 90% or higher). Most of that 90% or higher usually get sexual gratification out of wearing womens undergarments. Some go so far as to get all "tittied" up and dress entirely in drag (always horrible looking and never convincing in any way shape or form). The rest live in some sort of testosterone overload existance and feel they "need" to do it to embrace their feminine side (possible 60's hippy not sure, or understand it..shrug)......or a combo of each....

"Oh", your asking, "what about those gay people who do dress up in womens clothing...what abou them"? Yes they do...and their categories are as follows A)Drag Queen(female impersonator). Its done for stage to perform to an audience...then it all comes off and presto..boy again... B) Feel they were born in the wrong body and are more comfortable living their life as a woman (not hiding it under everyday clothing). C) combo of a & b... D) looking for bi-curious men to have sex with.....E) Combo of A, C, D......never pesonally ever heard a gay man dress up to get any sexual kicks out of it...only the straight ones...

There are NUMEROUS of these straight guys comming in with their thrift store clothing and wigs looking like a bud light commercial (if you remember those) because going to a straight bar obviously would not be a good idea they come to the gay bar because they worst they will get is some nelly queeny guy saying something like "honey, you look terrible"..not a fist in their face. Most of them are so masculine they dont even act feminine when all "geished" up. One of them even comes and does our "amateur night" where there is a contest for anyone wanting to do it (wednesdays)...I never believed he was straight untill the day i saw him making out with this chick....It was the most repulsive sight i ever saw...(or the most repulsive thing that night)

I swear i have posted this stuff elswhere on here....maybe i was just drunk and thought i did...

PS....Is this rehash really really really old posts day?
tizz said:
Actually at time I thought he was but he has yet to go for the guy. He is an artist so who knows LOL We are still good friends. Truth is we broke up because he wanted to get married but never have kids and I still want many more. LOL Damn I miss teh sex though, we had lot of FUN!!!

BTW I waer cotton bikinis so no pink lace HEHE He did get drunk once and put on my lengerie, that DID freak me out a bit

LOL... yeah.... he's gay!

1. He's an artist... you almost have to be gay if you want to get anywhere as an artist today... Like haveing to be black to rap... It is a credentials thing!

2. Your FRIENDS... gay... trust me... gay
fullauto said:
LOL... yeah.... he's gay!

1. He's an artist... you almost have to be gay if you want to get anywhere as an artist today... Like haveing to be black to rap... It is a credentials thing!

2. Your FRIENDS... gay... trust me... gay

Yup, closet homo if I ever saw one. He's not full homo, he's Bi, you might have enjoyed the sex tizz, but I doubt he did.
Well he enjoyed it enough to try to get some last tim ei saw him LOL But ya I think he at least WANTS to be gay HEHE
tizz said:
Well he enjoyed it enough to try to get some last tim ei saw him LOL But ya I think he at least WANTS to be gay HEHE
I'm telling you... I live right next to Providence RI, and we have about 8 colleges on The East side alone including Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design... Major league artist population... 90% of them are gay or just gay around other gay people because the last 10% don't get ANYWHERE around other artists unless they are gay... Some very bizar right of passage I guess...
Well my ex has been around enough artists and had enough oproyunity and he did try to be gay but it just didn't suit him. He wasn't afraid of it he just likes ***** LOL Actually only about a %20 of the artists I have known ended up being gay, it kind of shattered an image of it all for me LOL It's true that a lot of them pretend to be gay to get into the lifestyle. I guess he missed that after dropping out of art school after one semester hehe. I know for sure he isn't "gay" but he I think he might be a closet bi
HHMM I bet you'll try it now LOL just to see what it's like. Come on... I know ya want to HEHE