The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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Ehhhh :'(I feel like such a heartless *****.

Just like broke up with my boyfriend.. left him a message on msn and then went offline cause I was too scared to see his response *saddd*

But yeah, it had to be done :|
ooohhh, poor you...

hope things get better to you ;)

i'm good



New member
im wet. **** rain, had to shelter in woolworths for half and hour, had to buy crayons to make them stopn giving me dirty looks. -.-


New member
feeling good, went to andys mum and dads for dinner today, was yummy. just waiting for andy to finish on his ps3 then were gonna watch a movie and go to sleep :)

can someone explain me why everyone likes vodka so much? o_O


I feel good ^.^ chillin alone at home waitin for tomorrow to come and then freedom on wednesday ^.^lol



New member
im feeling lethargic, sleepy and completely unbothered about exams coming up, mind you its 1am atm lol

school is so boring...i yearn for uni and abit fo freedom and a lil less pressure,more creativity rather than this nonsense regurgitate bullshit schools make you do!



New member
I'm reet, but scared that people are gonna come to my house later and attempt to drag me to the pub even though I don't want to go cause I have to be up early tomorrow and it'll be a sausage-fest and I'll miss my soaps >.>


New member
feel happy!!!

its my babys birthday tomorrow, she will be 9!!!! feels like yesterday i was in hospital giving birth to her. shes growing up too fast and i want her to stay my baby forever.

were having pancakes for breakfast tomorrow and i'm gonna kiss her to death in the morning.

we got her tickets to see mcfly and an mp3 player!!!



New member
^ **** thats bad, well you can rest now :>

im tired after a big gym session, played alot of squash and my brother won this time GRRRR



New member
I'm reet, but scared that people are gonna come to my house later and attempt to drag me to the pub even though I don't want to go cause I have to be up early tomorrow and it'll be a sausage-fest and I'll miss my soaps >.>
My prediction was correct, Lewis and Matt popped round like an hour ago, I got rid of them though haha.



New member
ahaha, there's no explanation... ahaha.. but dont worry, i'v never got drunk and never will! ahah
btw, it's all g00d
i never got drunk either(lol..)

but yeh vodka is nice

feeling ok today..had a headache almost all day

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