The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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why THE ****!! did i have to eat that onion thing last night, i feel so sick!
Oh, Sygy, my love.... If you continue like this, I think chocolates and onions will be your destruction... please, dont try to eat something that contains chili!! Take care and dont do something... strange (like to cook a mix of Chili, onions and chocolate!!). After all, we've to celebrate your next college (the most wise girl in latin's subject!!) success with a big beer!!! :D :D



New member
Lucky you! I've been up late past few days, and very very exhausted only getting 4-5 hours of sleep a day, -.-;
But anyways I'm still good, everytime I'm tired I'm alwas in a chilled out mood.
I can´t have 4 or 5 hours of sleep, that´s not enough

I need to have atleast 7 or 8, or else the next day I fall asleep in the middle of the day or something :D



New member
finished work 2 hours go so i'm feeling good, day off tomorrow, going to my sisters to see her. can stay up late tonight because no work tomorrow whooohooooo!!!!


New member
Oh, Sygy, my love.... If you continue like this, I think chocolates and onions will be your destruction... please, dont try to eat something that contains chili!! Take care and dont do something... strange (like to cook a mix of Chili, onions and chocolate!!). After all, we've to celebrate your next college (the most wise girl in latin's subject!!) success with a big beer!!! :D :D

i put chocolate in my home made chilli and it tastes yummy!!!!!



New member
omg!!! when will it end?? my cough was a little better this morning, but now i have a headache, blocked nose and sore throat!!!!!!


New member
feel good, just had a long bath so i smell nice :)

going away tomorrow for the weekend so yay!!!

oh and legion if your bored download a free trial of world of warcraft, you will never be bored again!!!!



New member
feel good, just had a long bath so i smell nice :)
going away tomorrow for the weekend so yay!!!

oh and legion if your bored download a free trial of world of warcraft, you will never be bored again!!!!

LMAO once I can find the lid to my mouse, Cause I have my mouse flipped over

and I'm just moving it with my hands right now xD

So I guess you can tell how bored I'am



New member
i have a new job and its much harder then my last, but i love it. i'm kinda run down at the moment so my immune system is kinda week. i'm on vitamins tho so hopefully i should be better soon.

thanks for caring hunny xxxxxx



New member
lol wow your really bored, you sound like my kids, they say "mum i'm bored" they have a gamecube, a DS each, a pc each, a dreamcast and a tv... and they are bored!!!!


New member
lol wow your really bored, you sound like my kids, they say "mum i'm bored" they have a gamecube, a DS each, a pc each, a dreamcast and a tv... and they are bored!!!!
lol well I'm not completely bored my nephew is in town for a while,

He's Visiting so I'm letting him use my T.V. so he could play his PS2

While I stay on here til he's done.



New member
lol wow your really bored, you sound like my kids, they say "mum i'm bored" they have a gamecube, a DS each, a pc each, a dreamcast and a tv... and they are bored!!!!
Lol, maybe they think they don't have enough games on the GC, DS, DC and all.. :p



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thanks guys *huggles* going to get the christmas decorations in a while with my youngest daughter. feeling ill still but its day off!!!


New member
wow, they have more than i ever had, i had non of that stuff.
Yeah i was really happy when i got a tv on my room, and finally the computer on my room, just as mobile phones, i saw kids these days of 5 y.o with mobile phones =/



New member
my arm is ****** up, i think i might need to do something about it... meh too lazy, it'l heal itself.
haha thats the spirit

im lazy, just chillin here doing less than nothing. But im gonne get my *** to the trampoline and get some exercise :>



New member
they don't have tv's in their room, i dont agree with it. they hve 2 familys too, me and their dad are divorced.
I didn't have a tv in my room before i was 12 i think, but yeah i could see why you wouldn't like it, then they would be in their room all day, and with the 2 family's, it's important they go out of the door



New member
had a fun day

just got home, dropped a friend of at home..1,5 hours away by subway/bus

than all the way back

ah well at least i know she got home safe:)

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