The Hottest LPFer Ever Finals

Who's The Hottest LPFer...Ever?

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Congratulations Marianne :thumbsup:
Deserved it.

But of course congratulations to all the hot people who entered the contest.
Whoa that I wierd. I just got on today and I was going through the thread not reading anything. And then my name in orange. I can't believe you put my first post up azem. >.> That was like so long ago. haha Shiiiiit. I didn't even get to vote. But I'll vote anyway after I post this. Um....thanks for everyone that voted for me. I really didn't expect that. :]
azemkamikaze03 said:
Well, the guys sucked we got nothing. But stenners managed to be number 1 and hold a good amount of votes so we're gunna give him a Tag, becuase he essentially was the sexiest male according to the poll. He gotta lot of votes considering the circumstances and I feel males somehow got short ended on a count of it was pretty much guys for guys.

He didnt win so he doesnt get a sig. He just gets the tag to show off, that he was rated the hottest male :thumbsup:


Haha. The male sig is hot.. so tragic he couldnt have it.
What a waste of a perfectly good sig ¬.¬

Anyways what does it say on the sig Hottes LPF Male? not Hottest MEMBER

there for on a techniquality.... I WIN :D
Holy ****... hes desperate. Lol he Imed me out of no where saying he'd found it and ****....Thats why I knew I shouldn't have singed up for photobucket. Screw YOU stenners but enjoy the sig.
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