The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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um... I want something extremely sweet, but I'm not sure what. Plus, its like 11:39 at night so I shouldn't eat anything, but I am kind of hungry... grrr.

Other then that... I'm starting to grow annoyed because a friend of mine keeps IMing me & then she doens't talk about I respond until like 10 minutes later. I hate it when people do that. If your not going to talk then dont IM me & bother me.. errrrr

On a brighter side... I'm quite spiffy. or not. I want to fight someone, my b/f hasnt' called me, I'm worried about my stupid ass brother, my finger hurts, I need to clean my room [& the living room, kitchen, & bathroom as well before tomorrow], I have a headache & my dad won't leave me alone... So I'm not in that great of a mood.
I want my friends online.. NOW.. 8:44 am or not :mad:

and mad at not updating my songs.. I listened like 60/80 The Offspring songs yesterday :confused:
Shadowed Heart said:
Errr whoa... Really kinda complicated. I guess I could post it in my journal. Tomorrow. I need to go into emo mode and cry myself to sleep. Maybe. Maybe not. Ugh.... I'll PM you Jeezey. =P

Ok...... :p
I like 'ok whoa' cause I know what's going to happen...but I don't want it to happen...because it's not what is meant to happen...because I should have stopped it from happening...get it?

In other works I effed up, and somebody is going to end up getting hurt...which sucks!
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