The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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i feel well gassy, and i have to go out for breakfast tommorrow. >.< im exploding and eatin till im sick, what gives?


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had a fun day
just got home, dropped a friend of at home..1,5 hours away by subway/bus

than all the way back

ah well at least i know she got home safe:)
Awww isn´t that cute :D

Tomorrow christmaslunch at school, little bit early but who cares, it´s food :D



New member
sygy, tell your brain to tell your stomache to stop eating!!!! your gonna end up ill.

i'm hot and i can't sleep, went to sleep at 11.30pm and now i'm awake again at 1.35am.



New member

we ran out of gloves at work so now i have dye stained hands from doing colours all day.

there fully all black, no joke its gonna take 2 weeks to fade.

stupid hairdressing



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i actually cant take this! he's making my life a living **** and tellingppl i did stuff which i didnt!


New member
Omg I tried some chili chocolate icecream today.. it was the weirdest thing ever!

Oh and I'm bored also :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: ... OMG and I think I was worse than a bomb-car in the kitchen with my cooking experiments....have you tried a pureé with coke and biscuits? (if you dont have biscuits, use just bread!!!) It's quite nice but my "speciality" is eggs... yes, just eggs. You just only need to break an egg and drink it!! YUMMMY... but I dont drink them very often 'cos it's not healthy....:'(



New member
Poor Sygy :( well hope it get's better for you.

I'm a bit tired, irritated parents are always agueing and taking it out on me after.

I'm cold, getting a sore throat. my bones start to ache (Fever Comming on)

and I feel a headache comming on.

but under it all I'm happy.



New member
:lol: :lol: :lol: ... OMG and I think I was worse than a bomb-car in the kitchen with my cooking experiments....have you tried a pureé with coke and biscuits? (if you dont have biscuits, use just bread!!!) It's quite nice but my "speciality" is eggs... yes, just eggs. You just only need to break an egg and drink it!! YUMMMY... but I dont drink them very often 'cos it's not healthy....:'(
Ohhh my mum used to drink raw eggs when she was a child, her mum used to tell her it was good for her and would make her feel better when she was ill hahah. Sounds yukky to me, if I'm gonna eat raw eggs gimme some uncooked cake mix <3



New member
I´m good :) It´s cold outside but the weather is beautiful
it ain't cold, it's still like 5 degrees, everyone is like: oooh it's so cold

i still walk around in my t-shirt only:rofl:

ah well feeling good, lots of hw to do though



New member
baaaaah I hate school >_< ... I just finished with maths..and now I have to study slovene, economy and italian.... >_> I don't want to!!! >_<
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