The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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New member
I'm alright. I'm still coughing and spluttering but the fevers, vomiting and persistant headaches have stopped. I'm more happy about the fact that I am getting my sixth piercing tomorrow!!


New member
Thankies Justin ^^ I hope you remain in that good mood of yours.

grr I hate it when my fav piercing palour is out of needles, and when another one has disconnected their phone service and the other one isn't even picking up! I have to drag my sorry *** down to those places on foot and book an appointment in person.

edit. I'm annoyed !!!! Just found out that I can't get my piercing because a) I'm sick b) Cos I'm sick I wouldn't be able to fight off an infection. ERRGHHH !!!



New member
Still a bit sore in the chest, a lot actually, but had to go to work because I'm not entitled to sick days so can't pay the rent otherwise. Sucks. But oh well... aside from that am okay. Downloading and it's taking FOREVER and I have absolutely NO patience for anything (except writing maybe) - so yeah... all in all good, all things considered. Just *******' really. haha


New member
I'm confused as to where and when my work do is, since no one tells me anything! I think it's tonight.. but I have work tonight.. ahh! :/


New member
had fun the last few of my best friends came over..i loved spending time with her

also went to a little gig from a new band..singer had an amazing voice



New member
I'm confused as to where and when my work do is, since no one tells me anything! I think it's tonight.. but I have work tonight.. ahh! :/
Sorted it now!

I'm so excited... there SHALL be free beer... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! :D :D :D



New member
Can't believe it, ending up in the emergency room on my bday :( but nevertheless, all's good and I need sleep, gonna get ready for my biggg party tonight at the pub. ^^


New member
I am depressed..sick? Nah not me never..

Now i am on AD-s...sad.

But true.

LP songs..kind of understand me..

Love u LP..what would i do whitout u..



New member
Can't believe it, ending up in the emergency room on my bday :( but nevertheless, all's good and I need sleep, gonna get ready for my biggg party tonight at the pub. ^^
?? elaborate further pls



New member
I had severe pains and my coughing fits became uncontrollable so my friends and I waited in the emergency room until 3 am only to be cleared and they didn't even ******* tell me what was wrong with me. Nevertheless, PAARRTTTYYYY. I promised I wouldn't get drunk....let's see if I live up to this.


New member
I have to drop a dookie and need to take a shower (just got home from work)

Other than that I am good kinda *****...

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