The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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i have a headache from 'studying'
and then i have to go to my small cousins bday party where there will be lots of hyper and LOUD kids...ahhh my head cant take it>.<
keza said:
i have a headache from 'studying'
and then i have to go to my small cousins bday party where there will be lots of hyper and LOUD kids...ahhh my head cant take it>.<

oh no >< I hate it when that happens, cuz then I always end up performing not as well on my exam :( Bring earplugs!!! hehe that should block off some of that high pitch sound ;)

*hugs* take care!

I'm feelinnnnn.....tired but HIGH
I think I'm falling in lust (is that even a proper phrase?) again... -_-

And I'm also glad that its half-term woohoo *sings Song 2 really loud*
Silver_Wolf said:
oh no >< I hate it when that happens, cuz then I always end up performing not as well on my exam :( Bring earplugs!!! hehe that should block off some of that high pitch sound ;)

*hugs* take care!

I'm feelinnnnn.....tired but HIGH

aww thankies sweetie *huggles*

i am bored

entertain me someone haha
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