The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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I changed...right now I'm pissed because somebody gave me an LP concert bootleg and it wasn't what he labeled it...
diana said:
I'm fine...just a little bit mad at my geography teacher...she gave me grade 2 and she really could gave me 3...she should, actually... :mad:
i was exactly the opposite..the b**ch..she could rate me 2 and and graduate..but i ****ed her (not literally) and i got a 3 :j:
I kinda need advice
Well I am miserable in the school im attending. So my counselor and my parents told me to choose the school that i want to transfer to. There is this one particular school that im dying to go to. And its ironicly called Lincoln Park. Its an art school, a performing arts school. I really want to go there but you have to play an instrument or vocals. All i need to do it audition to it. But im so scared to. I had all my dreams shattered when this other school didnt accepted me. So i dont want to go through the feeling of failing again. So I dont know if I should give it a risk and just audition.
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