The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Ravynlee said:
^ What's up Allie? Hate seeing you like that! You're not your usual effervescent self!
Hmm. Hope things get better for ya real soon ;)

Me - pretty good. Superpsyched. Not quite, but still happy enough. Comfortable. Tired. My butt's gone to sleep. Dang.

thanks rav hun, its just everything at the moment, work is so damn hard, andy is depressed because of work and hes taking it out on me (i know he shouldn't but he doesn't mean to) kids are fighting all the time. its just all kinda getting on top of me at the moment but its weekend and i'm determined to feel better by tomorrow :)

thanks for asking hun, i appreciate it :)
Wow, the hat of happiness! And to think, Matt, you've been keeping it to yourself all this time! Send it over to the middle east for a while I say, may do some good - can't hurt can it?

No prob's Allie. We are all friends here in a sense and I don't like seeing my friends hurt.
I'm glad though that despite it all you have the ability to remain optimistic. That's a definite plus. Hope things pick up for you soon :D

Me - tired and sore but pretty content at the moment. Can't ask for more than that.
Black_Angel said:
I'm good, finally got the new Lostprohets album today!
gooood girl!

aaaandieee youuu goooniee <3
I feel confused :(
heylo matt matt>.<
ermmm...this person on vf...i started talking to them like a couple of days ago and now hes all 'ur so amazing...ive been thinking about yoo and i miss yoo...yoo need to come down and see me...'

so im like 0.o

allieking said:
does keza have a stalker?

i really hope not =/ that would defnatly not be a good thing haha

matt matt..ermm what?
yoor bangers and mash...0.o
thanks haha
rofl...ah right i gets it *feels safe* ^^ woop woop haha

and i cants right now ima watching billy elliot :D
dont be a puff and leave all early k...if yoore not on when i comes on i'll hunt yoo down matt mattly :p
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