The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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i never got drunk either(lol..)
but yeh vodka is nice

feeling ok today..had a headache almost all day

yeah it's true lol...

aaww, is ur headache finally gone now? i hope so... get well hon *kisses*

i'm good, about to explode but good :D



New member
it was gone when i got home after work, thanks^^

day of today, kinda had the same yesterday because i woke up to late for school

so :clap: 4 days weekend:p

but yeh feeling alright:)



New member
i feel anxious, last exam is in 2 days, then im done with school and friday me and my friends are leaving for a holiday :D

so im actually quite good



New member
my feet hurt, been shopping today because it was my day off, but i wore my boots that have a 3 inch heel on them. *** i wish i would have worn my converse :(
really..what did you guys do?
omg you dutch are watchin too many porns or whatever o_O *is scared*

Tomorrow Atreyu concert, and just ordered tickets together with Untitled for a 30 Seconds To Mars concert in february :)

me also wants to see 30 seconds to mars again :'( so many good concerts next year am i right or am i right? :(

im good :)

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