yeah it does, thankyou!good luck with matt damon... haha :]
I'm full up from tea! =(
hahaha, thanks dear, but I think your good luck message came too later or maybe there is no way to resolve it 'cos I'm so unlucky!! I didnt see Damon..:'( instead of him, I saw a very important politician (he was a minister). he was sitting in front of me, eating with many people around him. He really was very lucky, 'cos If I had had "free way", I'd have thrown to him my dish: he is in the opposite politic band!! But I didnt do it... why? I was hungry and my fish with vegetables was smelling delicious!!
tea? english tea? uaggg, how can you enjoy this??
it's horrible (I'm really sorry for all you who love it... but can you prefer tea than a hot and creamy cappuchino??
Today? Terrible... I had an argue with my home's sergeant (my mum)... dont ask me please whom has won the battle and the most funny fact is I dont know why, 'cos I did all my house's duties (to clean, to wash, to sweep) everthing... she's terrible when she is furious!!! She scare me more than a earthquake