The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Hungry and mellow.

Tired and hungry and mellow.

I could go for some vodka, a good movie, a cuddley girl and a long nap.
so ****ing pissed off T_T
JBhifi officially put WAY too much plastic on their cds.
10 minutes to get the first layer of plastic off.
then the next ****ing layer broke the cd case.
am all alone, everyone in teh house has gone out and ima by myself...pooey hehe
hmm feel asleep in teh bath which wasnt such a gd idea either...>.<
Lenneh said:
*slap* you know arnold david fribbs me and well.. you know we al love you =D

I'm.. still burned.. tired.. =/
You know I mean "love" loved ;)
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