The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Sygy said:
i feel emo

*does the there-must-be something-better-than-this-in-life face*

*puts on bleeding thru*

do u believe in me
if you believed in love
would you believe in me

Thought you left. That sure lasted.. can't say I'm surprised you're back though.

Anyways.. I'm kind of pissed off. My boss doesn't seem to believe that I can do work and talk at the same time. And to top it off, my almost-girlfriend is really starting to confuse the hell out of me. Again.
Pretty damn bored...but I'm not wanting to go to bed, because lying down kills my sunburn. It's like *touch* know what I mean
I'm kinda bummed cause I've got therapy thing and that place just always brings me down while I'm such a happy person..

pff and then they go like I'm depressed.. weird people
Kinda bummed - pulled a muscle in my shoulder while doing weights training last night and now I can barely raise my arm higher than my head. It's aching like all hell. Might have to bight the bullet and see tha damned doctor tomorrow - today I mean *groan*
It has come to my attention that me and most of the people in my class are bogans ><;

and I get to go to some random gig tomorrow @.@
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