The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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I'm feelin' really freaked out right now, kinda loved too... a random GUY (YES! AN ACTUAL BOY! lol) called me a ew mins ago, my dad didn't know who it was, so I couldn't talk to him, but a boy called me! haha! yay!
Shadowed Heart said:
I'm feelin' really freaked out right now, kinda loved too... a random GUY (YES! AN ACTUAL BOY! lol) called me a ew mins ago, my dad didn't know who it was, so I couldn't talk to him, but a boy called me! haha! yay!
*applause* yay!!! :p
tired as ****, worrying like a mofo about ashley, bored, not wanting to go to school in 7 hours....I have to wake up in 5 and a half hours.....So I should probably go to bed....
Well this is the 3rd post is a row where someone is tired, haha. Yes, I am tired. The school bus comes in 4 hours, and I really need some sleep... but I think I have insomnia o_O

bleh, it's 2:13 AM.
Wow - reading all the posts preceding mine I'd have to say we're all a bunch of compulsive insomniacs, or so it seems. :rolleyes:
I'm okay. I ate too much today, feelin frumpy cause I haven't been to gym in like 2.5 weeks (but who's counting?) and am sticking to the chair it's so hot! Meh - summer in Australia = :(
So much for a big night in (my only night off work all week - *sob*) oh well.
Aside from that... meh. Apathetic. *shrugs* And I have to go to the toilet too, is that specific enough as to how I'm feeling? *bwg* :D

restless, did sleep quite long, not that well though, so I'm still kinda tired

a bit nervous too I guess, got a German Final tomorrow

and that does of course not include the usual, which is loneliness and depression

but depression has its ups, along with the downs, so for some bizarre reason I'm feeling both very down, and a bit up...

Edit: yay I got something to cheer about now, I made post 1500 in this thread...yay go me...w00t
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