The Hottest Guys Thread ~Revoulation~

woodyloveslinkin said:
thats kinda scary to me if u werent.

but knowing SB he loves anything to do with sex.

LMFAO Woody!!That just cracked me up!!:p

Are both KC and Mark gay?o_O rofl jk guys :p .

Btw,the only pic I could see KC was the one you found of the dude from my space,can you post the other 2 please?
lmao i like the one from the my space, hes hot even tho thats not the type i like :p
haha SB and Hahninator joined our wonderful thread ^___^
lol. i dont mind being a judge... i think it would justify it even more since even a guy is saying it. lol... but i have no idea exactly what is going on with this judging thing.

Vero... you cant see em? umm... i can send yo uthe links...
OKay so these are the nonimated guys so far:

>Ewan McGregor <<<Shinoda Bear .. (eh shut up he's kinda cute)
> Mikey Way <<< 1st recieved by Mikes_Shadow
> Mike Shinoda <<< LPGirl

THESE ARE NOT IN ORDER !!if so mikey way would be first

Shinoda Bear
Vero << must
Mikes Shadow

The nominations will be open until Sunday Night
Hahaha, this thread is just funny. Ba da ba ba ba, I'm lovin' it.

I should also be one of the nominated guys. I'm hotter than the sun will be when it explodes and destroys the entire galaxy.... nvm, I just thought I'd drop by... seems kinda interesting that thier are some guy judges. :p I can't wait to see how this plays out.