The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
no such thing as rest when you have 3 daughters, got to wash and dry their uniforms and make their dinners for tomorrow. then i can rest and have a long hot bath :)


New member
drinking everynight isn't good hunni, thats what my mum did and before she knew it she couldn't sleep without a drink. you know you have a problem when you panic when there isn't any alcohol to drink. just be carefull hun.


New member
omg you dutch are watchin too many porns or whatever o_O *is scared*=O

well yeah.. those dutch ppl... lucky ones... and to much ****,

Lol not ****, just untitled´s dirty thoughts haha
thank you all..:p

i feel **** of a night yesterday

got a drumstick from the first band "Engel", the setlist of the 2nd band "Still Remains" and a guitar pick from "Atreyu"

they all played an awesome set

i got the mic 3x in front of my mouth during Atreyu because i was singing along so well:D

and they played my fav song, weeee:p

drinking everynight isn't good hunni, thats what my mum did and before she knew it she couldn't sleep without a drink. you know you have a problem when you panic when there isn't any alcohol to drink. just be carefull hun.
omg i didnt explain myself right...

1-2 drinks a night but I ONLY GO OUT LIKE 1 NIGHT A WEEK!! Not every night!!! Jesus!!

what a misundertanding here!

i never got drunk and i never will.. and i'm not even addicted on achool, like many ppl here.. i just do it for fun, and i know my limits and i know when i got to stop (i never reached my limits though..)

no dear, dont worry bout me, really!! i'm grown up enough to know how dangerous alchool can be..

trust me ok? ;)



New member
woow...I bet you had FUN :D
weeeeee...I'm ok :D
i really did:D, we were in the 1st row^^

linkin_lp_park got to play the dudes guitar:D , they held it above him, and also got a guitar pick of Atreyu

and friends of us also got a drumstick of Atreyu, the setlist of Atreyu and another guitar pick, i consider us really lucky lol:p



New member
i'm feeling HAPPY, CRAZY, GREAT, WONDERFUL, MARVELOUS, FABULOUS, EXCITED, .........coz my Linkin Park is coming to NZ! BOOYAH!:yahoo: :happy: man, I'm just soooooooo:D:yahoo:
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