The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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^ that sounds like that bit in A Town Called Hypocrisy la la la lalalala la la la lalalala
lol I was trying to write down the "lyrics" of the ending of a song called Olsen Olsen by Sigur rós... :D

haven't heard town called hypocrisy
abit sick
mon dinner is gross
and this is teh nicer bit
i had to flush the other bits away...gawd yueck haha

thats because my tooth is REALLY... REEEAALLLYYY hurting me. Its my wisdom thing.
I'm pretty much annoyed havin the thought that I have to go tow ork
>.< It's so ****in annoying their all my co-workers fuesding and putting me in the middle opf it
pretty soon I'm just gonna report them and get them fired stupid bitches..
im bad because it's 9pm, I haven't done homework today and I got stung by 4 wasps at school today -_-
Just got back from 80's night at the club (okay i like to dance n sing along to cheesey music sometimes, screw being trendy) and im gonna sleep soonish as i have to get up for a 15mile walk tommorow FUN FUN! ¬_¬ why do i sign up for such crap lol.

So yea im happy ^_^
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