The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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.....Well there is always a part of me that always hates life and everything. And then I think of life, and then death. I find that I don't like the thought of either.

But then there's the part of me that feels good and tries to find the best in everything. I guess I base my feelings from that.

I'm feeling pretty good; excited too! The new AFI album comes out in 9 days. I can't wait. Also, I just saw X3, and I about had a spaz attack from it's awesomeness.. because I'm obsessed with X-Men.

But really deep deep deep down, I'm not that happy when I think of everything that going on in life.

I feel.. weird now. :p
Depressed, pissed, for no reason at all.
depressed, pissed & now I am proud to add furious and angry to this list.
Lenneh said:
Depressed, pissed, for no reason at all.
depressed, pissed & now I am proud to add furious and angry to this list.
depressed, pissed & now I am proud to add furious and angry to this list.
Bored here. I have nothing to do.

Anyone got anything productive for me to do? Haha.

I just realized that I go to 3 forums... and that it's. Those are the only sites I go to anymore. I never get on MSN either... maybe I wouldn't be so bored if I talked to people. Ha.
Yeah Ryan, do it, I was bored to death till I started talking on MSN and I felt...well...less bored! Hehe...No, seriously talking to people is the best thing you can do! :) BTW, now I feel much better!!! Love ya all!!!! ;)
my msn is being a ghey it wont met me sign in...pish piece

anywho im off to bed to worry about exams woop
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