The Hottest Chick Thread ~Revived~

Who The Hell Is The Hottest Chick Of 2005??

  • Total voters
That and that he/she isn't two timeing you.^_^


My fav ^_^
azemkamikaze03 said:

I dunno this chick deserves a spot on this thread....any one else think so?
If it counts for anything, its an old post, but I think she deserves to be on the list.... very pretty, gorgeous eyes....
Mike Shinoda's Gurl said:
Christan is very pretty ^_^
and btw Azem Christan did win sexiest LPF member not ss1.

Edit: -raises hand- XD
Not for the contest. SS1 did or are we talkin about somethin else?

oh the awards ok lol

*raises hand* i dont think she can stand be but oh well
You have the right frame of mind. You got spunk. You got will. And you know when theres been enough talking. Good job with the hot chicks. You never really fail to make a good presentation.