The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
I'm bored and I wanna go out but it's chucking it down and I don't wanna get wet lol.
i hate rain!!!! why can't it just stop for a few weeks ffs, we have no summer atall, its just rain, rain ******* rain!!!!!

my eldest daughter just went to school for her review, shes 12 and shes top of the class for everything but maths, thaqt has ade me feel very proud. my other daughters reports were fantastic too!!!!



New member
Pretty good I must say =D Waiting for dinner right now. I finished the chocolate from yesterday... I don't think it's that healthy to consume so many calories like that in 1 day o_0


New member
Like a ****...nothing new...-.-
you feel like a poo? like lying on the bottom of a toilet and floating away to sea?

im sorry, i know its lame i was just trying to cheer you up! forgive me!

im all good! my breath smell like garlic!



New member
i hate rain!!!! why can't it just stop for a few weeks ffs, we have no summer atall, its just rain, rain ******* rain!!!!!

my eldest daughter just went to school for her review, shes 12 and shes top of the class for everything but maths, thaqt has ade me feel very proud. my other daughters reports were fantastic too!!!!
wow congratz

im all good



New member

*I'm liking these new emoticons on here lol. I don't know the shorthands though*

Pah!! In that case, I'd like to say GOODBYE FOREVER. Thanks for all the good times dudette =P



New member
you feel like a poo? like lying on the bottom of a toilet and floating away to sea?

im sorry, i know its lame i was just trying to cheer you up! forgive me!
It's okay, girl...thank you for tryin...And being a poo would be pretty nice actuallly...if you think about it...

Feeling like ****
Ah, you too...good luck...



New member
... ***** =[

Food still isn't ready! It's teh ghey!! I'm really facinated by Last.Fm. It really does log everything I listen to. It's freaky, but I've put it on my Myspace page now. Now everyone will know when I last listened to the High School Musical soundtrack :|



New member
In a word - tired ;)

In more than the above words; Tipsy and queasy in the belly and hungry and thirsty and my *** is in its usual state of numbness from sitting on the floor and cold and sniffly cause of the weather and sore from work but happy I now have two days off (if they dont call me back in again like other week) and content cause I'm talkin to my sis and annoyed my pay is still not in the bank and I cant find the LP single anywhere in the stores here oh and I have a headache... that'll do for this minute ;)



New member
i feel gooooood, big brother is on!!!!!
how dare you pollute your mind with that idocy!!

OMG, im so in love and i wish to shout it from the mountain tops. but seeing as there are no mountin tops available i shalll shout it from here!

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