The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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Tired. Worked 6 days last week, 7 to go this week, had one day off in between, it's day 2 of 7 and I feel worn out already! Damn!

But I'm bored too. Feel strangely vacant without something to pen everyday (Story)
Aww. *sits here waiting for inspiration to knock me off my chair... or sleep deprivation, either's good right now* haha :thumbsup:
i'm stressed out...a very very long story

But I'm bored too. Feel strangely vacant without something to pen everyday (Story)
Aww. *sits here waiting for inspiration to knock me off my chair... or sleep deprivation, either's good right now* haha
i think you're subconcious is trying to tell you something....that you should be writing a new story!!! :D
totally fuc...screwed...because of sum teachers' havin' a bad day i won't soon as i take my exams i'm gonna kill'em
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