The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
I'm well annoyed, my "friend" is a **** and my other usually fab ginger friend who I've known for ages keeps asking for ***! hahahh.

Scotty B

New member
i feel ok had an ok first day back at work yesturday but came home to the bedroom being full of smoke and a nasty smell of burning plactic and elecrical smell but yeah this morning not bad at all


New member
I'm well annoyed, my "friend" is a **** and my other usually fab ginger friend who I've known for ages keeps asking for ***! hahahh.
thats the way the world works mdear!

haha, i feel rough i probably look like this too:mad:



New member
my mum is doing my ******* head in again. its like every ******* five minutes she is always calling me.. 'sygy..sygy..SYGY' then its for the most retarded stuff like 'can you pass me the phone' 'can you run my a bath' 'can you get me a glass of water' like NO..'the ******* phone is right next to you, you can make your own bath and if you want some water, you can walk downstairs and get yourself some'.....

Scotty B

New member
no offence but your mum is ******* lazy if my mum was like that when i was at home ide have come down on her like a ton of bricks


New member
how dare you pollute your mind with that idocy!!
OMG, im so in love and i wish to shout it from the mountain tops. but seeing as there are no mountin tops available i shalll shout it from here!

who you in love with?



New member
just came back from the vets with my dog, poor weiner. anyways, there is a really hot new austrailian vet there


New member
i think i'm going to open a caunselor office or whatever for "married" couples :lol:

everybody is asking me for's really funny :D



New member
i want an almond magnum ice cream!!!

i also wouldnt mind some chips and maybe a hot apple pie with cream...and some chocolate with hazelnuts and rasins in them.

i also wouldnt mind some nachos with speciy vegatable...and maybe some siminal cake.



New member
I'm going to the firing range soon so i'm all niffty excited that i getta go shoot **** up with my brother!!!! YAYYYYYYYY

*evil laughter* WHOO!



Active Members
Happy! I actually got to finish my movie last night! One of the best movies ever, and I found out why my friend was being such a *****.
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