The Hottest Guys Thread ~Revoulation~

XD ah emo boys.. love them to peices...

Now for MORE BILLIE JOE!!!!!! Enjoy ^.^
o_O that face is priceless
EYELINER! eeeeeeeeeh
My favourite pic of him XD
he looks so innocent! lets hug him!!!!!!
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okay this is what i am going to do.

We are (the girls of LPF..screw what azem says) going to hold the hottest guys in fame contest.

And I am looking for judges.

But i only want a panel of 5 chicks.
okay here are the rules for wanting to join the panel...

> You must only nominate yourself.
> You must post that you want to go for the 5 judges.
> PM me your top 5 hottest guys urls pls...
> I will announce it when I have discussed it with Vero (her being the only mod with a good sense of guys)


POsted to me by Gemma....(MS)


via MSN.

Star rating ...... 4/5 stars...

Comments from me:

ok i guess...

Mikey Way
My Chemical Romance...bassist.

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oh im wanna be a judge

um.. i give mikey a 3/5 cuz he like never smiles or makes cute funny faces like hes older sexier brother, and i want to see him with out his glasses, god people its called CONTATCS!


Name: Gerard Way
From: the leader singer of MCR and is the brother of Mikey Way

Best feature: his beautiful eyes.

personal rating 5/5
hes is one of the hottest guys ive ever seen.
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>_< well you didnt PM yours!

so do i send my rateness about mikey to u or my nomanee to you -_________- confused.
woodyloveslinkin said:
okay here are the rules for wanting to join the panel...

> You must only nominate yourself.
> You must post that you want to go for the 5 judges.
> PM me your top 5 hottest guys urls pls...
> I will announce it when I have discussed it with Vero (her being the only mod with a good sense of guys)

I find that funny for some reason,don´t ask lol :p
woodyloveslinkin said:
arent u a guy hahninator?
is there a problem there? lol. are guys not allowed to say other guys are hot? hehe./.

okay... well i think these guys are hot...
Ewan - Awesome Actor

Riley Smith - Another Awesome Actor

This Guy - hahaha random myspace picture i found.

yup. these guys are definately good looking along with the girl they are with. :thumbsup: so just out of curiosity... (and to prove to my friend) do i, or do i not havea good taste in guys (if i were gay)?
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