The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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^huh, you've done what?

ive injured myself. i was walking down the stairs and the cat suddenly decided that 'wow, now would be a nice time to attack sygy's feet as she is going down the stairs'

basically, i tripped down my stairs, bc of that bum-boy of a cat.
My tonsils have swollen well loads and are all red and gay and I can't eat anything except yoghurt and mashed potato but they still hurt meee =[
School was crap too.
Yeah Alison's in a bad mood.
Feeling quite crap; my aunts in hospital due to a kidney/heart failure...I saw her today and that might be the last time I ever see her too :(
I am happy! Yes I AM! Life is great, I have kick ass friends whom I love so much, my kick ass friends love me too and happen to be in a brilliant mood so that makes me even happier! I took up writing (bless ya sista you and your encouragement mmmuuuaaaahhh! <3 <3 <3) and it's going great too, I'm inspired, I'm creative, I'm well paid, I'm loved I just am...yeah i'm SUPER! :D :D :D
I think I am getting worse.. It feels like my throat is closing up from coughing so much..
I think I am getting worse.. It feels like my throat is closing up from coughing so much..
Hergh I think we have the same illness.... It's not nice :(

I managed to convince my mum that I was ill enough to stay off school today.
Which I was.
yeah Alison = still in a bad mood.
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